1998 MSA Foundation Provisions
Truth Initiative Foundation governing provisions
The 1998 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) was a landmark agreement between the four largest U.S. tobacco companies (Philip Morris, R. J. Reynolds, Brown & Williamson, and Lorillard) and 46 states. The MSA resolved lawsuits brought by the states against the tobacco companies to recover billions in healthcare costs associated with treating smoking-related illnesses and diseases.
A key provision of the MSA was the establishment of a national foundation dedicated to achieving a culture where youth and young adults reject tobacco. A 501(c)(3) non-profit incorporated in Delaware as on March 5, 1999, American Legacy Foundation changed its name on September 8, 2015 to Truth Initiative Foundation. Below are the MSA provisions establishing the foundation, discussing initial funding, and detailing its authorized functions and activities.
VI. Establishment of a National Foundation
(a) Foundation Purposes. The Settling States believe that a comprehensive, coordinated program of public education and study is important to further the remedial goals of this Agreement. Accordingly, as part of the settlement of claims described herein, the payments specified in subsections VI(b), VI(c), and IX(e) shall be made to a charitable foundation, trust or similar organization (the "Foundation") and/or to a program to be operated within the Foundation (the "National Public Education Fund"). The purposes of the Foundation will be to support (1) the study of and programs to reduce Youth Tobacco Product usage and Youth substance abuse in the States, and (2) the study of and educational programs to prevent diseases associated with the use of Tobacco Products in the States.
(b) Base Foundation Payments. On March 31, 1999, and on March 31 of each subsequent year for a period of nine years thereafter, each Original Participating Manufacturer shall severally pay its Relative Market Share of $25,000,000 to fund the Foundation. The payments to be made by each of the Original Participating Manufacturers pursuant to this subsection (b) shall be subject to no adjustments, reductions, or offsets, and shall be paid to the Escrow Agent (to be credited to the Subsection VI(b) Account), who shall disburse such payments to the Foundation only upon the occurrence of State-Specific Finality in at least one Settling State.
(c) National Public Education Fund Payments.
(1) Each Original Participating Manufacturer shall severally pay its Relative Market Share of the following base amounts on the following dates to the Escrow Agent for the benefit of the Foundation's National Public Education Fund to be used for the purposes and as described in subsections VI(f)(1), VI(g) and VI(h) below: $250,000,000 on March 31, 1999; $300,000,000 on March 31, 2000; $300,000,000 on March 31, 2001; $300,000,000 on March 31, 2002; and $300,000,000 on March 31, 2003, as such amounts are modified in accordance with this subsection (c). The payment due on March 31, 1999 pursuant to this subsection (c)(1) is to be credited to the Subsection VI(c) Account (First). The payments due on or after March 31, 2000 pursuant to this subsection VI(c)(1) are to be credited to the Subsection VI(c) Account (Subsequent).
(2) The payments to be made by the Original Participating Manufacturers pursuant to this subsection (c), other than the payment due on March 31, 1999, shall be subject to the Inflation Adjustment, the Volume Adjustment and the offset for miscalculated or disputed payments described in subsection XI(i).
(3) The payment made pursuant to this subsection (c) on March 31, 1999 shall be disbursed by the Escrow Agent to the Foundation only upon the occurrence of StateSpecific Finality in at least one Settling State. Each remaining payment pursuant to this subsection (c) shall be disbursed by the Escrow Agent to the Foundation only when State-Specific Finality has occurred in Settling States having aggregate Allocable Shares equal to at least 80% of the total aggregate Allocable Shares assigned to all States that were Settling States as of the MSA Execution Date.
(4) In addition to the payments made pursuant to this subsection (c), the National Public Education Fund will be funded (A) in accordance with subsection IX(e), and (B) through monies contributed by other entities directly to the Foundation and designated for the National Public Education Fund ("National Public Education Fund Contributions").
(5) The payments made by the Original Participating Manufacturers pursuant to this subsection (c) and/or subsection IX(e) and monies received from all National Public Education Fund Contributions will be deposited and invested in accordance with the laws of the state of incorporation of the Foundation.
(d) Creation and Organization of the Foundation. NAAG, through its executive committee, will provide for the creation of the Foundation. The Foundation shall be organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3). The organizational documents of the Foundation shall specifically incorporate the provisions of this Agreement relating to the Foundation, and will provide for payment of the Foundation's administrative expenses from the funds paid pursuant to subsection VI(b) or VI(c). The Foundation shall be governed by a board of directors. The board of directors shall be comprised of eleven directors. NAAG, the National Governors' Association ("NGA"), and the National Conference of State Legislatures ("NCSL") shall each select from its membership two directors. These six directors shall select the five additional directors. One of these five additional directors shall have expertise in public health issues. Four of these five additional directors shall have expertise in medical, child psychology, or public health disciplines. The board of directors shall be nationally geographically diverse.
(e) Foundation Affiliation. The Foundation shall be formally affiliated with an educational or medical institution selected by the board of directors.
(f) Foundation Functions. The functions of the Foundation shall be:
(1) carrying out a nationwide sustained advertising and education program to (A) counter the use by Youth of Tobacco Products, and (B) educate consumers about the cause and prevention of diseases associated with the use of Tobacco Products;
(2) developing and disseminating model advertising and education programs to counter the use by Youth of substances that are unlawful for use or purchase by Youth, with an emphasis on reducing Youth smoking; monitoring and testing the effectiveness of such model programs; and, based on the information received from such monitoring and testing, continuing to develop and disseminate revised versions of such model programs, as appropriate;
(3) developing and disseminating model classroom education programs and curriculum ideas about smoking and substance abuse in the K-12 school system, including specific target programs for special at-risk populations; monitoring and testing the effectiveness of such model programs and ideas; and, based on the information received from such monitoring and testing, continuing to develop and disseminate revised versions of such model programs or ideas, as appropriate;
(4) developing and disseminating criteria for effective cessation programs; monitoring and testing the effectiveness of such criteria; and continuing to develop and disseminate revised versions of such criteria, as appropriate;
(5) commissioning studies, funding research, and publishing reports on factors that influence Youth smoking and substance abuse and developing strategies to address the conclusions of such studies and research;
(6) developing other innovative Youth smoking and substance abuse prevention programs;
(7) providing targeted training and information for parents;
(8) maintaining a library open to the public of Foundation-funded studies, reports and other publications related to the cause and prevention of Youth smoking and substance abuse;
(9) tracking and monitoring Youth smoking and substance abuse, with a focus on the reasons for any increases or failures to decrease Youth smoking and substance abuse and what actions can be taken to reduce Youth smoking and substance abuse;
(10) receiving, controlling, and managing contributions from other entities to further the purposes described in this Agreement; and
(11) receiving, controlling, and managing such funds paid by the Participating Manufacturers pursuant to subsections VI(b) and VI(c) above.
(g) Foundation Grant-Making. The Foundation is authorized to make grants from the National Public Education Fund to Settling States and their political subdivisions to carry out sustained advertising and education programs to (1) counter the use by Youth of Tobacco Products, and (2) educate consumers about the cause and prevention of diseases associated with the use of Tobacco Products. In making such grants, the Foundation shall consider whether the Settling State or political subdivision applying for such grant:
(1) demonstrates the extent of the problem regarding Youth smoking in such Settling State or political subdivision;
(2) either seeks the grant to implement a model program developed by the Foundation or provides the Foundation with a specific plan for such applicant's intended use of the grant monies, including demonstrating such applicant's ability to develop an effective advertising/education campaign and to assess the effectiveness of such advertising/education campaign;
(3) has other funds readily available to carry out a sustained advertising and education program to (A) counter the use by Youth of Tobacco Products, and (B) educate consumers about the cause and prevention of diseases associated with the use of Tobacco Products; and
(4) is a Settling State that has not severed this section VI from its settlement with the Participating Manufacturers pursuant to subsection VI(i) below, or is a political subdivision in such a Settling State.
(h) Foundation Activities. The Foundation shall not engage in, nor shall any of the Foundation's money be used to engage in, any political activities or lobbying, including, but not limited to, support of or opposition to candidates, ballot initiatives, referenda or other similar activities. The National Public Education Fund shall be used only for public education and advertising regarding the addictiveness, health effects, and social costs related to the use of tobacco products and shall not be used for any personal attack on, or vilification of, any person (whether by name or business affiliation), company, or governmental agency, whether individually or collectively. The Foundation shall work to ensure that its activities are carried out in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. The Foundation's activities (including the National Public Education Fund) shall be carried out solely within the States. The payments described in subsections VI(b) and VI(c) above are made at the direction and on behalf of Settling States. By making such payments in such manner, the Participating Manufacturers do not undertake and expressly disclaim any responsibility with respect to the creation, operation, liabilities, or tax status of the Foundation or the National Public Education Fund.
(i) Severance of this Section. If the Attorney General of a Settling State determines that such Settling State may not lawfully enter into this section VI as a matter of applicable state law, such Attorney General may sever this section VI from its settlement with the Participating Manufacturers by giving written notice of such severance to each Participating Manufacturer and NAAG pursuant to subsection XVIII(k) hereof. If any Settling State exercises its right to sever this section VI, this section VI shall not be considered a part of the specific settlement between such Settling State and the Participating Manufacturers, and this section VI shall not be enforceable by or in such Settling State. The payment obligation of subsections VI(b) and VI(c) hereof shall apply regardless of a determination by one or more Settling States to sever section VI hereof; provided, however, that if all Settling States sever section VI hereof, the payment obligations of subsections (b) and (c) hereof shall be null and void. If the Attorney General of a Settling State that severed this section VI subsequently determines that such Settling State may lawfully enter into this section VI as a matter of applicable state law, such Attorney General may rescind such Settling State's previous severance of this section VI by giving written notice of such rescission to each Participating Manufacturer and NAAG pursuant to subsection XVIII(k). If any Settling State rescinds such severance, this section VI shall be considered a part of the specific settlement between such Settling State and the Participating Manufacturers (including for purposes of subsection (g)(4)), and this section VI shall be enforceable by and in such Settling State.
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