in oN Noni
Antigoni (Noni) Glykos
Born on March 13, 1966
December 27, 1996

The dreams of a bride
Employment: a guide for Scandinavian tourists in Greece
Person Most Admired: her mother
Favorite Movie: Out of Africa
Passion: ancient history
Biggest Concern: being good at motherhood
Favorite Food: great Greek fish dishes
She was crazy about Christmas and loved decorating the house!
Favorite Colors: blue, black & white
Activity: Noni loved to travel
Favorite Song: Don't Pay the Ferryman
Favorite Drink: ice coffee frappe
Favorite Musician: Richard Claiderman (pianist)
December 1998

Presents under the tree and a special gift in me!
December 18, 1998: Noni's son is born
December 25, 1998

The best Christmas ever!
February 10, 1999:
Noni is diagnosed with lung cancer.
Noni is diagnosed with lung cancer.
February 13, 1999:
She is told she has less than nine months to live.
She is told she has less than nine months to live.
February 14, 1999:
Noni learns that her lung cancer has spread to her brain and kidneys.
Noni learns that her lung cancer has spread to her brain and kidneys.
March 13, 1999
Video of Noni's courage & concern as she speaks at her final birthday.

Her face is swollen as a tumor blocks blood flow back to her heart.
Video of Noni's courage & concern as she speaks at her final birthday.

Her face is swollen as a tumor blocks blood flow back to her heart.
March 16, 1999
A new mother's pride
June 20, 1999
Noni died on June 24, 1999
Age 33 Years, 3 Months, 11 Days
A victim of small cell lung
cancer & Camel cigarettes
cancer & Camel cigarettes
"Pleasure to Burn"
"Pleasure that Burns?"
"Pleasure that Burns?"
Noni started smoking
cigarettes at age 14
cigarettes at age 14
December 18, 1999

Noni's son's first birthday
Her dream of her and her husband
building their own home died with her ...
building their own home died with her ...
... as did her dream of
having at least two children ...
having at least two children ...
... as did all her other dreams ...
... and many of the dreams
of those who loved her.
of those who loved her.
April 1, 2006
Hello everybody,
My name is John and I am Noni's brother. I live in Athens, Greece and I am also an ex-smoker who quit 5 years and 350 days ago. On the 16th of April it will be 6 full years and 2006 will mark the 7th year without my sister in our lives.
Believe it or not, there is not a day that goes by without me thinking of her and the fact that she died so young. She would have been 40 this past 13th of March and for sure she would have been angry because she always wanted to stay young.
I hope that she can "see" the impact of her life upon all of you. More than 2,000 messages the past 18 months alone! Most of them are related to quitting this nasty addiction that each year takes away so many! It is really hard to handle all the love and the emotions that you are "sending" through your messages but I save them so my children and most of all Noni's son will read them when they grow up.
Many times you make me cry, not because I feel sad but because you make me feel so proud about my sister's life and so lucky because I had her for 29 years in my life.
Thank you all on behalf of Noni.
God bless you,
John Glykos & Family
Athens, Greece
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Page created 2001 and reformatted 02/25/22 by John R. Polito