"Wish I'd never smoked the first one"
Megan is from Athens Georgia. She thinks she may have been trying to rebel just a bit when at age 14 she smoked that first cigarette. Instead, Megan would spend the next 14 years -- half of her entire life -- as nicotine's slave. She has tried breaking free four times, including using the nicotine patch and hypnosis. As you can see, each attempt ended the same.
The above photo is owned and was taken by John R. Polito on June 09, 2005. Megan has consented to her photo's use in association with any not-for-profit non-commercial youth smoking prevention or cessation education effort, which John R. Polito agrees to as well, so long as the photo's use is accompanied by accrediation to WhyQuit.com. Link to higher resolution version.

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