Freedom's "The Law of Addiction" thread
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Activily supporting new cold turkey quitters from 1999 to 2016, Freedom was WhyQuit's original support group. This page is a restored reproduction of a key Freedom thread. If quitting cold turkey and seeking support, visit Turkeyville, Freedom's successor.
#01 | 23 Aug 2003 | FreedomNicotine

The Law of Addiction
The Law defined"Administration of a drug to an addict will cause
re-establishment of chemical dependence
upon the addictive substance."
The Law reflected in studies
The Law of Addiction (original 1988 article)
The Law of Addiction (video)
Origin of the concepts of the Law of Addiction (video)
Criteria of addiction (video)
"Don't let a slip put you back to using"? (video)
"Should I reset my quit meter?" (video)
"Just one little puff?"
"Just one little puff?" (video)
The one puff files
Never take another puff!
#02 | 2008 | FreedomNicotine
Other related videos:
Nicotine is nicotine is nicotine
The Freedom from Nicotine support board's zero tolerance relapse policy

Predictors of smoking relapse among self-quitters: a report from the Normative Aging Study.
Journal: Addictive Behavior 1992, Volume 17(4), Pages 367-377.Authors: Garvey AJ, Bliss RE, Hitchcock JL, Heinold JW, Rosner B.
SourceVeterans Administration Medical Center, Boston, MA.
Erratum in Addictive Behaviors 1992 Sep-Oct;17(5):513.
We followed 235 adults for one year after a self-initiated attempt to stop smoking cigarettes. Relapse rates were much larger than expected in the early days and weeks after the quit attempt. Approximately 62% had relapsed by 2 weeks after their quit dates.
Those who smoked any cigarettes at all in the post-cessation period (i.e., lapsed) had a 95% probability of resuming their regular pattern of smoking subsequently. Shorter periods of abstinence on prior quit attempts, greater pre-cessation consumption of alcoholic beverages, and lower pre-cessation levels of confidence in quitting were related to relapse.
In addition, abstainers who reported decreased confidence after cessation concerning their ability to maintain abstinence were more likely to relapse thereafter. The presence of a greater proportion of smokers in the subjects' environment also increased the likelihood of relapse. Demographic variables such as age, gender, and education level did not predict relapse. Likewise, neither baseline psychosocial stress levels, nor post-cessation increases in stress were related prospectively to relapse. Clinical implications of finding are discussed.
PMID:1502970[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
PubMed Link:
#03 | 20 Mar 2009 | Ouija
Being quit for a significant amount of time now, I have forgotten some of the particulars of my early quit. However I still faithfully obey the Law of Addiction by never ingesting nicotine. Though happy as a former smoker I know better than to get too complacent. It's not often, but on the rare occasion when cigarettes do come to mind I'm sure to remind myself how One Equals All. Remembering this and recalling my quitting difficulties keeps my silly curiosities about smoking from going any further. Education really pays off.Education isn't just reading Joel's articles alone. Its about connecting with people too. Someone I will never forget is Kim. I was here when she lost her battle with cancer. Her struggle taught me to never take my quit for granted. I learned that quitting isn't just fun and games; this is serious business. Our lives are at stake.
There's a reason Freedom requires us to learn the Law of Addiction, because knowing it will not only save your quit early on it will save it and your life long term as well. If I forget everything else on this forum I will always remember that to stay free from nicotine all I ever have to do is Never Take Another Puff.
Keeping the Law of Addiction close at heart,
My name is Tony, and I am a nicotine addict and a proud nonsmoker. I have stopped using nicotine for 5 years, 5 months, 9 days, 20 hours, 4 minutes and 52 seconds (1987 days). I've not smoked 89453 cigarettes, have saved $19,435.00, and added 310 days, 14 hours and 23 minutes to my life.
Ouija (Gold) / Nicotine Free Since 2003
One Puff Away From Two Packs A Day
Never Take Another Puff
No Nicotine Today!
#04 | 21 Mar 2009 | Dionne
Good early morn Tony: you wrote a wonderful letter, it was good to read even being the believer I am.
I'm also into a long time quit and wouldn't consider the ridiculous notion of putting burning material to my mouth or any addictive chemical into my body. The thought is soooo stupid it pales all others.
So anyway just thought I'd tell I like the entire thread.
You were read today in Kauai while waiting for the dawn so I could lace up my running shoes and get on down the road. I had my 68th birthday a few days ago and I assure you I would not be running nor probably alive if I hadn't quit over 8 years ago. I hadn't run in almost a year when I found the courage to step up to Freedom.
Yours, Dionne
#05 | 22 May 2009 | dixieanny
WOW! I certainly put this in my new Favorites folder for Freedom From Nicotine. Thanks alot!Ann - Free and Healing for Eleven Days and 44 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 1 Day and 12 Hours, by avoiding the use of 441 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $128.02.
#06 | 25 May 2009 | FreedomNicotine

Related videos:
Addiction - the Surgeon General says …
Criteria of addiction
The power of nicotine addiction
Were you addicted?
"What should I call myself?"
Criteria of addiction
The power of nicotine addiction
Were you addicted?
"What should I call myself?"
#07 | 26 May 2009 | Jenni
This is really good stuff here to take in, absorb, and apply to my life. I've been quit a little over a month now and it's easier but it's still a part of me as far as I will always be an addict but I know I can't take not one puff or I'll destroy all I've worked for and accomplished. Besides it's a stupid thing to do to my body. I used to think I deserved a cig now I know I don't deserve a cig and/or nicotine in any form. It has no positive effects or outcomes only if I am addicted then it will feel good to feed the addiction but then I am not in control, it is controlling me.I'm not going to let cigs, nicotine or smoke rule my life, take my breath, take my health, take my life. I'm never going to take another puff, not today if it comes down to it I'll just get through this day and do the same thing tommorow. Thanks for the article it's the positive reinforcement I need instead of negative reinforcement that used to be provided by cigs YYYYYYYYYYYUCK! NTAP (((hugz)))
#08 | 27 May 2009 | dixieanny
I agree so much, Jenni! I could visualize you with your arms up hooraying that message you just wrote. Thank you.

#09 | 10 June 2009 | John
If you think that one hit of nicotine won't cause your brain to
see using it again as important as eating food, forget it!
If you think that one hit of nicotine will not soon cause
your brain to beg for more, forget it!!
Our brain's reward and punishment circuitry was designed
to make sure that species survival events are not ignored.
Drug addiction is about external chemicals taking these pathways hostage.
Although our dopamine high is accompanied by alert
stimulation instead of numbness, euphoria, speed or
drunkeness, we are true drug addicts in every sense.
We can't kill our addiction. We can only arrest it.
Once hooked, the only remaining question is, on which
side of the bars will we spend the balance of life?
Just one rule ... no nicotine today!
see using it again as important as eating food, forget it!

If you think that one hit of nicotine will not soon cause
your brain to beg for more, forget it!!

Our brain's reward and punishment circuitry was designed
to make sure that species survival events are not ignored.
Drug addiction is about external chemicals taking these pathways hostage.

Although our dopamine high is accompanied by alert
stimulation instead of numbness, euphoria, speed or
drunkeness, we are true drug addicts in every sense.
We can't kill our addiction. We can only arrest it.
Once hooked, the only remaining question is, on which
side of the bars will we spend the balance of life?
Just one rule ... no nicotine today!
#10 | 30 Juine 2009 | John
Experimental model of smoking re-exposure: effects on relapse.
Psychopharmacology (Berlin). 1992; Volume 108(4), Pages 495-500.Authors: Chornock WM, Stitzer ML, Gross J, Leischow S.
Source: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Francis Scott Key Medical Center, Baltimore, MD 21224.
This study used a short-term laboratory model of smoking cessation and relapse to prospectively examine the effects of programmed self-administered smoking re-exposure during early abstinence.
Sixty-seven subjects who had quit smoking for 3 days were randomly assigned either to smoke five cigarettes in their natural environment or to remain abstinent during the exposure period. The main hypothesis, that relapse to regular smoking would be quicker and more prevalent in exposed subjects, was supported.
All exposed subjects had relapsed by 2 days post-exposure while 16% of unexposed subjects remained continuously abstinent throughout the 8 day study.
This behavioral effect was seen in spite of acute decreases in reported desire to smoke and increases in guilt measured just after exposure. The study supports a role for stimulus re-exposure effects in the relapse process and suggests that additional research on experimental re-exposure is warranted.
PMID:1410165[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
PubMed Link:
There was always only one rule
... no nicotine today!

The next few minutes are all that matter
... and each is doable!
... no nicotine today!

The next few minutes are all that matter
... and each is doable!
#11 | 24 July 2009 | FreedomNicotine

We may think that we can get away with just one, just once but
within 8 to 10 seconds of that first puff up to 50% of the brain's
a4b2-type nicotinic receptors will become occupied by nicotine,
creating a dopamine "aaah" sensation that our mind's priorities
teacher will record in high definition memory. We may walk
away thinking we've gotten away with just one, just once but
our brain will soon be begging for more! There's only one rule ...
No Nicotine Today!
#12 | 16 Aug 2009 | bquit
Hi to everyone,well I think I finally quit smoking for good this time. I started when I was around 13 and am now 50. I have tried to quit numerous times before but deep down I did'nt want to. I got a scare a few weeks ago, bad sharp pains and a very heavy feeling in my chest. I went to the doctor convinced I had cancer but he did'nt seem concerned after examining me. I asked for a chest ex-ray just to be sure, I havent heard back yet which means good news. I quit the next day and although it has been tough at times I read and read on here and that helps. I have been quit for 14 days at noon today.Knowledge is a Quitting Method
Page created January 20, 2018 and last updated on January 22, 2018 by John R. Polito