The Obituary Guestbook of Deborah C. Scott, Deceased |
SPRING LAKE, NC - Ms. Deborah Christine Scott, 39, of Spring Lake, died Thursday, June 4, 2009, in Carrol S. Robeson Hospice Center. Services: Memorial, 5 p.m. Monday in Gourd Springs Baptist Church. Survived by: Daughters, Ariana Bull and Amanda; brother, David; and sister, Amanda. Adcock Funeral Home of Spring Lake.
November 07, 2011: I ran across your journal on WhyQuit. Today is my first day (cold turkey) in my journey. I have quit several times before and picked the habit back up as quick as I developed it. I read your story and could see myself as you and it scared me. I will never smoke another day in my life. I really have you to thank for that and my kids will thank you when they read your story too. Thank you so much!!
~ Lisa Shavers, Columbus, Ohio
November 05, 2011: May God Bless you and your family so much for sharing your pain and suffering so that others might quit and have a better life. What a Beautiful person you are and will be for eternity.
~ B. Grassick, Ral., North Carolina
November 02, 2011: While searching the web for cancer related articles for the Great American Smokout I Stumbled on your journal. I saw what year it was started and quickly scrolled to the bottom to see your latest entire. Needless to say, but I was years behind. I pray that your in heaven smiling down on us all.
With Love
Stephen P
~ Stephen Payne, Nacogdoches, Texas
October 15, 2011
I stumbled upon your journal, in hopes of helping a sick friend. I read, cried and cheered you on the small triumphs you were able to concede. I am 41, a mom to 5 and I have smoked for 30 years. Today, I am going to quit! Your story hit the core of my heart. Thank you for your life and fight. God bless you and your family always!
~ jo donohue, oshawa, Ont. Canada, Ontario
October 10, 2011:
Dear Debbie,
You continue to inspire me and give me hope to live a healthy life. Thank you.
~ Sandra Smith, Rio Rancho, New Mexico
October 05, 2011: Deborah, thank you for being an inspiration and constant source of strength. RIP
~ Helena Gj., Juneau, Alaska
September 28, 2011: Thank you for giving us all the strength to quit once and for all.
~ Brendan C, Sydney, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
September 23, 2011: Blessed is your soul in paradise
Terrence Glover ~ Terrence Glover, Tarzana, California
September 22, 2011: I stumbled on Deb's story by accident on December 3 2007. Deb's story gave me the strength to quit cold turkey that very day. After 27 years of smoking, I haven't taken a single puff in nearly 4 years. Deb is truly my hero. RIP
~ Terri Buckles, Jacksonville, Arkansas
September 21, 2011: My mother died of small cell lung cancer at age 50. She was dx at age 48. I WAS DX WITH HODGKIN"S LYMPHOMA ON 08-28-2011 at age 31. I recently stopped smoking and want you to know that you have been an inspiration for me not to start smoking again. Like you, I thought I had plenty of time to stop smoking. My cancer is curable unlike small cell. Reading another young person's story, has made me see that cancer comes at any age. Thank you so much for warning me that small cell can take my life as it did yours and allowing me to realize smoking is not worth it.
~ Farandia McInturf, Lexington, Kentucky
August 15, 2011: Thank you for saving my life 2 and may god take care of you.
~ Yanni Ch
August 10, 2011: Deborah, we never knew each other but you helped save my life. I am an ex smoker now for six months- an ex-smoker- in large part because you were brave enough to tell your story to people like me. Thank you Deborah C. Scott.
~ William Nixon, Centereach, New York
July 30, 2011
~ sarah ramirez, stockton, California
July 13, 2011: I was able to quit smoking in November of 2010:after 15 years with the biggest help coming from these journals! I'm not sure why this time it has been so easy to quit, but I give real credit to putting the details of struggling with cancer "out there". Instead of just a vague threat of illness and death. I cried as I read these entries last year, and I have tears in my eyes now...BUT I'VE QUIT! THANK YOU!
~ Ali, Martinez, California
July 07, 2011: Amanda and family, I have been soooo moved by your Mom's journal. I quit smoking 6 weeks ago and was looking online for "quit" stories to keep me going strong without smoking. I can tell how much she loved you and your sister (and family). Thank you for continuing to share. I know your Mom is looking down upon you from heaven.
~ tara, Indiana
June 14, 2011: Amanda, you have shared a most heart-wrenching story and my heart goes out to you, girl. I have quit smoking. Anyone can do it. For the love of your mom, gently urge anyone you know and love who smokes to read your story. God bless you and keep you in your journey.
~ Sylvia Elias, Fernie, British Columbia
June 03, 2011: This is Deborah's oldest daughter Amanda and I just wanted to say how much this touched my heart that her online journal is still helping people to this day. Tomorrow will be two years since her passing and although it hurts just as much as when it happened I'm glad to see her inspiration continuing on. Thank you so much and I hope you all continue on your mission to quit smoking. I hope one day I can find the strength to do it myself. God bless you all and mom I love and miss you with all my heart.
~ Amanda Scott, FAYETTEVILLE, North Carolina
May 27, 2011: Thank you for sharing your story...I keep reading this website whyquit to make sure I don't take just one puff....it's day 10 for me now after 23 years of smoking. I am 39 too. Danielle Green (Atlanta, GA)
~ Danielle Green, Atlanta, Georgia
May 26, 2011: Deb - I've quit for over 3 years now - your story on whyquit is keeping me strong now and I thank you.Keep watching out for us all.
May 16, 2011: i met her on whyquit and myspace and now i still share her story on facebook! i have not smoked for over 6 years now. i corresponded with her some on myspace back then. blessings to the family.
~ teresa, Texas
May 16, 2011: Though it has been a couple of years since Deborah's passing, she still continues to inspire. I read Deb's blog and was humbled and encouraged to keep up my fight with nicotine. Third day so far. So many times I have quit and failed. Some quits lasted for a year or two. Most only a few days. Reading Deb's story really brought home the fact that her story could be mine. I pray it won't be, but I have a long history of smoking. I really don't want Deb's death to be in vain, I know she wrote her blog to help other smokers. So again, I commit to not taking even one puff of a cigarette again. Because of you, Deb. God Bless Deb's family if they check this Guest Book still. Your mom, sister, friend, was a true and beautiful inspiration and she has saved more lives than you will ever know.
~ Christine, Oakley, California
May 15, 2011: Rip Deb your story really touched my heart. My mother also passed away at the young age of 39 from smoking. I was young at the time but now that I am older after reading your heroic story that you and my mother walked the same path to the eternal heavens. You will not be forgotten . I wish your family and friends all the strength in the world to get through this. Just remember she is at peace now and is looking down at you from the heavens above smiling
~ Ken R, Wilkes-barre, Pennsylvania
May 11, 2011: Deb, you have encouraged me to stay quit.
~ Alicia Simon, Chandler, Arizona
May 09, 2011: Ty Deb, I have tried to quit in the past and like always it never worked. I have smoked for 12 years now. I read your story and u have inspired me to quit. I never really new or cared of how devastating the effect of smoking are. TY, for opening my eyes and giving me a second chance to be there for the ones who are important to me. God bless u and your family.
~ Marla, Fayetteville, North Carolina
April 30, 2011: I'm 54, male and have smoked for 36 years. I came down with the flu, wheezing in my lungs woke me up gasping for air. This happened twice during the night. I have tried to quit several times in my 36 years of smoking. I smoked my last cigarette on April 21st 2011. When I get cravings I turn to your story, my cravings just melt away. It has been 9 days now. Thank you so much for telling your story, that so many smokers can read and know that they don't need to die so young. Rest In Piece Deb.
~ Rennis Garigin, Waianae, Hawaii
April 07, 2011: Thank you. For the courage to continue to write. For the strength that you have given to so many of us. I've been quit 5 weeks now and so much of that is because of you. You helped me through the hard times and gave me so much strength. Thank you.
~ Tami, Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania
March 26, 2011: i am 46 and have just past the 48 hour mark, looking forward to the 72 hour benchmark and all the healing that will follow. everytime my brain entertains the thought of putting a deadly cigarette in my mouth I come back to this site and read Deb's story again. Thank you so much for sharing.
~ Barbara, asheville, North Carolina
March 25, 2011: I am 34 and have quit smoking again.. and this is the last time. Deb's word and story are powerful and I am glad that she shared them. Her story will stay with me always, and I will share it with other quitters. Thanks Deb, Rest In Peace.
~ Kevin, Ohio
March 15, 2011: I am 45 years old, my doctor told me one month ago that some, not many people can smoke all of their lives, but that I am not one of them. She said my oxygen level was alarmingly low for someone my age, she said she could hear wheezing. I started to feel "wheezing" in my lungs right around the time I turned 40. I quit then, for about 4 months, returned to smoking for another year, quit again because I was scared, having trouble swallowing, breathing etc., and was successful for 2.5 years. I was feeling really good - and so I started smoking again....for about 7 months.
In 7 months all of the reasons why I quit came back fast, and worse. I quit again for 3 months, started again for 6 weeks and that is when my doctor told me "you can't". I quit that minute, haven't smoked since...over a month now, and when I feel overwhelmed I read Deb's words and realize what overwhelmed really is. I am grateful that there are brave people out there who have shared their story to help others.
~ C Johnson, Vernon, British Columbia
March 14, 2011: You have given us an inspiring guide that has empowered us to better fight and survive this disease. You helped calm our fears and light the way on our journey to wellness. After 45 years of smoking and a return of my cancer, I stopped 14 days ago. I felt my reserve slipping but then came across your inspirational words. Thank You Deb - You will forever be remembered in my heart and prayers. God Bless
~ Bev Ward, Whitby, Ontario March 11, 2011
March 10, 2011: My name is also Deborah. I too was smoker for many, many years. I have stopped smoking for 5 months now and I continue to read Deb's words often - how kind of her to relay her trials and feelings during such a difficult time for her. Thank You Deb for sharing - I know it has helped many people. Rest in Peace.
March 08, 2011: I'm not sure that my words will have much meaning here. However, I feel compelled to say that Deb's words mean a great deal to me. In 2008 my brother died a similar way although it was small cell. I was with him at the end. I miss him so. My father died from smoking as well. I have quit. Thank you for sharing your story.
March 08, 2011: So brave of you to share your last years, all the up's and downs, you certainly strengthened my resolve to never smoke again, Thankyou Deborah.
~ Will Millard, Southampton UK
March 03, 2011: Every now and then I'll come back to Deb's blog and read it as if it was yesterday. I felt pain knowing she was in pain. I felt joy when she was joyful. I laughed when she laughed. When she was pissed I was pissed. I was heartbroken when she passed away. March 22, 2011 it will be my 4th Anniversary of no smoking.
In remembering Deb's story I will continue to keep my quit one day at a time.
~ Patricia L., Trenton, New Jersey
February 28, 2011: "Im currently on day 7 of Quit Smoking. Today im struggling, so I needed inspiration and came across Deborah's Page. This has helped me. Rest in Peace.)
~ Dada Dadovic, West Des Moines, Iowa
February 28, 2011: What an inspiration....I quit smoking my pipe 4 days ago, I miss it terrible. But i will never take another puff thanks to your words of wisdom and others on whyquit.
~ Tom, Porter, Indiana
February 25, 2011: I just found Deborahs page and felt like she was family. I have just quit smoking for the 4th time and her story really hit home. I hope your family is doing well and may God bless you and your family forever
~ terrie, the woodlands, Texas
February 10, 2011: It was brave sharing your personal battle on-line. Your story and photos helped me realise what I was doing to myself by smoking... and I'm a mum too. After 20 a day for 20 years - I have been completely nicotine free for almost 7 months now. You are helping other people. God bless you and your family.
~ Linda S, London
February 09, 2011: i have been trying to give up for a while but your story has really woken me up god bless you an angel in heaven
~ paula byrne, stoke on trent
February 09, 2011: Im currently on day 3 of Quit Smoking. Today im struggling, so I needed inspiration and came across Deborah's Page. This has helped me. Rest in Peace. xx
~ Samantha (AUS), Melbourne
January 26, 2011: Your story just gave me the motivation to quit you were a brave woman may you rest in peace! God Bless
~ Tanya P, Indiana
~ eric c. cross, pasadena and surrounding, California
January 17, 2011: Fly free with the angels in God's Kingdom, released from life's pain and now relishing in comfort and joy in His loving arms. Soar high Princess Deborah--soar high. Sir GG
~ George Egan, Bonita Springs, Florida
January 15, 2011: Just heard about Deb thru whyquit , something I just joined. RIP
~ Craig, Winnipeg, Manitoba
January 13, 2011: ~ Amanda Corr, Durham, UK
January 13, 2011: ~ Julie Paterson, Edinburgh, Scotland
January 13, 2011: Hi, I am a 46 year old mother of three boys, one has a severe disability. I only quit smoking 10 days ago and read Deborah's entire blog. I know that God sent me there because I have been sooo tempted to pick up a pack of cigarettes. Thank you all !
~ Joyce Opp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
January 13, 2011: Thank you. I needed to hear your story. I will think of you when I feel like this (quitting) is too hard.
~ Robin Matos, Worthington, Ohio
January 04, 2011: Thank you, Deb. Though I didn't know it, I needed you tonight, and you were there. I will never forget you.
~ Erica Field, Hamilton, Ohio
January 04, 2011: Thanks to the Deb's story a smoke will never again touch these lips. I wanted to quit and looked for motivation online and came to Deb's story...everytime the "crave" gets to hard I read a day from her journal..then I realize this is the easy part, if I keep smoking then I'll know what hard is.
Mother of three!
~ Tracy Cash, Kenington, Prince Edward Island
December 28, 2010: Still smoke free after 3 years thanks to Deb. What a selfless thing she did. To pick up and write about her struggles and motivate so many to quit during her own suffering. I still think about her often. Thanks Deb. You touched so many lives and your children should be proud!
~ Terri Buckles, Jacksonville, Arkansas
December 27, 2010: Deb. It would have been a pleasure to have known you. Reading your story, you almost felt like a sister to me. What an inspiration you were.
~ Wendy Endres, Fargo, North Dakota
December 10, 2010: I will never forget you
~ Brit, Missouri
December 07, 2010: God Bless you Deb.I am lost for words. What a heroic woman to write your true feelings down for the world to read.
Thank you- from Australia
~ Theresa Dunn
December 06, 2010: Thanks for sharing your story Deb, I have quit and started again at least a dozen times. Now when i quit I re read your story and try to stay quit because of fear of suffering like you did. It's been 5 days so far, but I am not even considering starting up again right now.
December 03, 2010: Since reading your story I know now more than ever I am doing the right thing for myself and my family. You were an extraordinary person. Thank you for your story.
~ Malani Heyman, Amarillo, Texas
December 02, 2010: What a wonderful woman you were, Debbie. God Bless you and may you forever rest in peace. Thank you for your story. It has helped me so much. I will NEVER smoke again. I have been smoke free for 14 days now. I have quit off and on for many years. I have smoked nearly 20 years and I am only 38. Sad but true. The butts are disgusting and they kill. I am sorry you died. I am sorry for you and your daughter. I know you are her angel and all of ours. God Bless and thank you for your story. You help me stay clean of these cancer sticks.
~ Jodi, Massachusetts
November 27, 2010: Every day I thank you for your strength. It was you and God who helped me quit-it has been 13 months, 27 days and 18 hours since I last smoked and this last month has been the worst ever for wanting to start again! I came back and reread your diary because it has helped me so much. Your life/after-life empowers me. I am eternally grateful to you and your family. Rest in peace my friend.
~ Melanie Constantine, Largo, Florida
November 18, 2010: I think about you all the time Deb, you have helped me say NO to picking up again. Even though I quit almost 5 years ago, I am ever vigilant. I followed your journey from the beginning on whyquit.com, I prayed for you, watched you struggle, witnessed your incredible bravery, and I still cry for you, but I know you are finally free. You see how many people you have helped, and touched forever. Fly with the angels my friend.
~ Sarah, Connecticut
November 18, 2010: My name is Jessica. I am a single mother of 5 beautiful kids. I have been smoking for about 14 yrs off and on, and I am only 28 yrs old. I just came across Debra's story and it really touched my heart. So sad to know that she had t go through all this just because of smoking. Starting today, I am going to trust and believe that God will help me to quit smoking. I give thanks to God and to Debra for leading me to her story, it has been an eye-opener. R..I.P Debra, may your memory live forever...
~ Jessica, Greenville, South Carolina
July 07, 2010: Because of the mercy of God and Debra's story, I have been nicotine free for nearly 2 yrs. Still UNBELIEVABLE that, at times, I still yearn to return to it! I just shake my head, think of Deb, and know I will NEVER go back! God Bless you, Debra, and all the family and friends who love you so! Sharing your story has touched people both now and in many lifetimes to come!
~ Kathy, Akron, Ohio
July 01, 2010: May you be able to rest in God's place now Deborah. My condolences to your family.
~ Larry Brown, Easthampton, Massachusetts
June 30, 2010: I will miss you?
~ Christina Ponce, monrovia, California
June 30, 2010: it has been a little over a year.. you are unforgettable and I thank you for that.. you have changed lives and saved lives.. We thank you!
~ irma ponce, monrovia, California
June 29, 2010: Thank you for sharing your journey, Deborah. I hope you are happy and free from pain wherever we end up.
~ Barbara Norden, Temecula, California
June 05, 2010: Deb was the same age as I am today when she died. I read her story. I am on my 3rd attempt at quitting a 25 year pack a day habit. Today is day 101 of no smoking or nicotine. It is getting easier, but there are moments when all reason and knowledge of this killer get buried in rationalizations for smoking. I appreciate so much that Deb shared her story. It must have been so hard to tell it, but she was so generous to try so hard to help others understand the importance of not taking life for granted.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Deb's family. I am sorry this evil addiction took so many in your family.
No one is safe! Stay Quit for Deb!
God Bless You!
Jennifer (Chicago, IL)
~ Jennifer Fulton, Chicago, Illinois
May 16, 2010: Thank you Deborah. Reading your journal was extremely humbling. I speak in the present tense as if you were here beside me as I try to conquer my nicotine withdrawal symptoms. With constant referral to your amazing inspirational life story, I am going to beat this horrible addiction. May Deborah's story live forever as testament to her short but beautiful life.
~ Sandy Wilson, Scotland
May 11, 2010: To the family of Deborah... I read her journal entries and I have smoked for 26 years. I am on my 6th smokefree day. Her death and journal will not be a waste because her story will keep me strong and I will not smoke again. The courage she had is remarkable to me. Her passion to encourage us to give up this habit is very inspiring. I am so sorry you lost your loved one. I hope it gives you a tiny bit of comfort knowing she is saving lives by her story.
Lisa Beattie (Nashville, TN)
~ Lisa Beattie, Nashville, Tennessee
May 03, 2010: I quit smoking (for the third time) 6 years ago, but I still don't take it (being smoke free) for granted. I know I can have not even one puff to stay free. Deb's story is an inspiration to me. I thank her for sharing it with me.
~ Brenda Keiner, Gilbert, Arizona
April 26, 2010: I figured I would check in again as well. I am now almost 7 months smoke-free. I found this site just days after my quit. Thank you for your inspiration, and rest in peace.
~ Tanya O
~ Joyce Bartoli, Millsboro, Delaware
April 22, 2010: To Deborah's family So sorry for your loss... I am a smoker, 39... will be 40 in 2 weeks, same age as when Debbie passed away... I knew for so long that I have to quit smoking, reading this blog helps me to get clean and smoke free. Thank you Deb.
~ Melinda
April 15, 2010: To Amanda and Ariana and all of Deborah's family, I am truly so sorry for your loss. While my mother did not have cancer, she did die much to young, at age 44. Her name was Deb, also (and, incidentally, she did once live in Spring Lake).
This is my 5th day completely smoke free and Deb's story is a really big motivator for me. Please know she is helping and encouraging others even now. I also have two daughters with whom I will hopefully have a long life, thanks to Deb.
~ Jillison Ferrell, Zebulon, North Carolina
March 30, 2010: It was time for me to check in again.
I'm now 6+ months smoke free.
Courage to Deborah's family.
March 29, 2010: Debs diary helped me to stop, 7 weeks now. I have shared this with others because it helped me. I cried at the loss of a good woman. Her family must be proud as she is saving lives.
~ Simon Daley
March 24, 2010: I have set tomorrow as my quit day. I really needed some encouragment and after reading your story Deborah I think i may just have found what i was looking for. I too have a daughter of 13 months. since having her I have been getting my head around quitting. I am 35 and have been a heavy smoker since the age of 13. There is a strong history of Lung Cancer in my family and both my Parents are smokers. Though I'm very lucky to still have both of them. Though my fathers health is very bad and he suffers from COPD. He wears an Oxigen mask for 16 hrs a day. He still smokes.
I think what you did was very brave and its really hit home with me how much i do not want to leave my beautiful daughter without her mother.
When I think of having a cigarette i will think of you Deborah.
God Bless.
Sinead, Ireland
~ Sinead Byrne, Dundalk
March 23, 2010: Wow, I stopped smoking today and went on line for support and found Deborah's story. What courage and determination! Her steely will and generous spirit touched me greatly and I so appreciate her sharing with all of us. I am definitely inspired NOT to smoke. Off to bed to wake up tomorrow to Day #2 smoke free! I want to see my kids graduate from high school. I want to know my grandchildren. I want to live. Thank you Deborah.
~ Becky, Huntington Beach, California
March 17, 2010: Because of Deborah's story I have been smoke free for 3 days. What a wonderful and brave spirit,she has changed my life. I will carry her in my heart forever.
Paula, Alba, Texas
March 16, 2010: oh my god, my name is deborah, i made the move to quit smoking today and went on line and discovered your site, i am in tears and feel very angry at myself because this could be me, i have 5 children i want to watch grow and 4 grandchildren to watch grow also, thank you to you and your family for sharing this thought prevoking site and story, and most of all thankyou for waking me up i want to live and live long and healthy, happy thank you again i hope you are resting in peace, and that your daughter knew your strength, and still feels your love.
~ deboah woodberry, penguin, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
March 12, 2010: Here I am, 28 mos. after a Cold Turkey quit from a 35+ year 1 1/2 to 3 pack a day addiction, still searching for help to keep my addiction at bay. I look at my kids and wife and thank God every day that I am still here. It is from the stories of people like Deborah that keep me 1)coming Back and 2)fighting with all I have to remain smoke free FOR EVER!!
~ Matt, Providence, Rhode Island
March 12, 2010: Because of Deborah's story,I have not smoked for almost 2 yrs. And, as a nurse and ex-smoker, I carry her story with me to challenge others to put an end to the destruction caused by tobacco. I love you, Deb, and know our Lord holds you close!
~ Kathy, Ohio
March 11, 2010: Deb...I am emailing this to all my friends and family. I recently had my second mastectomy (this one prophylactic) so I have not smoked since March 2nd. I don't want to smoke anymore. I will carry you in my heart and you can help me save my own life. You were so young. I am so sorry you had to go through all of this. Rest in peace now.
~ Renee Gueits, Fontana, California
March 10, 2010: My Mother died when I was 19 from lung cancer. I've smoked for 15 years and I am 28. I have two beautiful little girls and I quit 2 weeks ago. I am so sorry what you went threw. Reading this breaks my heart and gives me reason to stay quit. Know that your story motivated me. R.I.P.
~ Robert Phillips, Allen, Texas
March 08, 2010: What a brave, wonderful soul! Thank you! 24 hours non smoker! I will keep you in my memory always!
~ Jodi, Massachusetts
March 08, 2010: Thank you for your gift! 2 months without smoking now!
~ Peter
March 01, 2010: Deborah - If you only knew what a gift you have given us. My whole family, especially my three boys. Eight months without a cigarette now, thanks to you, your powerful story full of love for us, and this web site. I feel so much better, healthier, stronger now, and able to help my friends quit too. Thanks to your friends for keeping your story posted, I hope it stays there forever....I know you will stay in my memory always. With so much gratitude...
~ Paula R., Mt. Shasta
February 16, 2010: I followed Deborah's story on whyquit.com and she has inspired me to stop smoking. What a brave and wonderful lady.
~ Laura H, London
February 08, 2010: I'm so sad I didn't get to say goodbye. I still remember you doing handsprings and cartwheels in the back yard (and me trying to just do 1 cartwheel). It doesn't really seem that long ago.
~ Christy Huber, Cambridge, Ohio
February 07, 2010: Thank you for sharing your story. I have been off cigarettes for 30 days, and you continue to inspire me.
~ Laycee Preston, Greenfield, Indiana
January 18, 2010: I am sorry Deborah that you were a victim of this underestimated killer. Rest assured that your web diary has touched a lot of people across the world and helped us realize that this is a very real threat to all of us who have smoked or still smoke.
All my love
~ Vanessa Browen, Melbourne
January 10, 2010: First my heart is with your family Deborah and with you as I know even from heaven you miss what is still here..I happened upon your Journal entries on quitsmoking.com. I saw Wow, Wow! I am 37 smoked since my mid twenties I am 10 days smoke free, cant wait until it is 1,000,000 :) Your mothers journal really set things into perspective for me on this day being I am trying to figure out why I quit, I know it is what is best for me, but why...Why is Because I don't want to have to suffer anymore than what a person has to suffer naturally on this earth nor do I want my Mom Dad brothers Sisters Husband or son to suffer because of something that I could have prevented by making a simple choice. Thank you Deborah for today and for always from this moment on opening my eyes May god Bless all of those you are still with and those lives you will continue to encourage:)
~ Cassandra Pleasant, Burlington, North Carolina
January 04, 2010: To Deborah's family, I am so sorry for your loss. I have been smoking for 25 years and am now 38 years old. I quit a few weeks ago (taking Chantix) but have recently been smoking when drinking (lots of holiday parties mean lots of opportunities to drink and smoke). I am going to try again to quit, hopefully this time for good. Deborah's page is an inspiration!
~ Kandis Bainter, Honolulu, Hawaii
January 01, 2010: Thank you Deborah for sharing your voice and such a powerful message.
~ Matthew, Adelaide
December 09, 2009: My prayers are always with Deb and her loved ones especially at this time of year. I keep Deborah's memory alive and on my own "wall of courage" to stay smoke free. My first guestbook entry was September 30, 2009 and I am still smoke free because of her. God bless and may the spirit of the holidays be with you and always, take care. Sincerely, Melanie
~ Melanie, Largo, Florida
December 05, 2009: Like many others I came across Deborah's Story on WhyQuit.com and after exchanging a few emails with her I found myself deeply caring about someone I had never met. I only hope she knew how much her life.. and death affected us all. She will be truly missed
~ Stephen Baumgartner, Bowling Green, Missouri
December 03, 2009: I found Deb's page on WhyQuit.com. and it really got me thinking.. I am very touched by this. And I am sure this will help me stop smoking.. I am 16, and have been smoking since 12. My boyfriend also smokes and I would really like both of us to quit. My grandparents died of lung cancer, along with many of my aunts and uncles. Luckily, my parents have never smoked due to this. I am afraid of losing my boyfriend, as he has proposed to me, and I am quite excited for the next two years to pass, as then I will be 18 and him and I can move out, have our wedding and start a family, smoke free.
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me, and I hope to your family, everything will be alright. Its hard, but things can only get better, right? I just hope that seeing this will save many lives, so they don't have to leave their families earlier then they should.
~ Erin Wiltse, Blue Earth, Minnesota
December 02, 2009: bless Deb for taking the time, what little time she had, to help others like myself. Her children can be proud of their Mother , she was truly an inspiration..........................................................
~ kim, New Hampshire
November 21, 2009: I am crying right now over the loss of Ms. Scott. I never met her but her page I just found on WhyQuit.com. Her page touched me more than any "stop smoking aid". She was HUMAN with kids, a profession and lots of love for life...I hope not to touch another cig again. I am 39 with 3 amazing sons and the love of my life. I am a nurse and caught the swine flu so I had to quit...With Ms. Scott's caring touch in her keyboard I HAVE TO QUIT. God bless your family and those who held Ms. Scott dear. Rashelle Roanoke, Virginia
~ Rashelle Reynolds, Roanoke, Virginia
November 04, 2009: I am shedding a tear for this person I didn't even know. My brother died from lung cancer 5 years ago. Deb's posts have been an inspiration in my struggle to stay quit. I haven't smoked for over 6 months, one day at a time. I am sorry for the loss of your loved one.
November 03, 2009: Thank You Ms. Scott, ( & to the family ) I'm inspired not only to stop smoking , but meeting any challenge in life w/ your courage !
~ Steve, Florida
November 02, 2009: i just read this and am grateful to you for taking the time to help someone else. am into my 9 day and i really don't ever want to smoke again. thank you deb and rest in gods grace!!!
~ Maryland
November 02, 2009: May you rest in peace Deb, and Thank You !
~ Jennifer, Seattle, Washington
October 31, 2009:
I relapsed and smoked last nite, so reading Deborah's page came at the right time for me. I'm glad she wrote what she did, and I know it's an inspiration for me and others. Much love to her family and friends.
~ Panda Cookie, Boston, Massachusetts
October 26, 2009: I am so sorry for your loss. I made the decision to quit smoking after reading your diary. I followed this story since 2007 i quit smoking January 18 2008
October 18, 2009: I too, like so many who have been touched by her fight quit smoking because of her diagnosis. God Bless Youm Deborah and thank you for your courageous battle the world is a much better place because you were in it
~ cyndy ragan, placerville, California
October 15, 2009: I just learned today of Deborah's passing; I have been following her story for over two years, when I joined whyquit. I was planning to quit, but after reading her diary, I did quit, and have been smoke free for 2 years and 3 months now, and never going back. Thank you, Deborah, for being an inspiration for so many, and blessings to her family and friends.
~ Georgia
October 06, 2009: I am so very sorry for your loss of Deborah, a strong, couragious woman. I am 4 days quit now, and as some have said - went looking for online motivation. Came to Deborah's page, and hopefully this is all I need to remain smoke-free for the remainder of my years.
Her story - much like mine in the beginning, started smoking at 10 - and know nothing else besides being a smoker. I am now 37, as was Deborah for such a young diagnosis. My father has advanced lung cancer. I just watched a family friend die from this disease. A person can only quit when it is 'their time' to quit - and I hope for all of you smokers, that time is NOW.
RIP Deborah and thank you for your contributions to this world.
~ Susan Smith, New York, New York
September 30, 2009: I am so deeply touched by Deborahs diary and hope that I can use her strength to "kick the habit" once and for all-while I still have the choice. Her spirit reached out to me as I believe that her message was meant to and meant for me (day #1). I am very grateful to Deborah for her strength that I am really going to need. Thank you for sharing her story. My thoughts and prayers go out to her loved ones in this time of healing.
~ Melanie, Largo, Florida
September 30, 2009: I quit smoking September 8th 2007. I read Deborahs diary many many times over the last 2 years. The reality of her story made it possible for me to quit.
~ Melissa Heppard, Corpus Christi, Texas
September 27, 2009: I have just finished reading Deb's story. I quit 2/2/08 and have had a few weak moments. Today I was going to say the heck with it and buy a pack..then my internal compass led me back to WhyQuit.com. Nothing in life can be so bad as to lead back to that disgusting addiction. I've dealt with my Mom's death and putting down my dog this year and didn't smoke. I always thought, "smoking is not an option." Thank you Deb for sharing your story. Rest in peace and see ya later.
~ Suzi Ropiequet, Highland Park, Illinois
September 23, 2009: Everytime I read Deb's story I burst into tears. My husband and I are on day 5 of being smoke-free and she made the dangers so real for us. Thank you for sharing your story and helping others see that smoking is not worth your life. ~
September 20, 2009: I followed Deb's story since the beginning of her illness - I quit smoking 13th august 2007 .. and I never ever smoked again - and I will never ever smoke again! As well as my husband and even a friend of mine quit. Whenever I just thought of having a cigarette ... just one ... I was looking for Deb on this homepage .. if may be there a news again ... she was so great - I'm going to miss her a lot! Greetings from Vienna/ Austria Elisabeth & Robert & sunshine Selina
~ Elisabeth Huber, Vienna
September 17, 2009: Just quit smoking 2 days ago was ready, was tired of it was looking on web for stuff on smoking found Debs page what a wonderful person she was telling her story. My mom is going through cancer, we just got done with her chemo we have radiation next. So far so good.
Heres a little poem my cousin wrote and i find some comfort in and i hope it helps debs family during these hard times. God bless!
I may never see tomorrow; there's no written guarantee, and
things that happened yesterday belong to history.
I cannot predict the future, and I cannot change the past.
I have just the present moment; I must treat it as my last.
I must use this moment wisely for it soon will pass away,
and be lost to me forever as a part of yesterday.
I must exercise compassion, help the fallen to their feet,
be a friend unto the friendless, make an empty life complete.
I must make this moment precious for it will not come again,
and I can never be content with things that might have been.
Kind words I fail to say this day may ever be unsaid,
for I know not how short may be the path that lies ahead.
the unkind things I do today may never be undone,
and friendships that I fail to win may nevermore be won.
I may not have another chance on bended knee to pray,
and than my god with humble heart for giving me this day.
I may never see tomorrow but this moment is my own.
It's mine to use or cast aside; the choice is mine alone
I have just this precious moment in the sunlight of today,
where the dawning of tomorrow meets the dusk of yesterday
~ melissa cropp, lisbon, North Dakota
September 15, 2009: Deborah's story is so very sad. I am 100 days quit, and I know after reading Deborah's story I will never be a smoker again. She did a wonderful thing by sharing her story with the world. Deborah let us know how very real and possible it is to die from smoking. Thank you Deborah! May you rest in peace.
~ Kate, Wheeling, Illinois
September 15, 2009: I am so very sorry to hear of Deborah's passing. She has been on my mind every time I have considered quitting. I have been smoke free for 28 hours now and I know that I can do this. I will miss you Deb.
Robin K. Springfield, Oregon
September 10, 2009: I am sorry, and I know words can't help. Deborah may have saved my life. I have had an abnormal CXR and did really want another cigarette. Now I don't after reading the message that your wonderful Deborah has left for us now ex-smokers.
~ Wendy W, Houston, Texas
August 28, 2009: Im so very sorry for your loss,I read Deb's story and cried. Her story has given me the strength to quit I just hope its not to late and the damage isn't to bad. I cant imagine not being there as my 3 children grow up. Again im so very sorry for your familys loss,,God bless you and protect you.
~ Dianna, Nevada
August 28, 2009: Deb and I shared our love of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in some Qmails a few years ago on Quitnet.com. May she rest in peace. And may Ariana know just how brave her mother was.
August 28, 2009: Deb and I shared our love of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in some Qmails a few years ago on Quitnet.com. May she rest in peace. And may Ariana know just how brave her mother was.
~ Figley, California
August 26, 2009: I am now smoke free for 7 1/2 weeks, I am so very sorry that these websites even "have "to exist, but I'm truly glad they do. Thank you for sharing your story.
~ Rose, Florida
August 25, 2009: My mom had lung cancer which spread to her brain as well, thank god she is now cancer free, this was also from smoking, she is 48 years old but even though she is cancer free, she is far from healthy. I read Debs story because even with what my mom went thru I still smoke and I am desparate to quit. After reading this I am smoking my last cigarette today and I am never looking back. Thank you Deb so much for sharing your story with us all. You really gave me the motivation that I needed...a wake up call really.
~ Mary, Niagara Falls, New York
August 25, 2009: Rest in Peace Deb, Thank you so much for sharing your story. I too wish had found this site sooner. My deepest sympathy to Deb's entire family.
~ Jeff, MPLS, Minnesota
August 14, 2009: MY GOD!!! I have spent all afternoon reading this. My heart goes out. I wish I had come across this so much sooner than now. Tonight, I have thrown out my cigarettes. I lost my dad last year to emphysema. Although he had a lung transplant in '95. His disease attacked the good lung. It took 12 1/2 years. And I still continued to smoke. NOT ANYMORE!!! NOT AFTER THIS...
~ Sharon Britten, Clearwater, Florida
August 06, 2009: My deepest sympathy to Deb's family. She truly is an inspiration.... to more than just one person... god bless! Jessica
~ Jessica, Port Saint Lucie, Florida
August 06, 2009: My prayers for her family. Thank you Deb so much for your online journal.
August 05, 2009: Just writing to share my admiration for Deborah's strength and sincerity evident in the journal she kept upon hearing her diagnosis. She bravely addressed issues common to all of us, and greater in scope even than the smoking question.
May her passion and wisdom accompany us all in these coming years.
~ Patrick, Germany
August 04, 2009: I'm so sorry you went through this. Thank you for sharring your story
~ Marc Richard, ottawa, Ontario
August 02, 2009: I was so very sorry to hear about Deborah's death. My love and condolences go out to all her family. I gave up smoking just two weeks ago (after 30 years) and although it's been hard, I've managed pretty well. Today was difficult and it was today that I stumbled across Deborah's story. It was like she was reaching out to me and telling me to carry on. I feel stronger now. Thank you Deb. x
~ Laura, South Africa
July 31, 2009: I just want your family to know that I did not know Deborah. I never wrote to her. I quit smoking on February 8, 2009. I found her Why Quit page only a few days after that. Her strength in her illness inspired me to continue my journey. I read all her updates and prayed that there would be a happy ending. Please know that she was an inspiration. She made a comment at the beginning of her page that if she could inspire just one person to quit smoking it would be worth it. Well she did that. I will be forever grateful for her courage.
Sincerly, Angie
~ Angie, Punta Gorda, Florida
July 30, 2009: I had read Deborah's story for strength when trying to quit smoking in May of this year. I too like Deb had lost my Mum to lung cancer 5 years ago and could not understand why I hadn't given up before now. Reading Deborahs story has given me the strength and realisation that I needed to quit. My deepest sympathy to Deborah's family.
~ Jo Unsworth, Cheshire UK
July 23, 2009: I offered to pay for Deb's medicine Tarceva before the company approved the free medication for a year, she would not take it, she wanted taking money from anyone to be her last option.
This just shows you the type of person she was, a fighter, honest and brave.
~ Caroline, New York, New York
July 21, 2009: What a wonderful inspiration yet the saddest of stories....I have every faith in Deborah and her blog and her amazing strength right to the end. She has helped so many all over the world and will continue to do so. My prayers are with you all x
~ Myra, Wales
July 20, 2009: My thoughts and prayers go out to deb's family. She fought long and hard god seen she could not fight no more so he came to take his angel home. deb has touched many lives she will not be forgotten.
~ Lisa P., Lame Deer, Montana
July 12, 2009: I am so sorry that you have lost a wonderful person. I only know Deborah from her words at Whyquit.com. She has given me the inspiration to stay strong and stay quit after 29 years of smoking. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family. I am truly sorry for your loss. May God be with you in your time of sorrow.
~ Deborah Denney, Martinsville, Illinois
July 07, 2009: I would like to say thank you to Deb and her family thru your tragedy you have changed my life and given me the strength to change. I have read Debs blog for several months and was amazed at how strong she was. I love the fight she seemed to have. I truly feel your loss.
~ Ann Wood, Jesup, Georgia
July 07, 2009: My name is Kathy and I quit smoking Aug 2, 2008. Part of what keeps me tobacco-free is browsing the internet for encouragement. I landed on Deb's in July '08 and read her story. It has made such a difference in my life and my quit! I hated that she had to go through all the physical and emotional pain & I wished I could stop it for her somehow. For reasons only the Lord knows, this was her ministry. She was so brave...baring her soul & putting her whole self out there to help others! Not pulling any punches or trying to soften the pain & regret she was going through; a very REAL testimony of what could happen to ANY of us! I just want you to know how very much I loved her and how very much she made a difference in my life! I am 53 yrs old, have smoked over 30 years and am a registered nurse! Now I have quit and I've picked up HER banner and am telling everyone MY story about quitting! My Dad died at 72 yrs old of metastatic lung cancer. He smoked also but quit for 30+ yrs.
I know Debbie is in the arms of our Lord...filled with joy, comfort, and, finally, peace.
Lovingly, friend and biggest fan, Kathy ~ Akron, Ohio
July 07, 2009: My heart goes out to you at this time and in the days ahead.
~ Ann Y, Cisco, Texas
July 05, 2009: I haven't checked the site in a couple of months and am really sad to hear that Deb is gone. I have read and reread her entries to the point I felt as if I knew her. I learned of her through quitnet, and without a doubt, she inspired and helped me quit. Peace Deb.
~ Lisa, Raleigh, North Carolina
July 04, 2009: may God beside you. my friend. thanks for sharing with us. you fight bravely..
~ Erwin S, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
July 03, 2009: I first read Deborahs story here on whyquit the very site that helped me to stop smoking on Oct. 19, 2005! I then found her on myspace and became myspace friends and we wrote back and forth a few times. My sincere sympathy to her family and friends.
Thank you Deborah for sharing this battle with us and the many people who will quit because of your story.
~ Teresa Johnson, Abilene, Texas
July 01, 2009: I just want Deborah's family to read this, so you can know the impact she has on others lives. I came across why quit 2 months ago, and was reading stories, including Deb's I am 33 years old. I have been smoking 20 years.
After viewing photos of victims of the horrible cigarettes and reading the battles, I vowed I would do all I could not to become a victim my self. On May 25th, I smoke my last cigarette. Oddly, I have not had the urge to ever return. I do not crave it. I do spend time daily.
Today I finally read the final posts Deborah had made, thats when i discovered the cancer had taken her. I am very glad she came into my world just 2 months ago and her story was touching. I vow in the memory of her, I will never smoke a cigarette ever again in my life. EVER.
May God continue to bless Deborah's family and friends. Even if she is not here physically, let the memories you have bless your hearts each morning. thank you Deborah for sharing your life and struggles with us.
~ sarah mcgrady, portland, Oregon
June 30, 2009: Deborah, I have been reading your story for a very long time and log in often to check on you. I am so sorry for all of the pain you went through. I am also sorry your family had to go through it as well. May God Bless You and Your Beautiful Daughter. Rest in peace.
Sincerely, Jamie I
~ Jamie Ike, Phoenix, Arizona
June 27, 2009: To Deborahs family, My deepest sympathy to you all. I lost my mother to cigarettes, she was 68 and I too smoked up until 40 days ago. It is the worst drug in the world to try to quit. My father quit smoking 2 years after mom died. We all wish we never started but its important to remember quitting now does help no matter how long you've smoked. Deb is with God and her parents and no longer an addict or in pain. She is such a hero in helping so many through her writings on here. God bless her and you all.
~ Billie-Jo, Illinois
June 26, 2009: I dont know what to write, am so sorry to hear the news of deborah's death, my love to her family. Rest in peace deborah xx
~ helen c, nottingham, uk
June 26, 2009: Deb, Thank you for sharing your story with the world, your strength and courage will be with me always. We never meet or spoke but you saved my life, it was your story that gave me the strength and determination to quit smoking on the 10th Jan 2009 after 14 years of smoking a packet a day. It is only today after logging on to whyquit to get some of your strength that l learnt of your passing. Your in a better place, a place with no pain, a place of happiness. My thoughts are with your family, but they need to remember that nobody really dies until they are forgotten, this been the case then your strengths will be with us always. Thank you...
~ Jason Verruso, Melbourne Australia
June 22, 2009: I followed Deborahs story closely. I worried when I didn't see an update for awhile and would be so relieved when she would finally post one. We emailed and chatted briefly a few times. I thought about her a lot! I hope she can see now...from her place in heaven what an impact she made on peoples lives. This will continue for a long long time. She will touch lives through her written word for years. She will continue to teach a lesson. Don't smoke...quit smoking while you can. She was way to young to die. You could clearly feel her pain. You could also feel her hope and her love for her family. I wish I could hug her girls and I'm doing that in my heart now...My prayers are with the entire Scott family.
Thank you Deb for sharing your darkest time with us. That was so brave... You are a bright shining star and will forever be a hero in my heart!
Your friend,
June 22, 2009: Dear Debbie, I hope my thanks reachs you in heaven. I lost my father to lung cancer when he was only 53, two years younger than I am now. My husband smoked 2 and a half packs a day until the last few weeks, he is down to a couple packs a week. I was praying for something to help him give it up for good,and I came across a link to your story on facebook. You were an angel when you shared your story. I believe it is one of the most selfless gifts I have ever seen given. You may have saved the lives of many smokers who thought it couldn't happen to them. Even if it's only one person, it makes you a hero in my eyes and heart. If you saved my husband from letting cigarettes destroy his life, I will owe you mine. You see, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness too, not from cigarettes, and not in my control. I try everyday to be strong, and I believe the will to live and God's grace will keep me here as long as I need to be. I want to share what time I have left with my husband and I am afraid that if he does not quit smoking I will lose him the way your family lost you. I know you can't answer this but I also know you will hear my voice in heaven thanking you with all my heart. My deepest sympathy to your family and to this world for the loss of a beautiful, strong, loving woman who had the courage to tell the truth, the horrible, tragic truth, to help others at a time when one would want to grab every moment for oneself. God Bless you dear lady and the gift you gave all of us.
~ Midge Van Etten, Wellsville, New York
June 22, 2009: Im so very sorry about Mrs Deborah passing, my best wishes for her family all the best for you!
~ Armando S, Mexico
June 22, 2009: Deb, Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us. When I quit smoking a year and a half ago, I wasn't sure how I would do it and was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it. Somehow, by the grace of God I found the why quit website and your story. Seeing your story made quitting smoking the easiest thing I had EVER done. Every time I even thought of a cigarette, I would think of you and remember your advice to all of us and it got rid of any thought of cigarettes I had.
I have watched your progress on the why quit website all this time and have been hoping for a miracle. Thanks again Deb, you have touched and changed many lives. Rest in peace my friend.
~ Nicki, Missouri
June 21, 2009: my best wishes to her family. i am a smoker and have made hundreds of attempts to quit, but i always have some dumb excuse to pick it up again. Now, I am quitting for my two year old son, because i want to be there for him until i am old and gray (if at all possible). God Bless, please pray for me.
~ Melissa A., Kentucky
June 21, 2009: It has been 11 yrs since I saw Debbie. I moved across the country and lost contact with her and her family. Over the past few years I would try to find them online, but never could. Around March of this year, I found her on Myspace. I was heartbroken to hear what she had been going through. We shared some emails back and forth, and then there was about a week that went by with nothing. I had that gut feeling, then the next day I opened up my message on Myspace that was written by her daughter, telling me the news. I will always regret not coming back sooner to visit everyone in NC. I am happy that I was able to reconnect with her for even a short time. She was such a strong woman, and so much fun to be around. She will be greatly missed.
~ Nora Bourque, Canon City, Colorado
June 20, 2009: Thank you Deborah for your story. It will certainly live on for many many years and be a guide in helping people like me quit smoking. You are truly an angel. May the spirits bless you and your family.
~ Amy, Virginia
June 20, 2009: i give all my condolences.i am a smoker and reading this i am sure to quit
~ eugene bempong
June 20, 2009: I am a nurse, I quit 2 years ago on June 24th. I have read and reread deborahs story many times, the only reason I actually log on, I hoped and prayed she would some how beat it but it was not to be so. I pray for her family and children and that you will cherish the time you had. She was very courageous for sharing her feelings and story and I feel that she had a positive impact on thousands of peoples lives. My heart is sad for you today. Love and Hugs
~ Shelly Harris, Lubbock, Texas
June 19, 2009: I would like to give my condolences and sympathy to deborah family and friends. i read her story on the why quit. com website. i know her story has touch so many lives. and i thank her for telling her story and keeping us updated. she will be sadly missed and i will never forget her.
June 19, 2009: The day I quit smoking, I stayed up all night and read Deborah's story. I emailed her, and even with all she was going through, she took the time to email me back and encourage me. I am so sorry that you have lost this courageous and amazing woman. I hope you can take comfort in knowing that she has inspired and saved so many people.
She will forever be an angel to me for baring her soul so the rest of us might live.
~ Betsy G., La Mesa, California
June 19, 2009: My deepest sympathy to Deborahs family and friends. I hope you find some comfort in knowing how many people she has helped and quite probably how many lives she has saved.
I quit smoking cold turkey on 17th Feb this year and if it wasn't for the whyquit website and Deborahs journal I would have slipped back into my old ways by now. Some days are still a struggle and today being one of them I logged onto the site for some motivation and a reminder of why its easier to quit than to suffer with lung disease as Deborah did. I was Incredibly sad to hear that Deborah has passed away & my thoughts are with her children. I hope I can continue to honour Deborahs memory by keeping the promise to my own daughter never to smoke another cigarette again.
~ Michelle, Edinburgh, Scotland
June 18, 2009: I feel honored to have been able to read Deb's entire story. I smoked for 35 years and never even attempted to quit smoking until one day I woke up and felt kind of nautious and just quit. I had no idea what I was in for, but today marks 5 months, 18 days that I am nicotine free!!!! Stories like Deb's only confirm that no matter how hard this has been to quit smoking; it is much easier than what Deb went through. The funny thing is I did so much cancer research (I am a Biochemist) and the whole time it never even occurred to me that those could be my own cancer cells I was working with. My husband quit smoking cigarettes 10 days ago and says he is not going to make it; he will - but nicotine addiction is so very hard to break. I still crave cigarettes constantly. I always want to cry when I read stories like this; because I was so very fortunate and they weren't. GOD Bless Deb's family and all of you trying to quit.
~ Cheryl Caldwell, Lawrence, Kansas
June 18, 2009: I had emailed deborah a few times, and her story helped me to stop smoking before i became addicted...this news was very sad to hear, as she was a big inspiration...after reading her last post on whyquit.com, it is comforting to know that she is in no more pain and she is with our creator. Thank you Deborah
~ Jeremy, Delta, British Columbia
June 17, 2009: Deb, thank you. Love and Sympathy to Deb's family and may God Bless each of you.
~ Molly S, Holland, Michigan
June 17, 2009: My deepest sympathy to your family. I think debrorah was a brave person. She should be a inspiration for anyone to quit smoking.
Tim, Charlotte nc
June 17, 2009: I've been struggling to quit for the past 6 months. I tried cold turkey, and failed after 6 weeks back in Feb, so I went on the patch. I have just completed the 10 week program, to find ( at my extreme annoyance) that I shouldn't have bothered. I HAVE learned to kick the habit part, but the lack of nicotine, even tapering off on the patch over the past few months, is terrible. I am the meanest most angry sob I've ever met. Last night I locked myself in my garage in a parked van hiding from my family because I was just so unbelievable angry I didn't want to scare them, so today I've been online seeking inspiration to keep quitting, and I found Deb. NOW I feel like a whining, sniffling, pansy compared to what could come? I have this weird morbid attachment to her now, I keep going back to her page and re reading certain dates, especially the end. I'm not giving in, thank you Deb, and my you rest in peace and god BLESS your family and your beautiful little girls.
~ Holly Sandoval, Santa Fe, New Mexico
June 17, 2009: My sympathies to her family. Please know that her story has helped me to quit at the age of 29 and I have now been smoke-free for almost a year. Thank you for that.
~ Jayson Brown, Evansville, Indiana
June 16, 2009: I so hated to hear that Deb had passed away. I read her story on WhyQuit.Com, and was so very touched by the strength that she had and how hard she was fighting. I followed her journal and felt as if I knew her personally, which I wish I had. Like many others, I would often re-read her journal when I felt the need to smoke again, and I would gain the strength needed to not give in. I hope she knows just how many lives she touched by sharing her journey. To her family; May God watch over you and bless you.
See you later, Deb.
~ Melanie, Greenvile, North Carolina
June 16, 2009: I was supposed to visit Deb during the week of 4/6/2009. My wife and I happened to be in Fayetteville, visiting my wife's grandmother, and since I had already been corresponding with Deb anyway, I wanted to drop by and just let her know that people love her and care about her. She said it would be okay as long as I called first. But I think she had a crisis when we were there, because when I called, I was not able to get through. I think I was probably just not meant to see her in person.
You see, Deb directly inspired me to quit smoking on 3/10/2009. I happened to visit the WhyQuit.com web site, and after reading her story, I decided I was going to make an effort to just quit, cold turkey. I have not smoked since then. I emailed her during this time, and she wrote back and we kept in contact up until almost the very end. I also wanted my wife to meet her, because I thought maybe that Deb could also help her try to quit.
When I read Deb's last post on 5/5, I had a feeling that the end was coming, and I felt bad that I would not be able to say goodbye to her. Even though we didn't know each other for very long, and it was only via the Internet, I still felt very connected to her, because I know that it could have easily been me and it still can, if I ever smoke again. Even three months after quitting, there are still a lot of times I want to smoke, and that tells me just how powerful the nicotine addiction is. I must pray every day that God keeps the first one out of my mouth, because once I smoke it, I know I will immediately go back to smoking a pack a day.
AFTER quitting, I discovered I have heart palpitations that I didn't even know about before. I went to the doctor for a routine exam, and she sent me to the ER because she thought I was going to have a heart attack. This was after I QUIT! And yet the thought of smoking still sounds good sometimes. It is the insanity of the addiction. It is a battle that must be fought on a daily basis, one day at a time. Deb was loved by many, many people, and her passing has not been in vain if even one person quits smoking as the result of her story.
~ Raphael S, Baltimore, Maryland
June 16, 2009: Thank Deb...may you rest in peace.
I was very inspired by you heartfelt blog. I followed it very closely and was so encouraged by your strength. I have lost many relatives from smoking but 4 from my immediate family (5 out of 6 smoked) have quit. Deb you gave me the drive and resolve to stay quit. You have left a mark on me I wont soon forget.
~ Cam Reilly, Winnipeg, Manitoba
June 16, 2009: Rest in Peace
~ Anne, Rogers City, Michigan
June 16, 2009: My condolences to Deborah's family sorry to hear about your lose.God Bless her family one day at a time.I was a smoker for 35 years and I quit 10-29-2007.
~ Connecticut
June 16, 2009: My deepest sympathy and condolences to Deborah's family and friends. What a brave soul she was. I, like the many others, quit smoking after happening upon her journal. May God bless her. She was my inspiration and gave me great determination. RIP
~ Linda Kay, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
June 16, 2009: I just returned from vacation and learned of Deborah's passing. My deepest sympathy to her family. It is never easy to lose those we love. How comforting it must be to know that Deborah will continue to touch many lives with her story on the pages of Whyquit.
May God comfort all of you in your time of grief.
~ Kathy Schrader, Bowling Green, Kentucky
June 16, 2009: Deb, Thanks for having the courage to share your story. Bless you, Deb
~ deb d, charlotte, North Carolina
June 16, 2009: To Deb & Family, I am so sorry for your loss, you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
I am 38 and have smoked for 24 yrs. I quit smoking in March, and aside from a few occasional cigarettes, I have not relapsed to a full time smoker. I would read and re read Deb's blog every time I felt the need to go back to being a full time smoker. So tearfully I say to you...Deb has made a difference in my life and the lives of many others. She is home now..God Bless her on her journey, and those she has left behind.
~ Donna~ West haven, CT.
June 16, 2009: To Debbie and family.. thank you so much for the blog. I lost my grandmother to smoking and after reading Debbie's blog I sent my sister a long message reminding her of our loss as well. We're going to quit together starting tomorrow. Please know that Debbie's story touched my life and many others as well. Her strength and struggle will save lives for years to come.. God bless.
~ Ed Ma, New York, New York
June 16, 2009: I am so sorry for your loss. I like many others got to know Deb through her journal on whyquit.com. I found out last week that I have a mass on my left lung & seeing Deb's strength & courage has helped me. I lost my Brother in January to lung cancer just five days after his 47th birthday. I lost my 70 yr old Mother to lung cancer on 2/1/08. This disease hurts so many. God bless. I pray that Deb's children find peace.
~ Kathy Hernandez, Durham, North Carolina
June 15, 2009: Like many others I will never take another puff because of your brave diary. I followed your sad demise and sat at my computer and cried last week when your sister posted the news of your death. My thoughts and prayers are with your lovely daughter, sister and brother.
You will never be forgotten
~ Carrie Sandercock, Bristol
June 15, 2009: I'm so sorry to hear of Debbie's passing and will be eternally grateful for her courage and unselfishness in the face of so much suffering. God bless her & her family. Jo in Ottawa, Ontario June 15, 2009: I only knew Deborah through her stories she posted on WhyQuit.com. What a strong lady she was. I know she will be missed by her family. She is fortunate to have family to care for her daughter. I cried the day I logged on and read of her passing. My prayers and thoughts go out to her family. Her story has helped me to quit for a little over 11 months now. I think of her everyday.
God Bless-
Eva Phillips, La Porte, Texas
June 15, 2009: I didn't know Deb personally, but I read her posts and she became a source of strength for me both during and after quitting smoking. Her bravery and truthfulness have undoubtedly inspired many others. I am so sorry for her family's loss and hope that they take some comfort in knowing that Deborah Scott made a difference on this Earth.
Raquel Mack
~ Raquel Mack, Santa Rosa, California
June 15, 2009: Although she is gone she leaves behind thousands that have been touched by her life and struggle. I read Deborah's story 4 weeks ago and on that same day decided it was time for me to quit. Thoughts of her have been with me every day, and although I didn't know her personally, I felt like I lost a friend that day she passed away.
I am relieved to know that Deborah knew God before she died and I will keep her memory with me until I see her one day again in heaven where I hope to say thank you. Thank you Deborah for having the courage to share your last, most precious moments so that we may finally hear the message. Thank you Deborah for extending my life.
Since quitting 4 weeks ago I have started training for a 1/2 marathon which I will run in October and you will be my motivation that day.
Peace be with you and your family.
~ Erica Bloxham, Chico, California
June 15, 2009: Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
~ Danny C, Villa Rica, Georgia
June 15, 2009: No words can ever express the sadness of hearing this news. I am just one of the many that have been touched and motivated by Deborah's story as she so bravely fought and shared her battle with lung cancer. I have visited Deborah's page at WhyQuit many times in the five months since I have quit smoking and I may have relapsed already if it wouldn't have been for her and her courage. Our sympathy and prayers are with her daughters, her sister Laurie and the rest of her family. Deborah, you will be missed and remembered.
R.I.P. Deborah Scott
~ Dylan, Macomb, Michigan
June 14, 2009: My thoughts and prayers go out to Deb's family at this time. She is an angel to all of us. I thank her for helping me quit this horrid addiction. I thank her for sharing her life with us. I will always admire the courage and strength of this lady. Peace to you dear Deb and thank you for helping all of us still here.
~ Carolyn Le Grand, Coos Bay, Oregon
June 14, 2009: Am so sorry to hear what happened. Am so grateful for her story on WhyQuit. She was a wonderful lady. We all will miss her dearly, and God bless her family.
~ Emily Lynch, Kernersville, North Carolina
June 14, 2009: My heart and soul are with your family. Prayer to you but thank you for up right and facts about smoking. I have followed your journal and you were a remarkable women to be so honest and to share that honestly with other.
~ Corinnia Cowan, Sherwood Park
June 14, 2009: My condolences to Deb's family & friends. I followed Deb's journal since 1/08 along with my friends cancer who died the same week Deb did. I couldn't believe it. I pray to God i can stay quit. i know Deb has helped me. Thank you Deb. RIP
~ alan Nyman, huntington Station, New York
June 13, 2009: I am sorry for your loss. Thank you Deb for your journal...My heart goes out to both her daughters/
June 13, 2009: I want to thank Deb for sharing her story she was very brave. My thoughts and prayers are with her family daily.
~ Reshonda, Arlington, Texas
June 13, 2009: All week I've been thinking of Deb. I wouldn't go to the WhyQuit site. And when I opened it a few minutes ago, I was so sad to see the news.
When I was struggling with smoking cessation in 2007, each time I'd want to give up, I'd pull up her story, read it again (I've read it at least 100 times), and by the end, I didn't have that craving. She helped save me.
She is in a special place. I thank God for her, and I'm so sorry for your loss.
~ Jan, Raleigh, North Carolina
June 13, 2009: I am so sorry for your loss. I am very thankful for Deborah contributing to the quit smoking forum, as it helps keep my resolve for my own daughter. Know that Deborah and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.
~ Sandy-Bob, Brookfield, Wisconsin
June 13, 2009: My prayers are with your family. Thank you for teaching others with your writings.
~ Joseph Smith, Omaha, Nebraska
June 13, 2009: I want to thank Deb for sharing her story. I started smoking around 12 too and quit June 2, 2008, 30 years later! I always looked forward to her updates that gave me strength and courage to stay quit. May you rest in peace in the arms of your loving Father, God Almighty!
~ Audrey, Spring Hill, Florida
June 12, 2009: I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
~ Sharon, Ithaca, New York
June 12, 2009: My heartfelt prayers go out to those that are mourning the loss of a life cut short. It was because of Deb's story on why quit that I quit smoking over 11 months ago, we were the same age and both of us mothers. We corresponded a few times by email and I am so sad to hear that she is no longer with us.
I don't think she ever realized the impact she was having in the lives of others who were struggling. She loved her children, family and friends very much.
~ Carmen, Langham, Saskatchewan
June 12, 2009: Thank you Deb for writing your blog and giving me the strength to quit smoking. May you now rest in gentle peace. You will live on through your beautiful girls, loving family and in the memory of so many you inspired.
~ Kelly Harris, Milton, Ontario
June 12, 2009: I was so sorry to hear about Deborah's death. I was so hoping that she would beat this cancer. She was instrumental in helping me quit smoking. She was a inspiration to many. My thoughts & prayers are with her family during this time.
~ Laurie, North Carolina
June 12, 2009: I am so sorry for your loss. I have been following her blog. It's very sad. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort.
~ Michele Schneider, Rochester, New York
June 12, 2009: In the wake of Deborahs death I hope her family understands the great service she did for so many of us who have quit smoking.
Her battle brought to life the real struggle nicotine addictions is. Her courage and strength proved so helpful in my own battle with nicotine. God has a special place for her in his kingdom. She is fine now and suffers no more.
God bless you all.
~ Steve, North Carolina
June 12, 2009: On December 3rd, 2007, I was surfing the web looking for advise on something totally unrelated to smoking or quitting. An entry in Deb's journal popped up. I started reading and read it all the way through. I never picked up another cigarette. I was a pack and a half smoker for 27 years. I smoked through 3 pregnancies. Deb inspired me in ways that I couldn't inspire or motivate myself. She is truly a hero in my book. Her children should be very very proud of their mom.
Rest in peace Deb.
~ Terri Buckles, Jacksonville, Arkansas
June 12, 2009: so so deeply saddened to hear of Deborahs death. I have followed her web entries for some time - she IS the reason why I still have my quit. Her courage and strength were a true inspiration to myself and I'm sure many many others. My condolences to Deborahs family.
~ fiona, manchester , UK
June 12, 2009: Hi my name is Pat. I'd been a 40+ year smoker before I read about Deborah and found out about WhyQuit.com. I sent her a couple of e-mails thanking her for telling her story. She replied to me with such courage, conviction and hope that it helped me immeasurably. I know now I'll never take another puff. I have tears in my eyes and it's difficult to type this. I just want her sister, brother and daughters to know that out of this tragedy some good has come and I truly believe that much more good will be done as your sister's/mother's story is told and retold.
Thank you so much for letting us share a small part of her wonderful but brief life. Your brother,
Patrick (free for one year, five months and 11+ days) ~ Utah
June 12, 2009: I thank God for Debbie. Following her diary has certainly strengthened my willpower to stay cigarette free since July 3, 2008. May God rest her soul and comfort her friends & family.
~ Douglas Beach, Endicott, New York
June 12, 2009: A tragic loss of an amazing woman. In death, as she did in life, she will continue to inspire people from all around the world to finally leave behind this dreadful addiction. A wonderful and heroic legacy.
Rest in peace you brave brave soul.
~ Ben Gill, London, UK
June 12, 2009: Because of Deborah, I will Never Take Another Puff.
R.I.P Deborah
Connie Pilgrim
~ Connie Pilgrim, Sioux Lookout, Ontario
June 12, 2009: I'm one of those whyquit.com lurkers. I have been smoke-free since 12/28/05. Stories from people like Deborah helped me stay strong. I've been following her blog since its inception, checking in every week or so to see how she was doing. I was very sad this morning to learn of Deborah's passing. My sincere condolences to her family. She is now free from pain and filled with joy.
~ Patricia Collier, Jacksonville, Florida
June 12, 2009: "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal"
June 11, 2009: Today was my first time ever reading Deborah's diary. I chose today as my quit date and was surfing the web when I came across WhyQuit. I'm glad I did. I strongly believe that there are people on this earth that suffer to help others whether they know it or not. As I read Deborah's diaries and this guestbook, I realize Deborah was one of these very, very unique people. She has touched what appears to be millions of lives around the world, and now mine. Her story will live on and continue to motivate and inspire. My condolences to her family and friends. Find comfort in the fact that she made a huge difference in this world. She was an angel.
~ Matthew Palys, Allenstown, New Hampshire
June 11, 2009: My sister's story "Kim's Missing Lung" or "Fortunate to be Alive to Tell About It" is also posted at whyquit. I followed Deb's postings and truly hoped and prayed that things would work out for her. She was a very brave person and I know her bravery has helped many many people to overcome their addiction. My sincere condolences to her family and friends.
~ Kelly Waters, Sarnia, Ontario
June 11, 2009: My deepest sympathy, thoughts and prayers to Debs family. I didn't know her personally but became very involved with her journal. I found it during the first few days of my quit. Because of her I gained the deep desire necessary for success in quitting.
Deb's journal has helped many people. I know she is missed more than words can express by you, her family. I hope you find solice in knowing how many she helped quit the horrible habit of smoking. Rest in peace Deb.
~ Pam Weister, Bonney Lake, Washington
June 11, 2009: Her story touched my heart. Thanks to her I ended my 38 years of smoking. Her story is in the right place to effect millions of smokers. I have already sent many people there and will send many more to get her message out. Her family should be very proud of her courage!
~ Cindy Brown, Arvada, Colorado
June 11, 2009: Deborah's story motivated me to end a 25-year smoking habit begun at age 12. Her death is a tragedy, but her courage and honesty in describing her illness was a gift that many of us will carry on in our hearts and minds. My deepest condolences to her family and friends.
~ Wade Smithson, Irvine, California
June 11, 2009: I gave up smoking 626 days ago after reading Deborah's story on Whyquit.com. We emailed occaisonally and I thanked her for helping me stop. To Deborah's family- My deepest condolences to you all. I hope that when you read these tributes, you realise that Deborah has helped many many people all over the world. She was a very special person.
~ Anne Grant, Scotland
June 11, 2009: I originally "met" Deb online through a dog/boxer group on Myspace and reconnected with her in a smoking cessation group when I was contemplating my quit. She always had a word of advice (both about quitting smoking and boxers). Although I never met Deb in person she was one of my motivating factors in my quit, and two years later I am still going strong. I will always be strong because of Deb.
It is never easy to remark on a friend's passing (and I consider Deb a friend for her profound and positive impact on my life), but there is some consolation in the fact that she gave the gift of life to so many by sharing her experience; a gift she was able to give without ever meeting those she helped so much.
This is the definition of a hero, of an angel. Thank you, Deb, for your inspiration. More importantly, thank you for my life and the lives of all that you touched. I am truly sorry it had to come at such a price.
Rest in peace, friend.
~ Edward Wilensky, San Diego, California
June 11, 2009: My condolences go to her family in their time of need. I wanted to let you know that it was her blog that kept me going in my efforts to quit. I never wrote her and I never knew her personally but she gave me so much strength to fight for my freedom. For what it worth I'm sure I wasn't the only life she saved with her journal. Thank you
~ Aaron, Hartford, Connecticut
June 11, 2009: I want to extend my deepest sympathies to her family. Reading her journal helped me to never pick up another cigarette. She made a difference in my life and I will be forever grateful.
~ Linda, Landenberg, Pennsylvania
June 11, 2009: We are so proud of how brave you were through out your battle and the fighting spirit you showed till the end. I was not surprised you were always a fighter and one of the strongest people I have ever been lucky enough to have known. I believe you made a very wise choice in leaving your most special gift - your child in Laurie's care. She will always put her needs first - but you knew that. We will all be there for them - it takes a tribe to raise a child. And your tribe is a good one! We all loved you and will miss you always. I only wish Peyton would have been able to get to know you longer and learn from you also.....your story has inspiration and will keep her mommy around and there for her longer, than if I would have, if we had never met because it has inspired me to try to quit and to fight for life and be a better mommy!
~ Pamela Heaster, Fayetteville, North Carolina
June 11, 2009: what a wonderful person deb was, I knew after her last log entry that she was close to ending her pain . when i first found whyquit and deb's journal i was surely inspired to at least begin to think of quitting and sure enough because of how brave she was in sharing i not only quit but stayed quit. deb thankyou now and always. i know many will agree we love you and thankyou earnestly peace be with your family .
mike from oklahoma
June 11, 2009: Deborah, I admire you for fighting hard until the end, and striving to help others even in your deepest suffering. Rest in peace, you will be missed.
~ Peggy L., Edmonton, Alberta
June 10, 2009: Know that you have inspired many to take control of their addiction.Thank you Deborah, you made it real. Your daughters had a very impressive Mum
~ Suzie Ryan, Sydney Australia
June 10, 2009: I only stumbled on this site a couple of months ago and did read Debs story. Debs message to others I believe have helped so many, I myself have been smoke free for 78 days. It is hard to know what to say and how difficult it would be to measure the impact Deb has had on the many peoples lives she touched. I was sorry to learn of Debs passing and wish to express my deepest sympathy to her family.
T. Reith
~ Teresa Reith, Brisbane QLD AUSTRALIA
June 10, 2009: I met Deborah when I was 19 working at a grocery store. I also worked with her sister Laurie and her daughter Amanda later on. Deborah worked very hard. Her family and friends were very important to her. In these past few months I was able to catch up with her on Myspace thanks to Laurie. We had a few conversations about the good times we had at work, very humorous times back then. My heart goes out to her family and friends. I am here if any of you ever need me. We will miss you dearly, Deborah.
"The beauty of life is experiencing it." - Unknown
~ Brandi Courtney, Sanford, North Carolina
June 10, 2009: I quit smoking a few months before Deborah's diagnosis. Like many others, I followed her story from beginning to the tragic end. I cried so much when I read of her passing. May God be with her now as she is free from pain and suffering. Deborah touched the lives of so many and is a truly remarkable and courageous woman. My condolences to her family.
~ Michele Tingling, Ajax, Ontario
June 10, 2009: My heart goes out to her surviving family.. I thank the good lord that she is no longer suffering nor being plagued by mounting bills and unnecessary pain and suffering.. I want to let her family know that she has saved hundreds perhaps thousands of lives, by documenting her story and telling the true horrors of what the tobacco industry continues to hide and deny! She is indeed a true Hero for having the courage to tell the truth, even as she continued to decline, she never faltered.. May she rest in peace now, and I do believe her FATHER came to get her to ease her journey to heaven.
Love Sandra & Christina
P.S. My daughter who is 8 years old helped me write a letter to Debra and my daughter has followed her story to the very end. She too was saddened by her early demise!
~ Sandra Ponce, Monrovia, California
June 10, 2009: Deb was one of my closest friends on myspace. But she was more than just an internet friend to me. She was a real friend. A great friend at that. She taught me so much in such a short time, about life, animals, friendship and about not dwelling on things you can not change. To live life to the fullest extent of your abilities and enjoy it. I love her and thought of her everyday regardless if we talked or not. I miss her and I know I will never forget her.
~ Kelli Shafer, Mohawk, New York
June 10, 2009: We do and will miss you, Deb
~ Alberto, Milano, Italy
June 10, 2009: Deb, I'm so thankful for your courage, your strength, and your gift. I only pray that by your example I can go on to fulfill my small part in leading the charge! May our eternal creator receive your spirit in joy and peace.
~ Michael Masiak, Sterling, Virginia
June 10, 2009: I read with great sadness of Deborah's passing. I've followed her story from the beginning, and definitely credit her with helping me to keep the resolve necessary to remain off of nicotine for 2+ years. She was a true inspiration, and will remain a true inspiration for years to come. Deborah, your daughters can certainly be proud of the fact that their mom has helped so many others through her own misfortune. You will be missed.
~ Thomas, Atlanta, Georgia
June 10, 2009: My sincere condolences for your loss. Deborah was an extremely courageous woman. I have followed Deborah's story since the beginning. I am also 39 with a 13 year old daughter. Her story has helped me to remain smoke free, the many times I have wanted to smoke, I always think of Deb and others from whyquit who have shared their journeys to help others.
God Bless you Deb
~ Sarah, Clinton, Connecticut
June 10, 2009: I am so sad to have learned the news. Wow, I was hoping so bad for some sort of turn-around, some way, some how. I often e-mailed Deborah to encourage her to stay strong. I am sad for her family, esp. her daughter. Deborah will be missed by a lot of us even though we did not know her personally. What a strong lady. I pray God will be with her family and bring them some sort of comfort some how. We will miss, you Deborah!
~ Vickie, Missouri
June 10, 2009: I quit smoking shortly before her story was put on whyquit.com website and I found Deborah's story while looking for strength to stay away from cigarettes. I found her story gave me strength to stay quit and admired her for the public agony she endured. I know her story helped many people which I'm sure saved many lives. This was a story of an average person that became a hero. I think of her often even though I never met her.
~ Richard Lee, Kansas City, Missouri
June 10, 2009: I was very inspired by Deborah's courage. She helped me keep my resolve to stay stopped and it will be 2 years for me on 6/26. She was an amazing woman. God bless all of her family.
~ Ellen, Grand Rapids, Michigan
June 10, 2009: The courage she showed on her journal/blog at Whyquit.com and her sharing of it will undoubtedly save lives as people become inspired and quit. I was hoping for a miracle, yet perhaps because of her many will live longer and free. A miracle indeed. God Bless and God Speed.
~ Gary Lankford, Gainesville, Florida
June 10, 2009: I read of Deborah's struggle on whyquit.com and her journal entries have helped me to stay focused and continue to fight the cravings I have to smoke everyday. I'm glad she isn't suffering anymore! My thoughts and prayers go out to her family, especially her children. God Bless.
~ Veronica Sanford, Winthrop, Massachusetts
June 10, 2009: I am saddened to hear of Deborah's death, she was a true inspiration to me but I'm happy she is not suffering any longer and is in God's house now. Peace be with her and her family.
~ Vickie Ward, Hartford, Wisconsin
June 10, 2009: The courage you showed, Deborah, in rising above embarrassment, guilt, and fear and openly sharing your lung cancer journey has clearly resulted in helping many to stay firm in their commitment to never take another puff! Your daughters, sister and brother can take pride in not only your life but in how you handled yourself at the end. Peace be with you!
~ John R. Polito, Goose Creek, South Carolina
June 09, 2009: I too read of Deborah's struggle with cancer on whyquit.com, and it was because of her story that I finally quit smoking, nearly a year ago.
My sympathy to her family.
~ Linda Anne Chancler, Washington
June 08, 2009: I read Deborah's story and battle with cancer on whyquit.com. She motivated me to stay quit (now for almost a year and 1/2). Thank you Deborah for being so brave and sharing your story to help others, you absolutely DID help others!
May God bless her soul and all of her family. I am sending prayers for comfort during this difficult time.
Barbara Young in North Texas
June 07, 2009: I knew Deborah through whyquit.com and followed her blog. She put up one hell of a fight. She fought a good battle. I guess God has other plans for her, like to reach out to others. My sympathy/prayers go out to her family.
Catherine A. Cross
Ft. Stewart, GA
Please share Deborah's story with friends who smoke!