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Youth Smoking, Vaping &
Nicotine Dependency Prevention

Nicotine as a gateway drug

Kids and vaping: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Vaping: What you can’t see can still hurt you

How you can help prevent kids from vaping

STUDENT ALERT: e-cigarettes & juuling are dangerous

Kids Just Don't Get It!

Parent to parent e-cigarette, Juul and nicotine addiction warnings

How to help kids stop vaping

Frightening Trends in Teenage Smoking

What Can We Do to Stop the Rise of Teen Smoking?

Why I don't speak at more sites on how to help people quit smoking

2018 US high school student tobacco and nicotine use rates past 30 days for cigarettes, e-cigarettes (primarily vaping via juuls or juuling), smokeless tobacco, pipes and cigars.

Why care about child and teen tobacco use?

Reflect on these youth nicotine use facts:

Chart showing U.S. high school current cigarette and e-cigarette use rates from 2011 to 2018

With all that we know about the dangers of nicotine, why do so many adolescents still start using it every day? Early experimentation with a variety of nicotine containing products historically has lead to a lifelong nicotine addiction and then often to cigarettes, a delivery method that is so deadly that smoking has been deemed the most preventable cause of premature death in almost all developed nations.

Students taking up smoking or any nicotine delivery systems today are likely to spend their entire life dependent upon a product that will end up costing them tens of thousands of dollars, and very possibly their health and their lives. Again though, children and teens are still taking up nicotine usage in large numbers.

What can be done to help prevent children and teenagers from developing a lifelong addiction to nicotine? The above resources explore the reasons why so many children and adolescents take up smoking or nicotine delivery each year. They offer practical advice on what public health officials can do to help to reverse these trends. They also explain how teachers and school administrators can protect their students, as well as what parents can do to help their children avoid becoming addicted.

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WhyQuit,com's banner which reads WhyQuit, motivations, education and support for cold turkey nicotine cessation

© Joel Spitzer 1984 - 2022
Page reformatted May 20, 2024 by John R. Polito