No Smoking Day Quit Smoking Tips
How will you navigate the up to 72 hours needed to remove all nicotine from your body so that you can achieve peak withdrawal and begin sensing the underlying current of anxieties start to gradually ease off? If the marketing hype of those selling quit smoking aids is to be believed, it's almost impossible to quit without them. Frankly, nothing could be further from the truth.
A July 2013 Gallup Poll found that more ex-smokers had quit cold turkey than by all other methods combined. It also found that after 40 years of Nicorette sales and billions spent on marketing, that just 1 in 100 ex-smokers credited nicotine gum for their success. Talk about impossible, how can the brain possibly adjust to functioning without nicotine when it continues to arrive?
The Gallup Poll also found that only a tiny fraction of all ex-smokers credited any form of approved quitting product for their success, just 8 percent. The tail has not only been wagging the dog, it's killing it. Read Neal's quitting journal. Why wait too long before getting serious? The time to arrest your addiction to nicotine is now.
Take your own survey of those who have been off of all nicotine for at least one year. You'll discover that the vast majority quit smoking cold turkey. The following 50 quitting tips will enhance your odd that No Smoking Day will be the most victorious day of your entire life!