Nicotine-Free 2023 Guarantee

Are you a slave to regular mandatory nicotine feedings who can't seem to break free?
"Insanity" has been defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." Try something radical. For example, quit now, this very second.
Two studies, an ocean apart, produced identical findings that spontaneous unplanned quitting attempts are 260% more likely to succeed than planned ones (U.K. 2006 and U.S. 2009).
Whether wanting to stop vaping, quit smoking, or end smokeless tobacco use, nicotine’s 2-hour half-life guarantees that within 72 hours of ending use that the worst will be behind you. By then, your nicotine-free brain will have no choice but to begin restoring natural sensitivities.
Yes, it can take up to 21 days to begin feeling normal again, the time needed for dopamine pathway receptor counts to down-regulate to pre-addiction levels. And yes, although feeling better, even then, it may take a couple of more months before that first magic day where you go the entire day without once thinking about wanting to smoke, vape, dip, or chew.
But why delay for even a second the most amazing awakening you’ll likely ever know?
Reclaiming your priorities, time, mouth, dignity, thinking, coins, emotional well-being, self-esteem, and health, why fear feeling your healing?
Logic and reason tell you that recovery should be welcomed and embraced, that breaking free is good and wonderful not bad.
Don't allow thousands of memories of how you instantly satisfied prior urges blind you as to the only way out.
Get excited about saying “no” to that next urge or craving for more. Look at a watch or clock and time it. You'll discover that it rarely lasts longer than 3 minutes, the time needed for replenishment.
A massive baby step, see, you can do it! You stood tall and the glory is 100% yours. Now, just one recovery challenge at a time, stay excited and fully prepared to do it again.
One critical point. Nicotine addiction is real drug addiction that’s as permanent as alcoholism. Once free, we remain on lifetime probation.
Brain scan studies teach us that just one puff and up to 50% of dopamine pathway receptors become occupied by nicotine. While most walk away from trying to cheat feeling like they’ve gotten away with it, it isn’t long before they find their brain wanting, plotting to obtain, or even begging for more.
Nicotine dependency recovery is one of the few things in life where being 99% successful spells defeat. It's all or nothing. For us, one puff will always be too many, while thousands won’t be enough.
While that sounds horrible, knowing the difference between freedom and relapse is actually highly protective. Once residing here on Easy Street (with a billion comfortable ex-users) the reality of lifetime probation won’t disturb your quiet and calm one bit.

Oh, as for the title to this article suggesting a "guarantee" of a nicotine-free 2023, remember, it is IMPOSSIBLE to fail so long as all nicotine remains on the outside.
Yes, there was always only one rule. No nicotine just one hour, challenge, and day at a time … to Never Take Another Puff!
John R. Polito received his JD from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1985, where he graduated Wig & Robe. He is a former 3-pack-a-day thirty-year smoker and the 1999 founder of WhyQuit. A nicotine cessation educator since 2000, John mentored under Joel Spitzer for two decades, presenting more than 100 live nicotine dependency recovery programs modeled after Joel's programs. He is the author of "Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home," "Smart Turkey," and 6 peer-reviewed journal articles. John is the founder and director of Turkeyville, a 15,000-member Facebook support group exclusively for cold turkey quitters. Email: johnpolito54@gmail.com