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A New Years quit smoking letter to the editor

Photo of a red rosebud titled 2024 Nicotine No More Rosebud

Dear Editor:

Cigarette prices shooting through the roof, smokers standing outside in the rain and cold, yet half of adult smokers still smoking themselves to death, it evidences the truth taught by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, that nicotine dependency is a brain wanting disorder and true mental illness.

As real and permanent as alcoholism, hijacked brain dopamine pathways leave nicotine addicts totally convinced that that next fix is as important as eating. But nicotine addiction is about living a lie. Without food we starve. Without nicotine we gradually awaken and thrive.

If hooked, try recalling the calm and quiet, before getting hooked, of going days, weeks and months without once wanting to smoke nicotine? Being unable to do so is a hallmark of addiction. Why fear coming home? Why be afraid of again going days then weeks without wanting to smoke nicotine?

During 2024, more nicotine addicts will successfully arrest their chemical dependence upon nicotine by quitting cold turkey than by all other quitting methods combined, including e-cigs. Roughly half will claim that it was vastly easier than quitting product commercials had led them to believe.

Knowledge is power. Why not let New Year's day 2024 be the day that you become more dependency recovery savvy than nicotine's grip upon your brain, health and life. Within 72 hours you can move beyond peak withdrawal and reside inside a nicotine-free body. But just one puff and you have to start over. One is too many and a thousand never enough. One equals all. There's just one rule ... no nicotine just one hour, challenge and day at a time. Yes you can!

John R. Polito
Nicotine Cessation Educator

108 Aldrich Place
Goose Creek, SC 29445

Write your own New Years quit smoking letter to the editor

New Years is the biggest quitting day of the year. Above is the 250 word letter I sent to my local newspaper. The bigger the paper, the fewer words they normally allow. It's likely that your local newspaper is online and would welcome a letter from you.

Most only print letters from local area readers. It's why your voice is so important. It's a golden opportunity to reach out and share the most important lesson of all, the Law of Addiction. Thanks for being part of the team. Together, just one smoker at a time, we can and are making a difference.

Happy New Year!


Nicotine-free 2023 guarantee on gold background.

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Smart Turkeys understand that nicotine addiction is real drug addiction, that one puff would be too many, while thousands wouldn't be enough
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Written 12/27/10 and image & year updated 12/31/23 by John R. Polito