Directory of free quit smoking and stop vaping support groups
Our families love us but if they've never been addicted to a drug or navigated withdrawal, is it fair to expect them to appreciate what we're going through? Thousands of long-term successful ex-users at online support groups do understand and are waiting, now, to support you.
Support Group Quick Reference Guide
The Internet's five most active 2023 groups
- Turkeyville: Facebook (public). Exclusively cold turkey nicotine cessation.
- StopSmoking: Reddit (public). All quit smoking methods.
- ColdTurkeyQuitters: Facebook (private). Exclusively cold turkey nicotine cessation.
- QuitVaping: Reddit (public). All quit vaping methods.
- Freedom: Reddit (public). All forms of nicotine cessation.
"Nicotine Cessation vs. Smoking Cessation"
Abrupt nicotine cessation versus methods employing substitute nicotine or other dopamine enhancing chemicals not only vary in the manner in which nicotine dependency recovery is approached, but in how each quitter defines abstinence (nicotine cessation vs. smoking or tobacco cessation), and when withdrawal is complete. This can result in vastly different recovery experiences requiring different needs, tools, counseling, support and skills at different times.
Regardless of your chosen method and definition of cessation, try not to base your recovery expectations upon what someone using a different method may be experiencing. The most important thing is that we each eventually break nicotine's grip upon our brain reward pathways and again become comfortable fully engaging life as "us!"
A quick word of caution to abrupt nicotine cessation quitters. Almost all support groups have articles, advertisements or other links that strongly encourage use of a growing array of alternative nicotine delivery devices, including e-cigarettes. If you've remained nicotine free for 72 hours then your blood serum is 100% nicotine-clean. Critical brain pathways once controlled by nicotine are now bathing and basking in nicotine-free oxygen-rich blood serum. They are rapidly re-sensitizing and the symptoms of chemical withdrawal have peaked in intensity and are now gradually beginning to subside. Although it can take 2 to 3 weeks for some symptoms to resolve, for you, the most intense portion of recovery is behind you. Introducing any nicotine back into your bloodstream, from any source, will force you to again need to endure another period of nicotine detox.
"Selecting the Forum That's Right for You"
When selecting a cessation site remain mindful that although they may appear similar on the surface that most are as different as night and day. Some have a unified cessation philosophy and structured education program while others do not. Some have professional counselors or permanent staff reviewing and correcting erroneous or detrimental advice while others do not. Some are deadly serious and highly focused clinic-type programs where general socialization is not permitted, while others are wonderful fun-filled anything-goes giant quitter pep-rallies where the "you can do it" spirit offered by fellow quitters fuels the group.
If you choose the later, be sure and engage in quality dependency recovery reading on the side, as the newness and excitement of the online experience will gradually evaporate. When it does, having knowledge, understanding and solid relapse prevention skills to fall back upon could very well save your recovery and life.
Reading or Posting at Multiple Sites
This post entitled "Reading at Other Quit Smoking Sites" was written by Joel and, although written with members of Freedom from Nicotine in mind, it provides a number of insights beneficial to those wishing to read or post at multiple forums.
None of us are stronger than nicotine but then we don't need to be as nicotine is simply a chemical with an I.Q. of zero. Once we take that final step and end all nicotine use, there is only one rule we each need to follow in order to remain free for life - no nicotine today, Never Take Another Puff, Dip, Vape or Chew!
Founder and director of WhyQuit.com
and Turkeyville
Author of Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home
The below programs are 100% free
~ exclusively for cold turkey quitters ~
- Mission: Imagine being supported by more than 10,000 cold turkey quitters on a 100% nicotine-free scrolling message board. Welcome to Turkeyville, a public Facebook group! The group's primary focus in helping smokers through the first few days of recovery. Devoted exclusively to educated abrupt nicotine cessation (smart turkey), Turkeyville relies heavily upon the recovery lessons shared in Joel's Library. Why cold turkey? Not only is it free, fast and safe. As shown again by a 2018 study, each and every year more nicotine addicts arrest their chemical dependence via abrupt nicotine cessation than by all other methods combined.
- Posting Requirements: A highly focused, deadly serious and single minded forum, you must: (1) have abruptly ended all nicotine use prior to making your first post, (2) without use of any quitting product or medication, without undergoing any procedure, without engaging in any nicotine weaning scheme, and without use of an e-cig or vaping device, and (2) you must read and agree to abide by the forum's rules.
~ exclusively for cold turkey quitters ~
- Mission: This private Facebook group is "strictly for people who want to quit cold turkey. We're sorry but we do not allow people who use nicotine replacement products or medication."
- Membership Requirements: Facebook registration plus declaring that you are a cold turkey quitter applying to join the group.
~ open to all stop smoking methods + vaping ~
- Mission: A Reddit support group "for redditors to motivate each other to quit smoking. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking or giving advice, sharing stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit."
- Membership Requirements:Prior to posting, must provide an email address in order to join Reddit.
~ open to all stop smoking methods ~
- Mission: A Reddit support group for "redditors to motivate each other to quit vaping."
- Membership Requirements: Must submit email address and pick a Reddit user name and password. Messages advocating vaping, e-cigarette use, or any other tobacco products are prohibited.
~ open to all stop smoking methods ~
- Mission: A Reddit support group for "anyone looking for support and assistance in breaking free from nicotine addiction."
- Membership Requirements: Must submit email address and pick a user name and password. Not a cutting-down site but a quitting forum. Negative threads about cold turkey or NRT may be removed.
Voices of Nicotine Recovery
~ cold turkey or approved quitting product users ~
- Mission:Sit in on scheduled PalTalk group meetings grounded in Nicotine Anonymous's 12 Step program. The 12 steps include:
1. We admitted we were powerless over nicotine - that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to nicotine users and to practice these principles in all our affairs. - Meeting Participation Requirements: (1) Download PalTalk Messenger (2) 15 minutes before the meeting is scheduled to begin, log into Paltalk (3) Select Chat Rooms > Health > Overcoming Addiction > Voices of Nicotine Recovery
Quit.com Support
~ exclusively for NicoDerm CQ patch, Commit Lozenge, Nicorette gum quitters ~
- Mission: GlaxoSmithKline's e-mail and newsletter quitting support reserved for users of NicoDerm CQ patch, Commit Lozenge, Nicorette gum quitters.
- Membership Requirements: GlaxoSmithKline NRT user + online registration.
Quit Train
~ cold turkey and approved quitting products with vaping discouraged ~
- Mission: Quit Train is a quit smoking support message board created by former smokers seeking to help others quit. A primary focus of the group is in destroying smoking rationalizations, encouraging members to embrace recovery and relapse prevention.
- Membership Requirements: Registration requires submitting a user name, your email address and creation of a password. You are also asked to provide your quit date.
~ open to all stop smoking methods + vaping ~
- Mission: The group is sponsored by organizations strongly advocating approved quit smoking product use while actively discouraging cold turkey quitting.
- Membership Requirements: Registration requires a membership name and email address and answering a couple of answering smoking history questions.
If you have updated information for any of the above forums, or would like to recommend inclusion of any "free" online cessation forum that is both "active" and has an established record of producing successful long term cessation, please send a quick e-mail to ...
Linda's "My Computer Saved My Life..."
Knowledge is a Quitting Method