Turkeyville's Group Rules
We are a cold turkey nicotine cessation forum. Key to permanent abstinence is understanding and acceptance of the Law of Addiction. Our forum's objective is to motivate, educate and support successful nicotine cessation, with special emphasis on assisting new quitters through peak withdrawal.
Why cold turkey?
Why is Turkeyville exclusively for cold turkey quitters? Because it works. Cold turkey is the method that each year generates more long-term successful ex-users than all other methods combined (Surgeon General 2020, 2013 Gallup Poll, Doran 2006). Cold turkey has prevailed over approved quitting products in nearly all real-world quitting method surveys conducted to date (Weaver 2018, Polito 2012, Doran 2006). If serious about breaking nicotine's grip upon your life, and you think that we are right for you, join us!
Message Posting Requirements
TURKEYVILLE POSTING PRIVILEGES ARE EXCLUSIVELY FOR COLD TURKEY QUITTERS - Please do not post any message at Turkeyville if currently using any form of nicotine, as we are a 100% nicotine-free support group. Turkeyville is for "cold turkey" quitters only, for those who have abruptly ended all use of nicotine, without the use of any quitting product or procedure.
What is NOT Cold Turkey: "Cold turkey" does not include: nicotine replacement therapy (the nicotine patch, gum, lozenge, spray or inhaler); Chantix, Champix or Zyban (when prescribed for cessation); e-cigarettes (even if "nicotine-free"); hypnosis, acupuncture, or laser therapy; any smokeless cessation product such as herbs, injections or any gradual nicotine weaning scheme.
Turkeyville is an abrupt nicotine cessation forum. Please do not post a message to our group if you see yourself as having two quit dates.
Use of any product or procedure after joining, which would have prohibited membership at the time of joining, will result in loss of group messaging privileges.
Facebook Privacy Alert
Turkeyville is a public group. Messages you post at Turkeyville can be read by all Facebook members and may also appear on your Facebook social network.
RULE COMPLIANCE - Continuing membership in WhyQuit's Facebook group is conditioned upon compliance with the below group Rules, and violation may result in permanent loss group messaging privileges.
RULE VIOLATIONS - Turkeyville's rules are strictly and evenly enforced. Administrators reserve the right to delete any post or comment without warning or explanation. On Facebook, our rules can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/notes/whyquitcom-a-cold-turkey-quitting-forum/our-groups-rules/10156089847518804/
NO MEDICAL ADVICE - Members may not solicit or render medical advice, nor invite members to comment on the appropriateness of treatment or medications. While the site openly shares information regarding symptoms commonly experienced during withdrawal and recovery, no member can know for certain whether a symptom is or is not related to quitting. If you have any question in your mind regarding any health concern, including depression or mental health, seek medical assistance. If not satisfied with your physician's advice seek a second opinion.
NO MESSAGES CONTRARY TO PHYSICIAN ADVICE - Facebook messaging privileges shall be immediately terminated if a member posts or notifies management that their doctor or health care provider advises them not to quit smoking at this time, or to follow a quitting plan other than cold turkey. Allowing any member to remain following such a disclosure would mean that this forum is acting contrary to the physician's advice. WhyQuit's Facebook group exists to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a site visitor or member and his/her physician. Do not rely upon any information at this site to replace individual consultations with your doctor or other qualified health care provider.
NO SMOKING SUBSTITUTE QUITTING AIDS - Whether herbal or nicotine-free, use of any inhalation product or device as a substitute for the act of smoking is prohibited. WhyQuit's Facebook group is an abrupt cessation site both as to the physical and psychological aspects of dependency. Substitutes can mimic and prolong psychological dependency. Additionally, some inhalation products claiming to be nicotine-free have been found to contain nicotine.
NO MEDICATION, VITAMIN, HERB, EXERCISE OR DIETING RECOMMENDATIONS - Members are not permitted to render advice or make recommendations on these topics. If you have health concerns please seek the assistance of of qualified professionals.
OPINION DEBATES - WhyQuit's Facebook group is a nicotine-free cold turkey support group. We know who we are! This group is for giving and receiving support. It is not a place to engage in debate over our approach to cessation, or any other topic that would tend to divide or weaken the group's primary mission, to help members remain nicotine-free today.
RELIGIOUS REFERENCES - WhyQuit's Facebook group members come from the world stage where, whether we like it or not, serious religious conflicts divide people, nations and regions. Religious debate is contrary to the group focus necessary to meet the education and support needs of all members. References that identify a particular religion or that reference specific religious teachings are not permitted.
PROFANITY - WhyQuit's Facebook group is a family channel. Neither profanity nor implied profanity (missing letters, missing words or substitute symbols) will be permitted.
ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS - Turkeyville is a drug addiction recovery site. Some of our members have multiple drug dependencies which they may or may not have under arrest. Celebratory use references to alcohol or other drugs are not permitted.
PERSONAL ISSUES - If any member ever feels that their quit is threatened by a personal situation please share only the basic facts in your request for help. Posting personal details about real life issues distracts from our group focus and is not appropriate. Real life issues exist for all group members. The inability to air such issues should not prevent anyone from remaining nicotine free.
GENERAL SOCIALIZATION - Every Turkeyville message must be related to giving and receiving nicotine cessation support. Please help us keep this group a serious and supportive site that remains focused exclusively on a single topic, freedom from nicotine. Messages celebrating birthdays and national or religious holidays shall be removed.
NO MENTIONING NAMES OF ANY BOOK, PROGRAM OR VIDEO - NO SOLICITING OR SPAMMING - Even though well intended, these practices are prohibited. Comments containing references or recommendations to any book, program or video other than the free materials available at WhyQuit's sites are not permitted. Turkeyville is a totally free site with no purchase necessary.
NO OFF-SITE LINKS OR CONTENT EXCEPT FOR WHYQUIT'S SITES - Members shall not post links, content, articles or lessons from any website other than WhyQuit.com, Joel's Library, Joel's YouTube videos or from Turkeyville. Members may post content appropriate photos and images. Any message in violation of this rule shall be deleted. If you have a news item or article of interest, please forward the link to john@whyquit.com.
SUPPORT - A support group is a two way street of both giving and receiving. There is no support without givers. It feels great when a post of support is acknowledged.
CRISIS POSTING - Post to the group should you ever feel that your recovery is threatened. Don't head for an ashtray, a pack, tin, pouch, NRT, e-cigarette, any nicotine delivery device, another user or a store. Head for the group and share a quick and simple post seeking help. Also, once the threat has passed be sure to immediately post back so that members are not left with the false impression that your crisis continues. Our group's messages should reflect the true current state of affairs.
Key Turkeyville Links
How to Quit Smoking
500 additional stop smoking videos
Our Free E-books