Free quitting ebooks, guides and tips
WhyQuit's collection of free nicotine dependency recovery ebooks, guides and tips on how to quit smoking, stop vaping, or end smokeless tobacco use.
Available in 5 formats (EPUB | PDF | MOBI | Word | AZW3), Joel Spitzer's Never Take Another Puff (NTAP) has been downloaded millions of times since 2003, and articles from it have been translated into 11 different languages.
Having started his career with the American Cancer Society in 1972, Joel Spitzer may hold the distinction of having presented more live smoking programs and stop smoking programs and recorded more quitting tips videos than any human ever. The 3rd edition of NTAP was released in 2021 and is a collection of 129 insightful stop smoking articles on almost every cessation topic imaginable.
Released in 2021 and less than an hour's read, Smart Turkey quickly aids cold turkey quitters in becoming smarter and wiser than nicotine's grip upon them. Written by John R. Polito, a former 3 pack-a-day smoker and WhyQuit's 1999 founder, Smart Turkey is available in 6 formats (Web Pages |EPUB | PDF | MOBI | Word | AZW3).
Also written by John, the 4th edition of Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home (FFN-TJH) was released in 2020. This 399-page free book holds the distinction of being the only nicotine cessation book referenced in the U.S. Surgeon General's 700-page 2019 Smoking Cessation Report. Going deeper down the addiction rabbit hole than the other two books, FFN-TJH details 4 layers of nicotine dependency recovery (physical, emotional, subconscious, and conscious) while providing tips and exercises on how to navigate each.

Most of the articles in Joel's NTAP book are also available within Joel's Library as individual webpages. Joel's Library is also home to Joel's nearly 500 video quit smoking lessons, his audio lessons, his Daily Quitting Lesson Guide, and to translations of NTAP articles.
A webpage sharing Joel's top 18 quitting tips."
Joel Spitzer reviews his primary quitting tips.

Loaded with links, this quitting tips guide also shares Bryan's tragic story and is intended for online use by younger smokers of high school, college, or university age.
Ideal as a physician-patient handout, this quitting tips guide was written as an aid to dependency recovery from any form of nicotine delivery, including e-cigs, smokeless tobacco (dip, chewing tobacco, snuff or snus), NRT (nicotine gum, lozenge, inhaler, spray, tablet or patch), cigars and pipes.
Fifty quitting tips for oral tobacco users.