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Joel's Library

Language Translations of Joel's
Library of Stop Smoking Articles

All translations were by volunteers.
Our sincere thanks!



Translator: Danny Youkhana - 09/24/20



Translator: Elodie Long - 10/09/12

Elodie translated Chapter 1 of Joel Spitzer's free e-book Never Take Another Puff and the first four articles of Chapter 2.



Nie wieder einen einzigen Zug!

Nachstehend finden Sie Links zu einem kostenlosen 171-seitigen Buch zum Thema "mit dem Rauchen aufhören" von Joel Spitzer aus Chicago, einem der in der Welt führenden Experten in diesem Gebiet. Es wurde ins Deutsche übersetzt. Egal, ob Sie Zigaretten, Zigarren oder Pfeife rauchen, ob Sie Kau- oder Schnupftabak benutzen, oder ob Sie von Nikotinkaugummi, -lutschtabletten oder Inhalatoren abhängig sind, dieses Buch wird Sie dabei anleiten, sich aus der Gewalt des Nikotins über Ihren Geist, Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Leben zu befreien.

Übersetzt von Heidi Jäkel im Januar 2020:




Never Take Another Puff version 2.0) is available at the above link in its entirety as a PDF e-book (1.7MB). The book's cover is also available for downloading and printing. Our sincere thanks to the Greek translating team, Patroklos Mouzakis, Harry Kakoulidis and Dimitra Christoglou, for their combined effort. One-quarter of Joel's Library (23 articles) has been formatted into HTML pages.



Translator: Lynda Berman - April 2010 - 7 Articles



Non fare più nemmeno un tiro

The first three chapters of Never Take Another Puff have been translated into Italian by Andrea Montoli: PDF version 1.3mb - Word version 1.5mb

Priviously, the following 3 individual articles had been translated and formatted into HTML pages:




Most of original collection of Joel's Library articles were translated into Japanese in 2002 by Nishida Ki. Additional articles added since then are in need of translating.



Translator: Nima Daghighi - 05/08/18 through 09/08/20

کتابخانه ترک سیگار جوئل

Nima has devoted substantial time to not only translating Joel's articles but to helping format most of Joel's original quit smoking articles into HTML webpages that mirror the original collection:

کتابخانه سیگار را متوقف کنید

Nima's Persian translations are also available as a PDF "Never Take Another Puff" ebook:

هر گز پک دیگری نزنید







WhyQuit.com - a free online quit smoking forum offering motivation, education, skills development, counseling and serious group support

Language Translations of WhyQuit Articles

Volunteers have translated these WhyQuit articles





Volunteering to Translate

Send us an email if you are skilled in translating from English into your language and would like to assist in helping smokers in your nation read Joel's lessons and/or WhyQuit articles. The finished articles can either be hosted at your website or here at WhyQuit.

Joel's articles may be translated and published in book format or shared as an online PDF e-book as done with the German and Greek translations. Joel and WhyQuit have only three rules: (1) that there never be any attempt to profit either directly or indirectly from the use of our materials; (2) that they be made freely available without cost, charge or requests for donations; and (3) that the following disclaimer and use authorization also be translated and be placed on the page immediately following the title page or cover of Never Take Another Puff:

Author's Disclaimers and Use Authorization

Copyright Joel Spitzer, 2008. This book or any portion thereof may be freely distributed in either electronic or print form so long as no charge is made for it, and so long as this notice remains with any significant portion of the book when distributed.

Joel Spitzer and WhyQuit.com are not affiliated with any product or service, nor do they endorse any service or product. It is our belief that a person does not need to spend any money in order to break free from nicotine. It is our belief that people do not need to be hypnotized, acupunctured, lasered, patched, gummed, lozenged, take bupropion, varenicline or any vitamin or supplement, or use any other product or procedure to quit smoking.

Joel Spitzer and WhyQuit.com provide all information totally free of charge. Our work may not be used to endorse any quitting product and service. Those marketing quitting products and services do at times approach us for consent to share our materials. We allow our materials to be distributed for the benefit of individual quitters but they must be distributed totally free of charge, without solicitation or donation requests, there can be no mention of any quitting service or product on any page of our materials, any reproduction must contain our copyrights, this disclaimer must be included in full, and sharing our materials should in no way be construed as an endorsement of any product or service.

Please contact us at articles@whyquit.com if any handout or publication is found to contain product or service information, or if these materials were used to market or promote any fee based product or service. Specific complaints will result in permanent revocation of permission for the offending business to distribute our materials.

Our literature is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a reader and his/her physician. Do not rely upon any information in this quitting literature to replace individual consultations with your doctor or other qualified health care provider.

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Created 08/19/07 & updated 11/01/20 by John R. Polito