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WhyQuit.Com | Youth | Nicotine Addiction

Fall 2004 Nicotine Industry Cigarette and Oral Tobacco U.S. Magazine Advertising

Below is a partial yet growing list of links to Fall 2004 tobacco advertisements found in U.S. magazines. We cannot continue to ignore the collective message and impact of $11.2 billion in annual tobacco industry marketing if we're to have any credibility as being dedicated to youth nicotine dependency prevention.

The below cigarette and oral tobacco product marketing images are yours to take, study and share with students, parents, health educators, smokers, cessation facilitators, community leaders, political leaders, and health officials. Imagine scores of websites and hundreds of community based programs each producing their own highly effective counter-marketing campaigns. Imagine children, teens and college-aged students who are trained and able to see through the high quality bait being used to lure and hook them.

How many cigarettes does it take before stirring the senses becomes permanent (Salem)? Is menthol for flavor or throat numbing? Do grown-ups really smoke for flavor or in truth are 90% addicted to smoking nicotine under DSM III mental health standards, and smoke because it hurts when they don't. Taste? How many tastebuds are inside the average human lung? A ride on a camel or on Marlboro's bucking bronco, how long will the ride last and where does it take you? Pleasure or obedience? What pleasure is there in dying 14 years early? Why is price really so important?

The choices are simple. We can remain silent while this generation of youth is harvested at the rate of 4,000 first-time smokers each and every day and 1,000 new daily smokers, or we can devote ourselves to protecting them.

If you subscribe or have access to a magazine containing an ad not listed below please either e-mail it in .jpg (30k to 100k), .gif (larger) or bitmap (largest) format to John R. Polito or mail the original color image to John R. Polito, 108 Aldrich Place, Goose Creek, SC 29445. If you have any questions give me a call at (843) 797-3234.

Also any organization that would like to mirror, backup, archive or otherwise host any or all of the below images, they're "all" yours for the taking. Feel free to delete WhyQuit's source reference at the bottom and add your own if so inclined. It is not necessary to credit this site in any manner whatsoever. Simply take the ads and put them to work.

I ask for your help in two important regards. First, print the below list and then drop by your community middle and/or high school and ask to see the librarian. Share a copy of the list and while there skim the library's magazines and satisfy yourself that tobacco isn't being marketed inside your schools.

Help Stir Time Inc.'s Senses

We must awaken the below magazines to the horrific role they collectively play in creating a community climate that fosters and breeds chemical dependency upon nicotine. Time Inc. owns 130+ magazines around the world, including such heavily nicotine baited magazines as Time, People, Sports Illustrated, Popular Science, Field & Stream, Entertainment, and Outdoor Life. As shown below, Time Inc. is engaged in selling candy flavored holiday season cigarettes (Camel's Mocha Mint and Warm Toffee) and fruit flavored oral tobacco (Apple flavored Skoal). We invite you to devote a few moments toward encouraging Time to come to its senses. You'll find contact information on WhyQuit's "Time to Boycott Time page.

The below images are here for one purpose and one purpose only -- to take, make yours, analyze and counter with truth. Together we can, and the time for action is now.

Breathe deep, hug hard, live long!


Link Color Codes

Black = black and white image
Red = color image
Blue = boycott request
Green = product website


AS = American Spirit
B&W = Brown & Williamson Tobacco Company
BW = Business Week magazine
CC = Conwood Company
Cm = Cosmopolitan magazine
E = Entertainment magazine
Ebm = Ebony magazine
Esm = Essence magazine
ESQ = Esquire magazine
FCm = Family Circle magazine
FRm = Fashion Rocks magazine
FSm = Field & Stream magazine
Fm = Fortune magazine
Gm = Glamour magazine
Jm = Jane magazine
JET = Jet magazine
LTC = Lorillard Tobacco Company
Mm = Money magazine
Nm = Newsweek magazine
PMm = Popular Mechanics magazine
PSm = Popular Science magazine
PM = Philip Morris USA
NRm = New Republic magazine
NYm = New York magazine
OLm = Outdoor Life magazine
Pm = People magazine
PTC = Pinkerton Tobacco Company
RJR = R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Rm = Redbook magazine
RSm = Rolling Stone magazine
RTm = Road & Track magazine
SFT = Santa Fe Tobacco Company
SIm = Sports Illustrated magazine
SSC = SmokeSignals.com
SVm = Sound & Vision magazine
TAm = The Advocate magazine
USN = U.S. News magazine
USS = U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company
UST = U.S. Tobacco Company
VFm = Vanity Fair magazine

Order Data Presented

  1. Magazine
  2. Magazine date
  3. Page
  4. Tobacco company
  5. Brand
  6. Advertisement

  1. TAm
  2. 11/04
  3. 027
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. MochaMint & Warm Toffee

  1. The Atlantic magazine
  2. 10/04007    007
  3. Altria (PM USA)
  4. Marlboro
  5. Marlboro & Nabisco are a family

  1. BW
  2. 11/04
  3. 033
  4. PM
  5. Altria
  6. Serious health effects to smoking

  1. Cm
  2. 10/04
  3. 030
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Nature made it - naturally smooth

  1. Cm
  2. 10/04
  3. 031
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Casual Friday - no additives

  1. Cm
  2. 10/04
  3. 149
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. She, stirs senses, intense/spirited

  1. Cm
  2. 11/04
  3. 023
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Movie actress - famously mellow

  1. Cm
  2. 11/04
  3. 031
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Connection, area codes, phones

  1. Cm
  2. 11/04
  3. 059
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir senses, bid on Cadillac, URL

  1. Cm
  2. 11/04
  3. 082
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Jazz Singer - pleasure to burn

  1. Cm
  2. 11/04
  3. 103
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Board Meeting - surfers

  1. Cm
  2. 12/04
  3. 046
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Winter Mocha Mint - Warm Toffee

  1. Cm
  2. 12/04
  3. 102
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir the senses -backstage access

  1. Cm
  2. 12/04
  3. 135
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Only additive fire - leave bull behind

  1. Cm
  2. 12/04
  3. 195
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Equalize - House of Menthol

  1. Cm
  2. 12/04
  3. 231
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Actress - Turkish blends - fame

  1. Ebm
  2. 10/04
  3. 151
  4. LTC
  5. Newport
  6. Pleasure, friends, quality menthol

  1. Ebm
  2. 11/04
  3. 063
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Connection, area codes, phones

  1. Ebm
  2. 11/04
  3. 165
  4. LTC
  5. Newport
  6. Couple laughing, eating, pleasure

  1. Ebm
  2. 12/04
  3. 097
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Rich, intense - Black Label - stir

  1. E
  2. 11/04
  3. 014
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. smoking actress, famously mellow

  1. ESQ
  2. 10/04
  3. 107    107
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. He, stir senses, rich/intense

  1. ESQ
  2. 10/04
  3. 131
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. First page of page 139 solution

  1. ESQ
  2. 10/04
  3. 139    139
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smoking restrictions

  1. ESQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 087
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir the senses - bid on Cadillac

  1. ESQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 095
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smokeless buildings

  1. ESQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 122
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Skoal/Copenhagen - the solution

  1. ESQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 196
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Movie actor - famously mellow

  1. ESQ
  2. 12/04
  3. 002
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. MochaMint & Toffee - Pgs 2 & 3

  1. Esm
  2. 10/04
  3. 145
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir the senses - hot tub/candles

  1. Esm
  2. 10/04
  3. 153
  4. LTC
  5. Newport
  6. Pool game, couples, fun, pleasure

  1. Esm
  2. 11/04
  3. 129
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Bid on Cadillac, stir senses, URL

  1. Esm
  2. 11/04
  3. 197
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Arrive in style - house of menthol

  1. FCm
  2. 12/04
  3. 012
  4. PM
  5. Altria
  6. Quit Assist - knowledge ups odds

  1. FCm
  2. 12/04
  3. 013
  4. PM
  5. Altria
  6. Quit Assist - free resource guide

  1. FRm
  2. 10/04
  3. 056
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir the senses - hot tub/candles

  1. FSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 025
  4. USS
  5. Copenhagen
  6. Fresh Cope makes Cowboy's day

  1. FSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 033
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Group therapy - no additives

  1. FSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 047
  4. CC
  5. Grizzly
  6. Priced lower

  1. FSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 062
  4. B&W
  5. Pall Mall
  6. Filtered brand burns longer

  1. FSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 067
  4. B&W
  5. Pall Mall
  6. Two page spread with 062

  1. FSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 088
  4. CC
  5. Kodiak
  6. Tailgate party Kodiak Style

  1. FSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 020
  4. USS
  5. Copenhagen
  6. Ty Murray & Cope. both #1

  1. FSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 037
  4. CC
  5. Grizzly
  6. Two for the price of one

  1. FSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 059
  4. USS
  5. Red Seal
  6. 25% more than Grizzly

  1. FSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 071
  4. CC
  5. Kodiak
  6. Morning dog hunt Kodiak style

  1. FSm
  2. 12/04
  3. 008
  4. USS
  5. Copenhagen
  6. Cowboy always rides with Cope.

  1. FSm
  2. 12/04
  3. 050
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Going Online - deep sea fishing

  1. Fm
  2. 10/04
  3. 024
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smokeless buildings

  1. Fm
  2. 10/04
  3. 030
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Skoal/Cope. - The Solution

  1. Gm
  2. 10/04
  3. 141
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Smoking singer - pleasure to burn

  1. Gm
  2. 11/04
  3. 132
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Smoking actress - pleasure to burn

  1. Gm
  2. 11/04
  3. 138
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Big eyes - stir the senses

  1. Gm
  2. 11/04
  3. 147    147
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Beach couple - hostile takeover

  1. Gm
  2. 11/04
  3. 169
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Arrive in style - House of Menthol

  1. Gm
  2. 12/04
  3. 127
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir the senses - smoking legs

  1. Gm
  2. 12/04
  3. 172
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Smooth connection - cell phones

  1. Gm
  2. 12/04
  3. 271
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. MochaMint & Warm Toffee

  1. GQ
  2. 10/04
  3. 148
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Jazz player - pleasure to burn

  1. GQ
  2. 10/04
  3. 218
  4. B&W
  5. Pall Mall
  6. Filtered PM lasts longer

  1. GQ
  2. 10/04
  3. 226
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Save UPCs, get gifts, URL

  1. GQ
  2. 10/04
  3. 227
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Beach surfers - board meeting

  1. GQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 118
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Smoking actor - famously mellow

  1. GQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 147
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Raincoat man - stir the senses

  1. GQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 155
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Casual Friday - beach couple

  1. GQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 171
  4. LTC
  5. Newport
  6. Couple, self photo, pleasure

  1. GQ
  2. 12/04
  3. 193
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Master M - all about the M

  1. GQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 225
  4. B&W
  5. Pall Mall
  6. Lights - lasts longer

  1. GQ
  2. 11/04
  3. 226
  4. B&W
  5. Pall Mall
  6. Filtered - proven to last longer

  1. GQ
  2. 12/04
  3. 159
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. MochaMint and Warm Winter Toffee

  1. GQ
  2. 12/04
  3. 167
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. City smoker - stir the senses

  1. GQ
  2. 12/04
  3. 189
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients - earth, water, sun

  1. GQ
  2. 12/04
  3. 203
  4. B&W
  5. Pall Mall
  6. Lights - lasts longer

  1. GQ
  2. 12/04
  3. 204
  4. B&W
  5. Pall Mall
  6. Filtered - proven to last longer

  1. GQ
  2. 12/04
  3. 297
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Check the levels - optimized

  1. Jm
  2. 11/04
  3. 079
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Arrive in style - house of menthol

  1. Jet
  2. 10/04
  3. 009
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. She, stir senses - rich/intense

  1. Mm
  2. 11/04
  3. 199
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smokeless building?

  1. Mm
  2. 11/04
  3. 211
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution: Skoal/Copenhagen

  1. Mm
  2. 12/04
  3. 191
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smokeless airlines?

  1. Mm
  2. 12/04
  3. 193
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. The solution - Skoal/Copenhagen

  1. NRm
  2. 10/04
  3. 007
  4. PM
  5. Altria
  6. Evolving responsibility - we listen

  1. Nm
  2. 10/04
  3. 017    017
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. He, stir senses - rich/intense

  1. Nm
  2. 10/04
  3. 059
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cop.
  6. Page one to page 61 solution

  1. Nm
  2. 10/04
  3. 061

  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cop.
  6. Solution to smokeless buildings

  1. Nm
  2. 10/04
  3. 009
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. He, stirs senses - rich/intense

  1. Nm
  2. 10/04
  3. 067
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cop.
  6. Solution to smoke-fee sports bar

  1. Nm
  2. 10/04
  3. 069
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cop.
  6. Skoal/Cope. - The Solution

  1. NYm
  2. 11/04
  3. 00?
  4. PM
  5. Altria
  6. Serious smoking health effects

  1. OLm
  2. 10/04
  3. 057
  4. USS
  5. Red Seal
  6. 25% more than Grizzly

  1. OLm
  2. 10/04
  3. 085
  4. CC
  5. Grizzly
  6. More take-home, friendly price

  1. OLm
  2. 10/04
  3. 121
  4. SSC
  5. Marlboro $27
  6. Also Kingsley $11, Seneca $10

  1. OLm
  2. 10/04
  3. 129
  4. PTC
  5. Timber Wolf
  6. Racing driver - leader of the pack

  1. OLm
  2. 11/04
  3. 005
  4. USS
  5. Skoal
  6. Crisp apple flavor, skoal to core

  1. OLm
  2. 11/04
  3. 023
  4. CC
  5. Kodiak
  6. Game time Kodiak style

  1. OLm
  2. 11/04
  3. 067
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients: earth, water, sun

  1. OLm
  2. 11/04
  3. 075
  4. CC
  5. Grizzly
  6. Two for the price of one

  1. OLm
  2. 11/04
  3. 101
  4. SSC
  5. Marlboro $27
  6. Also Kingsley $11, Seneca $10

  1. OLm
  2. 12/04
  3. 004
  4. CC
  5. Kodiak
  6. Morning workout Kodiak style

  1. OLm
  2. 12/04
  3. 017
  4. USS
  5. Skoal
  6. Crisp apple flavor, skoal to core

  1. OLm
  2. 12/04
  3. 025
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients: earth, water, sun

  1. Pm
  2. 10/04
  3. 028
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Save UPCs and get goods

  1. Pm
  2. 10/04
  3. 029
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Private parking - beach romance

  1. Pm
  2. 10/04
  3. 107
  4. B&W
  5. Pall Mall
  6. Ultra lights - lasts longer

  1. Pm
  2. 10/04
  3. 013
  4. LTC
  5. Newport
  6. Couple, self photo, pleasure

  1. Pm
  2. 10/04
  3. 093
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Black label - rich, intense

  1. Pm
  2. 11/04
  3. 081
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. The speakeasy is still roaring

  1. Pm
  2. 11/04
  3. 020
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Smooth, spirited, smoking legs

  1. Pm
  2. 11/04
  3. 076
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Group therapy - 7 at tidal pool

  1. Pm
  2. 11/04
  3. 094
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. MochaMint & Warm Toffee

  1. Pm
  2. 11/04
  3. 136
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Fire only additive - beach biker

  1. Pm
  2. 11/04
  3. 122
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Black label - intense senses stir

  1. Pm
  2. 11/04
  3. 136
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Only additive is fire

  1. Pm
  2. 11/04
  3. 177
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Check the levels - optimized

  1. Pm
  2. 12/04
  3. 118
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Only additive is fire

  1. PMm
  2. 11/04
  3. 015
  4. USS
  5. Skoal
  6. Apple flavor, bold, fresh, new

  1. PMm
  2. 11/04
  3. 031
  4. USS
  5. Red Seal
  6. 25% more than Grizzly

  1. PMm
  2. 11/04
  3. 106
  4. PTC
  5. Timber Wolf
  6. USO troop care package, relax

  1. PMm
  2. 11/04
  3. 107
  4. PTC
  5. Timber Wolf
  6. race car driver, quick reflexes

  1. PMm
  2. 11/04
  3. 125
  4. RJR
  5. Eclipse
  6. maybe less cancer/emphysema

  1. PMm
  2. 12/04
  3. 142
  4. SSC
  5. Marlboro $27
  6. Kinglsey $12 & Seneca $10

  1. PMm
  2. 12/04
  3. 063
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients earth, water, sun

  1. PSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 084
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Cool gangster, pleasure to burn

  1. PSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 109
  4. SSC
  5. Marlboro $27
  6. Kinglsey $11 & Seneca $10

  1. PSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 081
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients earth, water, sun

  1. PSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 124
  4. SSC
  5. Marlboro $27
  6. $5 off 1st order, free samples

  1. PSm
  2. 12/04
  3. 177
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients earth, water, sun

  1. Rm
  2. 12/04
  3. 068
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients: earth, water and sun

  1. RTm
  2. 10/04
  3. 012
  4. USS
  5. Skoal
  6. Apple flavor, bold, fresh

  1. RTm
  2. 10/04
  3. 045
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. 7 at tidal pool - Group therapy

  1. RTm
  2. 11/04
  3. 019
  4. UST
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smoke-free building

  1. RTm
  2. 11/04
  3. 029
  4. PTC
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. The Solution - Apple Skoal

  1. RTm
  2. 11/04
  3. 081
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients: earth, water and sun

  1. RTm
  2. 12/04
  3. 092
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Conference room - smoking in car

  1. RSm
  2. 09/04
  3. 083
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Jazz player - leisure to burn

  1. RSm
  2. 09/04
  3. 091
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Going online - fun fishing

  1. RSm
  2. 09/04
  3. 107
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. He, stir senses - rich/intense

  1. RSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 042
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Beach couple - Hostile takeover

  1. RSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 050
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. He, city, smoking - stir the senses

  1. RSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 028
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. 20,000 instant winners, URL

  1. RSm
  2. 10/04
  3. 048
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. He handing, intense senses stir

  1. RSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 016
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. smoking musician, burn pleasure

  1. RSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 040
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. She, stir senses, rich/intense

  1. RSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 065
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Beach biker - only additive fire

  1. RSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 102
  4. B&W
  5. Kool Milds
  6. Equalize - the house of menthol

  1. RSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 122
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. smoking actress, famously mellow

  1. RSm
  2. 11/04
  3. 094
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. MochaMint & Toffee pgs 2 & 3

  1. RSm
  2. 12/04
  3. 001
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Movie actor - famously mellow

  1. RSm
  2. 12/04
  3. 087
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Big eyes - stir the senses

  1. RSm
  2. 12/04
  3. 111
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Arrive in style - house of menthol

  1. RSm
  2. 12/04
  3. 149
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Smooth connection - cell phones

  1. SVm
  2. 11/04
  3. 096
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir senses, bid on Cadillac, URL

  1. SIm
  2. 09/04
  3. 076
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Conference room - additive free

  1. SIm
  2. 10/04
  3. 087
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Board meeting - 3 walking surfers

  1. SIm
  2. 10/04
  3. 034
  4. PM
  5. Altria
  6. Quit Assist - knowledge ups odds

  1. SIm
  2. 10/04
  3. 035
  4. PM
  5. Altria
  6. Quit Assist - free resource guide

  1. SIm
  2. 10/04
  3. 001
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Smoking actor - famously mellow

  1. SIm
  2. 10/04
  3. 024
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir senses, bid on Cadillac, URL

  1. SIm
  2. 10/04
  3. 158
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. beach campers - Night shift

  1. SIm
  2. 11/04
  3. 044
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir the senses - bid on Cadillac

  1. SIm
  2. 11/04
  3. 072
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. The speakeasy is still roaring

  1. SIm
  2. 11/04
  3. 056
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Stir the senses - bid on Cadillac

  1. SIm
  2. 11/04
  3. 121
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Fire only additive - beach biker

  1. SIm
  2. 11/04
  3. 036
  4. RJR
  5. Salem
  6. Backstage access - stir the senses

  1. SIm
  2. 11/04
  3. 073
  4. RJR
  5. Winston
  6. Ingredients - earth, water, sun

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 015
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smokeless buildings

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 016
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Two page spread with page 15

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 025
  4. SFT
  5. AS
  6. Vote November 2nd

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 091    091
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Smoking actress, fame, pleasure

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 011
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution smoke-free sports bar?

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 012
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution: Skoal/Copenhagen

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 010
  4. PM
  5. PM
  6. Quit assist - 48 pg quitting book

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 011
  4. PM
  5. PM
  6. Quit assist - How to get book

  1. Time magazine
  2. 10/04
  3. 071
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Smoking actress, fame, pleasure

  1. Time magazine
  2. 11/04
  3. 015
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smokeless flights

  1. Time magazine
  2. 11/04
  3. 016
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. The solution: Skoal/Copenhagen

  1. Time magazine
  2. 11/04
  3. 017
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. Solution to smokeless airlines?

  1. Time magazine
  2. 11/04
  3. 018
  4. USS
  5. Skoal/Cope.
  6. The solution: Skoal/Cope.

  1. Time magazine
  2. 11/04
  3. 049
  4. RJR
  5. Camel.
  6. Mocha Mint & Warm Toffee

  1. Time magazine
  2. 11/04
  3. 139
  4. PM
  5. PM
  6. Youth prevention/free brochures

  1. USN
  2. 10/04
  3. 059
  4. Altria (PM USA)
  5. Marlboro
  6. We buy lots of tobacco

  1. USN
  2. 11/04
  3. 003
  4. PM
  5. PM
  6. Youth prevention/free brochures

  1. VFm
  2. 11/04
  3. 287
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. Connection, area codes, phones

  1. VFm
  2. 12/04
  3. 201
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. Speakeasy roaring. URL - prizes

  1. VFm
  2. 12/04
  3. 227
  4. RJR
  5. Camel
  6. MochaMint & Warm Toffee

  1. VFm
  2. 12/04
  3. 269
  4. B&W
  5. Kool
  6. M Powered - house of menthol

Additional Youth Dependency Prevention Reading

WhyQuit  |  Youth  |  Joel's Library  |  Turkeyville

Created on 10/03/04, updated 06/15/15 and links validated 11/14/20 by john@whyquit.com