Boycott Vanity Fair Magazine
As shown above, Vanity Fair magazine is knowingly assisting the nicotine addiction industry in ensuring that America's #1 killer - chemical dependency upon smoking nicotine - remains America's #1 killer. It knows that youth and young adults read Vanity Fair and it also knows that roughly 90% of adult smokers became hooked while children or teens.
It accepts nicotine addiction industry money while being fully aware that the ads it runs, advertisements such as the one above, are highly effective in helping lure children, teens and young adults into a lifetime of neurochemical slavery. It knows that, according to Philip Morris, "symptoms of addiction (having strong urges to smoke, feeling anxious or irritable, or having unsuccessfully tried not to smoke) can appear in teens and preteens within ... only days after they become 'occasional' smokers."
Vanity Fair is fully aware that the above ad is false and extremely deceptive in that 90% of adult smokers are already chemically addicted to smoking nicotine under DSM III mental health standards. It knows that they are not driven to smoke because of flavor or taste but because they must - because it hurts badly when they don't.
It knows that year after year CDC surveys find that roughly 70% of smokers want to quit but can't. It knows that the vast majority of the dollars it accepted for the above ad were involuntary paid by dependent smokers living on a fast track of decay, disease, trying, failing, crying, dying and death. It knows that addiction to smoking nicotine is so gripping that roughly half of adult smokers actually smoke themselves to death, each an average of 13 to 14 years early. What logic or economic sense does it make to help cause loyal readers to stop reading fourteen years early?
This web page will remain active so long as Vanity Fair continues to assist in chemically enslaving America. We ask for your help in making Vanity Fair pay a price for its role in helping hook youth and young adults. Encourage family, friends, physicians, and businesses to cancel their subscriptions to Vanity Fair. Remove the ads before they work their horrible harms if possible. Also, encourage responsible corporations to spend their advertising dollars in placing ads in responsible magazines.
The objective isn't to destroy Vanity Fair readership but to influence enough readers so as to help motivate the publishers and editors to seriously reflect upon their contribution to America's neurochemical freedom, health and life expectancy. Together we can make a difference!
Other December 2004 "Vanity Fair" Cigarette Ads
Additional Youth Related Articles
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- STUDENT ALERT: e-cigarettes & juuling are dangerous - John R. Polito, 02/09/19
- How you can help prevent kids from vaping - Joel Spitzer, 01/23/19
- Thank goodness it's only cigarette smoking, Joel Spitzer, 07/06/18
- Youth smoking, vaping & nicotine dependency prevention - Joel Spitzer, 06/04/18
- Teens, are you listening? Big Tobacco admits smoking is "highly addictive." - John R. Polito, 11/29/17
- ESPN helping addict teens to smoking nicotine - John R. Polito, 03/31/15
- India's ITC, the most reckless cigarette company on earth - John R. Polito, 04/21/14
- Marlboro "Maybe" ads banned by Germany for tareting youth - John R. Polito, 09/29/13
- Student Warning: nicotine addiction can be quick and is permanent - John R. Polito, 09/17/13
- Gallup Poll: cold turkey 48 times smarter than Nicorette - John R. Polito, 08/26/13
- Lung cancer killing twice as many women as breast cancer - John R. Polito, 10/31/12
- 100 reasons why CVS should stop selling cigarettes - John R. Polito, 05/20/11
- Addiction to Smoking Nicotine a Mental Illness - John R. Polito 04/12/10
- Enslaved college smokers pay hefty price - John R. Polito, 10/18/09
- ALA's Not-On-Tobacco school quit smoking program not effective - John R. Polito, 09/07/09
- Why Obama and smokers fear quitting - John R. Polito, 07/06/09
- The President Needs Your Help to Quit - John R. Polito, 06/29/09
- Obama Smoking Assertions Fail Fact Checks - John R. Polito, 06/24/09
- Obama Can't Quit Smoking for Kinsley or America's Youth - John R. Polito, 11/23/08
- Inconsistent Flavor of Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids - John R. Polito, 10/13/08
- Young dying smokers share nightmares online - John R. Polito, 04/30/08
- Obama Youth Nicotine Dependency Lessons Unacceptable - John R. Polito, 03/06/08
- Nicotine Damages First Trimester Embryo - John R. Polito, 02/06/08
- Admitting physical addiction key to quitting smoking - John R. Polito, 10/03/07
- "I'm Deborah, 38, and smoking has smoked this body" - Deborah Scott, 09/13/07
- Confessions of a teenage nicotine addict - John R. Polito, 07/17/07
- Critical Review: Nicotine for the Fetus, the Infant and the Adolescent? - K.H. Ginzel MD et al, 02/06/07
- School smoking & nicotine dependency: students helping students - John R. Polito, 11/28/06
- The Law of Addiction - John R. Polito, 07/24/06
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- Convenience Stores - Nicotine Addiction Central - John R. Polito, 03/18/06
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- Philip Morris revises "Raising kids who don't smoke" - John R. Polito,12/05/05
- College smokers teach teens tobacco truths - John R. Polito, 11/22/05
- TIME Magazine's Health Hypocrisy - John R. Polito, 10/19/05
- Kids just don't get it! - Joel Spitzer, 10/05/05
- Study takes preschoolers cigarette shopping - John R. Polito, 09/19/05
- Latina Magazine - enslaving & killing hispanic females - John R. Polito, 09/03/05
- Philip Morris USA's "Could your kid be smoking?" - John R. Polito, 08/30/05
- The New Jazz Philosophy Tour 2005 - John R. Polito, 06/15/05
- What tobacco issue is important to Philip Morris? - John R. Polito, 06/03/05
- Time Inc. tobacco ads trap and harvest teens in school - John R. Polito, 02/27/05
- Time to boycott Time magazine? - John R. Polito, 11/28/04
- Are teens getting hooked on NRT? - John R. Polito, 06/11/03
- WhyQuit on Youth 1999-2020
who is solely and exclusively responsible for all content and comments appearing on this page.