Marlboro Maybe Archetype Ad Campaign
Are Marlboro "Maybe" advertisements such as the 50 pictured below assaulting youth where you live? Governments are already beginning to ban the Marlboro "Maybe" advertising campaign, declaring that it targets youth.
A once secret study by Philip Morris (PM) provides clear and convincing evidence that Philip Morris International (PMI) is intentionally targeting children and teens for addiction to smoked nicotine.
PM's 1991 "Archetype Project" study taught PMI that its "Maybe" ads would imprint and help form a child or teens initial definitions of success and accomplishment, so as to tie Marlboro use to the child's original definition. Even more troubling, what if "Maybe" ads tie Marlboro use to the adolescent's core decision making process?
On June 21, 2012, PMI's Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales, Frederic de Wilde, openly admitted at PMI's investor day that:
"Once the campaign concept was established, we started introducing image visuals to add emotional elements and anchor 'Be Marlboro' in real situations." "Young adults feel overwhelmed by the flood of information and options that new technologies offer. In this time of uncertainty, they have very few life compasses that can provide them with guidance. With the new campaign, Marlboro encourages them to be decisive, trust themselves and follow their inspiration. The concept is very simple: there are three ways to react when faced with a decision: Yes, No, or Maybe. Marlboro does not believe in Maybes."
While PMI openly admits targeting the young adult's life compass, PM's Archetype Project study discovered that a person's smoking compass involves personal, social and ordering functions which are almost all formed prior to adulthood.
Quoting from PDF Page 7, "An archetype is a mental highway (neuronal pathway) which has been imprinted at an early age and is used each time we perform an action. The first imprinting of smoking is that adults do it, and I'm excluded. In particular, adults do it when they're socializing, having fun, or relaxing," that smoking is to be "part of the group/to belong to the group."
As reviewed on study Page 7, "Law and the mores deny high school students the right to enjoy the pleasures derived from tobacco, gambling and alcohol. However, the mystery with which adults surround these areas of behavior lends them a special value which seems to act as a stimulus to many young people who desire to experience the supposed thrill of pleasures their elders deny them. Transgressing the restrictions imposed by law and taboo is a source of excitement, both individually and within the clique of the initiated."
The "Maybe" campaign ties the adolescent's developing self image to Marlboro, provides them a path of initiation into adulthood (smoking), plays upon their individuality in seeking to create conformity, and markets to the world what Page 11 of the study calls an "American identity":
"A young culture which emphasizes improvement, achievement, freedom, self-actualization, second chances, impossible dreams, etc. Inextricably bound to these ideas is the notion of constant growth, never being satisfied. In a sense, Americans are striving to succeed, regardless of how much success they have already achieved."
In that its own youth neuronal pathway imprinting study has been followed to the letter, any claim by PMI that the below "Maybe" ads do not target children and teenagers is clearly not credible.
The e-cigarette's arrival has created thousands of new business locations which would gladly deny underage children and teens access and entry, while allowing tobacco companies unrestricted commercial square footage for marketing cigarettes to adults (see proposed sales ordinance). Yes, it's a golden opportunity to move nicotine products out of neighborhood convenience stores (nicotine addiction central), grocery stores and pharmacies, to prove to the world that the nicotine addiction industry is serious about protecting the adolescent mind from nicotine use imprinting.
PMI, like all large corporations, is about shareholders, earnings and income. It has no conscience. While the world's leading cigarette seller, its corporate leadership lacks the courage to lead. Instead of supporting local efforts to exclude under-age minds from nicotine sales locations, like harvesting baby seals, PMI will continue to intentionally assault, imprint, brainwash, program and enslave them, so long as health officials allow.
Please help us document PMI's current youth brain neuron imprinting campaign within your neighborhood by being brave and taking photos inside Marlboro sales locations, and on the street, and emailing your images to Please send high resolution photos if possible and be sure and tell us the location where the advertisement appears (city and country), whether the ad is still being displayed, and the date the photo was taken.
PMI Marlboro Maybe Ads
Click Image to Enlarge
Location: Germany June 2012
Comments: German government banned PMI's ad campaign on October 9, 2013 for targeting youth.
MAYBE - BE > Marlboro
Location: Germany - October 2012
Comments: Per the study, "Many authors have acknowledged the ritualistic aspects of smoking:" "rites always designate specific behaviors related to precise situations and rules, marked by repetition, whose role is not obvious"
Message: Maybe
Location: Israel - March 2013
Comments: According to PMI's Senior VP of Marketing and Sales, in December 2011, campaign billboards appeared with a large black lettered 'MAYBE' written on a white background with the MAY crossed out with a red cross. The billboards were not attributable to anyone as this was a "teaser campaign" to arouse interest.
Maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Israel - March 2013
Comments: PMI Maybe advertising assaults are believed to have ended in Israel in May/June 2013
Message: Be Marlboro
Location: Israel - March 2013
Comments: Ad says, "It's time to make decisions and move forward! Yes or No, are decisions that take you forward. MAYBE won't take you anywhere."
Message: No more maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: April 2012
Per PM's Archetype study: "Through observational studies of smoking we have been able to categorize smoking behavior as having ... personal functions." "Personal functions include the management ... of negative and positive affect, the presentation of self and the preparation of self for possibly stressful situations."
Message: No more maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: Per the study, "Recommendations Based on the Archetype:" "Insist that ... smoking is for people who like to take risks."
Message: No more maybe - Marlboro
Location: January 2013
Comments: Per the study, "The American culture is a young culture which emphasizes improvement, achievement ... impossible dreams" "The American identity should be the core"
Message: Never say maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: July 2013 - Indonesia
Comments: Per the study, "Personal functions include the management ... of negative and positive affect, the presentation of self and the preparation of self for possibly stressful situations."
Message: Yes or no. Don't be a maybe. Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - 2012
Comments: Per the study, "The second step is a type of initiation/rite of passage and may occur before or during adolescence. Typically two or more friends steal cigarettes from a parent and sneak away to a private place to smoke."
Message: Left or right. Don't be a maybe. Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: German government banned ad campaign on October 9, 2013 for targeting youth.
Message: Left or right - No more maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Israel - March 2013
Comments: PMI Maybe ad assaults are believed to have ended in Israel in May/June 2013
Message: Up or down - Don't be a maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - January 2012
Comments: Per the study, "Negative Effect Management. Smoking and its attendant behavior can function to reduce negative feelings such as fear, anxiety, stress or anger."
Message: Sit or stand - Don't be a maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: Per the study appendix: "I remember being in the lunch room sitting on the floor. I was probably five. There were several adults in the room, maybe five mostly male. They were talking and watching TV, possibly sports. At least several of them were smoking. The smoking seemed to be, at least to a five year old, what was really the most important event in the room. Several times after that I remember copying their behavior, using crayons (crayolas) as my cigarettes."
Message: In or out - No more maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Israel - March 2013
Comments: PMI Maybe ad assaults are believed to have ended in Israel in May/June 2013
Message: Now or never? - No more maybe - Be Marlboro
Call me X0X0
Location: Israel - March 2013
Comments: Per the study, "Smoking is for people who like to take risks ... taboos, who take life as an adventure to prove themselves"
Message: Maybe goes nowhere - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - January 2012
Comments: Per the study, "The American culture is a young culture which emphasizes improvement, achievement ... impossible dreams" "The American identity should be the core"
Message: Maybe never fell in love - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: Notice the bit of extra skin in this ad as compared to the next. Per the study, "Insist that ... smoking is for people who like to take risks"
Message: Maybe never fell in love - Be Marlboro
Location: Italy - October 2012
Comments: Per the study, "It can therefore be assumed that smoking functions as a means whereby young people can identify themselves with these characteristics (maturity, strength, wisdom and attractiveness). In short, it helps them to identify and demonstrate their ideal 'self image'"
Message: Maybe wouldn't take a chance - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: Per the study, "Recommendations Based on the Archetype:" "Insist that ... smoking is for people who like to take risks, who are not afraid of taboos, who take life as an adventure to prove themselves."
Message: Maybe never fell in love
Location: Germany - January 2013
Comments: Per the study appendix: "I remember my father in his orange chair relaxing talking to me and smoking. I would only change myself to be sitting on his lap while we talked."
Message: Maybe never wrote a song - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - May 2012
Comments: The study concludes cigarette marketing should emphasize "achievement," "self-actualization" and "impossible dreams."
Message: Maybe never wrote a song - Be Marlboro
Location: June 2012
Comments: Per the study appendix: "I guess what I remember most is my father who every morning, would go to the kitchen table, get a cup of coffee and light a cigarette. He always smiled and was very happy on most mornings. I don't ever remember him being in a bad mood."
Message: Maybe never rocks - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - August 2012
Comments: "Law and the mores deny high school students the right to enjoy the pleasures derived from tobacco ... which seems to act as a stimulus to many young people who desire to experience the supposed thrill of pleasures their elders deny them."
Message: Maybe will never be her own boss. - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: The study concludes cigarette marketing should emphasize "improvement, achievement," "self-actualization" and "impossible dreams."
Message: Maybe never found a way - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: Per the study, marketing should emphasize "freedom, self-actualization, second chances, impossible dreams, etc."
Message: Maybe never reached the top - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: German government banned ad campaign on October 9, 2013 for targeting youth.
Message: A maybe never reached the top. Don't be a maybe -
Be Marlboro
Location: 2012
td>Per the study, "Recommendations Based on the Archetype:" "Insist that ... smoking is for people who like to take risks."
Message: A maybe has no fun. Don't be a maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - 2012
Comments: Per the PM study, Appendix C: "Two weeks ago - hung out late at my non-smoking office with my smoker boss. Everyone went home and she and I got a Pepsi can out of trash and smoked in the office. It was fun!"
Message: A Maybe never enjoys the moment. Don't be a maybe. - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - 2012
Comments: Per the PM study, Page 7, "Law and the mores deny high school students the right to enjoy the pleasures derived from tobacco""
Message: A maybe is not invited - Marlboro BEAT
Location: Switzerland - 2014
Comments: Per the Philip Morris study, "The first imprinting of smoking is that adults do it. and I'm excluded."
Message: Maybe never feels free - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - May 2012
Comments: According to PM's Archetype Project study, "American identity should be the core." It's a "young culture" that emphasizes, among other things, "freedom"!
Message: Maybe never wins
Location: Italy - October 2012
Comments: Per the study, "The first imprinting of smoking is that adults do it, and I'm excluded. In particular, adults do it when they're socializing, having fun, or relaxing."
Message: Maybe never reached the top
Location: Latvia - July 16, 2012
Comments: YouTube video of Maybe jump attraction. Link to second longer YouTube video featuring lower jump. Equating smoking risks to fun risks.
Message: Maybe never lights up the night - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: Per the study, "I remember my Dad and his Pall Mall straights. I remember him looking young and tan with that cigarette always in his mouth. I was 3 years old."
Message: Maybe never learned to fly - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - August 2012
Comments: "Law and the mores deny high school students the right to enjoy the pleasures derived from tobacco ... which seems to act as a stimulus to many young people who desire to experience the supposed thrill of pleasures their elders deny them."
Message: Maybe I will take the challenge - Be Marlboro
Location: August 2013 - Indonesia
Comments: Billboard on Route Malioboro
Message: Change does not start with a maybe - Marlboro
Location: Germany - February 2013
Comments: Per the study, "The first imprinting of smoking is that adults do it and I'm excluded." Smoking is a "right of passage and may occur before or during adolescence."
Message: Freedom does not start with a maybe - Marlboro
Location: Germany - February 2013
Comments: According to PM's Archetype Project study, "American identity should be the core." It's a "young culture" that emphasizes, among other things, "freedom"!
Message: History does not start with a maybe - Marlboro
Location: Germany - February 2013
Comments: Per the study, "Transgressing the restrictions imposed by law and taboo is a source of excitement, both individually and within the clique of the initiated. This kind of excitement, of course, does not appeal to all adolescents".
Message: A maybe never made history - Don't be a maybe
Location: Germany - December 2012
Comments: The Germany link suggests that this ad of an old woman may have been introduced after allegations of youth targeting.
Message: Don't be a maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - February 2012
Comments: Per the study, "Negative Effect Management. Smoking and its attendant behavior can function to reduce negative feelings such as fear, anxiety, stress or anger."
Message: Don't be a maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: April 2012
Comments: Per the study, "Negative Effect Management. Smoking and its attendant behavior can function to reduce negative feelings such as fear, anxiety, stress or anger."
Message: Don't be a maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - May 2012
Comments: Per the study, "Rituals involve taboos. Smoking is part of a rite of passage. Rituals are noted for their ability to reduce anxiety. Rituals often reinforce social bonds. Ritualistic elements can have strong sacred/symbolic significance."
Message: Don't be a maybe - Marlboro
Location: Germany - December 2012
Comments: Per the study, "We hypothesize that cigarettes smoked in situations containing elements from imprinting and/or initiation would be more likely to fully reactivate the mental highway"
Message: Don't be a maybe - Marlboro
Location: Germany - October 1, 2013
Comments: This may be one of the ads that provoked German health officials to make the ad campaign ban official on October 9.
Maybe it's time for action - Be Marlboro
Location: 2013 - Indonesia
Comments: From the PM study, "Stress that smoking is dangerous.
Smoking is for people who like to take risks, who are not afraid of taboos, who take life as an adventure to prove themselves."
Maybe it's time to explore - Be Marlboro
Location: July 2013 - Indonesia
Comments: Indoor display banner in Indomaret
Maybe it's time to explore - Be Marlboro
Location: August 2013 - Indonesia
Comments: Indoor display banner at Cirle K convenience store
Message: Don't be a maybe - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - June 2012
Comments: Indoor display. German government banned ad campaign on October 9, 2013 for targeting youth.
Message: Be the dream - Be Marlboro
Location: Germany - 2012
Comments: The German government banned this PMI Marlboro ad campaign on October 9, 2013 for targeting youth.
Related Phillip Morris & Archetype Documents
- August 31, 1990 - 2 page $130,000 fee quote from Archetype Studies to Philip Morris for an "in depth anthropological research in America related to tobacco products."
- September 05, 1990 - Philip Morris identifying Archetype Study team members with meetings in New York, New Jersey and Mass.
- September 12, 1990 - 2 page signed preliminary confidentially agreement between Philip Morris and Archetype Studies.
- September 25, 1990 - 4 page Philip Morris memo recaping meetings to date: "Objectives" include "trying to break the code"
- October 1, 1990 - Archetype Study Calendar of Events
- October 08, 1990 - Archetype Studies invoice for $52,000 for four archetyping sessions: Milwaukee, Los Angeles, Charlotte and Kansas City.
- October 17, 1990 - Philip Morris archetype study contract with Archetype Studies agreeing to pay $130,000 for confidential "research services."
- December 13, 1990 - Archetype Studies invoice for $39,000 for third phase of study indicating archetyping sessions were conducted in Dallas, Tampa and St. Louis
- January 18, 1991 - Signed agreement amending agreement of October 17, 1990, increasing total payment to $150,000 and requiring minimum of 10 sessions.
- February, 1991 - Philip Morris' Archetype Project Summary (11 pages)
- April 24, 1991 - Philip Morris interoffice memo on "Rituals": "For members of a restless age group, it is a question of spectacularly affirming a certain social identity which distinguishes it and holds it together."
- June 20, 1991 - Letter from Archetype Studies to Philip Morris expressing frustration that for "legal reasons we cannot apply the usual way of finalizing conclusions."
- July 17, 1991 - Philip Morris interoffice memo forwarding July draft of Archetype "Project Summary"
- July 17, 1991 - July draft of Archetype "Project Summary"
- August 20, 1991 - August draft of Archetype "Project Summary" - 16 pages
- September 6, 1991 - Philip Morris memo announces meeting for September 27, 1991 to discuss the findings and implications of the Archetype Project. "Attached is a written summary for your review prior to the meeting. This document is for your personal use only. It should not be copied or distributed to others. In addition, please do not discuss the contents with anyone other than those listed below."
- September 11, 1997 - Letter from Philip Morris attorney six years later sharing a letter regarding the Archetype Project.
Related Philip Morris Reading
- Marlboro "Maybe" Archetype Ad Campaign - October 29, 2013 - Is Philip Morris International (PMI) currently toying with neuronal definition imprinting within a child's subconscious mind? View 45 Marlboro "Maybe" ads and contrast the lessons being taught to a 1991 Philip Morris study entitled the "Archetype Project."
- Marlboro maker's report ignores youth addiction - October 22, 2013 - Article reviews how Philip Morris International's 2012 Annual Report ignores discussing PMI's core business, nicotine addiction, or the fact that the vast majority of new regular customers were addicted children and teens.
- Nicotine Patch Inventor Fudges Patch Study Findings - July 12, 2009 - Why would Philip Morris fund a nicotine patch smoking cessation study (see 2004 Funding Agreement)? Although not shared in this article, the answer is simple: PM knows that replacement nicotine is horribly ineffective (see July 2013 Gallup Poll).
- Philip Morris revises "Raising kids who don't smoke" - December 5, 2005 - Why parents wanting to teach their child or teen the unabridged truth about smoking might be wise to select a teacher other than Philip Morris USA.
- Philip Morris' "Could your kid be smoking?" - August 8, 2005 - A critical review of Philip Morris USA's third sixteen-page youth smoking prevention brochure entitled, Could your kid be smoking?
- Understanding Philip Morris's pursuit of US government regulation of tobacco, McDaniel, PA, et al, Tobacco Control, Volume 14, Number 3, Pages 193-200, June 2005 (link to free full text article).
- Financial Ties and Conflicts of Interest Between Pharmaceutical and Tobacco Companies - 2002 - a study detailing Philip Morris' uneasy partnership with the pharmaceutical industry, and why you have never and never will hear any nicotine replacement product commerical tell you why you need to quit, because smoking kills.
- Philip Morris' Mission Exploration Project - June 27, 2000 - A 140 page PDF file outlining Philip Morris USA's plan for, in part, transforming itself into a highly respected nicotine pharmaceutical company, the same vision RJ Reynolds had in 1972.
- Philip Morris' Archetype Project - August 20, 1991 - A 16 page PDF file detailing what Philip Morris USA learned from its archetype sessions about imprinting smoking upon the neuronal pathways of a child's brain.