If so inclined, email us adding your own personal "Have you ever ..." experience. Together, just one recovering addict at a time, yes we can!
#25 | 17 Nov 2002 | OBob Gold
Have you ever used tweesers to hold the 3/4 inch-long end of a cigarette that had been broken in half (no filter), and smoked it like a joint until it actually burned your lips, and then, had one last puff for good measure, even though it burnt, and made your eyes water?#26 | 17 Nov 2002 | Kita (Green)
Did you ever wake your sleeping child to strap them into the car seat so you could run into the convenience store to buy a pack? I have. I'm an addict.#27 | 17 Nov 2002 | AMD33 (gold)
Have you ever quit smoking and broken your cigarettes in two so you wouldn't smoke them? Then later, dug through the coffee grounds and other garbage on top to look for one you didn't break? And when you couldn't find an unbroken one, scotched-taped one of the broken ones together and smoked it -- adding all those yummy burning scotch tape chemicals to the ones you were already smoking? I have. I really am an addict.#28 | 18 Nov 2002 | ZAREFAH
#29 | 18 Nov Sept 2002 | MissQ Gold
This makes me feel awful and maybe writing about it will help. Back in September I thought my son had the stomach flu and he was really sick for the whole day. That night I got worried about him and called his doctor who told me I should take him to the ER to get some fluids in him so he wouldn't dehydrate. Well instead of rushing him to the hospital I went out and smoked a cig (you know how long they make you wait in ER's). Anyway, it turned out to be a appendicitis. He is fine now but I can't believe I did that. What an addict.#30 | 18 Nov 2002 | freefromit GOLD
Have you ever searched parking lots and the street gutters for butts long enough to grab a couple of hits off of? Or the ashtrays outside of public buildings? Have you seen those butts as a potential fix rather than the nasty disgusting trash that they are?#31 | 19 Dec Sept 2002 | OBob
The junky inside lives in that realm between waking and sleeping. Had a viscious smoking dream the other night, and, half-asleep, lay there in bed considering my fate, unclear if I'd relapsed or not, should I just get up and go to the store..... Eventually, I woke up completely, and realized it was a load of bunk, and I had no desire to even get near a cigarette, and that not smoking totally rules! .... still, it's scary when you realize how close the junky is and always will be....#32 | 19 Dec 2002 | AuntBea (Silver)
Have you ever been suffering from pneumonia and hid around the side of the house taking little, tiny, short puffs to get the poison in without hacking your lungs out?#33 | 20 Dec 2002 | IrishLotus GOLD
Ooooo....I just love this junkie ole thread...#34 | 20 Dec 2002 | So Gold
Have you ever taken a one day journey to another country (Norway->Sweden) just to fill your car up with duty-free half priced cigarettes and smuggled them back across the border?#35 | 20 Dec 2002 | Lena (SILVER)
This is a great topic. Talk about honesty. Have you ever chained smoke while drinking TOO much and the next day felt like you were already half in the grave and barely able to breathe? And even amidst coughing so bad you decide that a cigarette will make you feel better!? So you smoke. I have because I'm an addict! Lena#36 | 20 Dec 2002 | FruityPatti
Have you ever had a new car that you would not even allow your kids to eat in, barely breath in ..and then YOU throw a cigarette out and it blows back in the window and burns a hole in the seat? I have...because I am an addict!#37 | 12 Jan 2003 | HarpoJohn
Have you ever had the excruciating pain of having a lung collaspe and on your drive to emergency you puff down as many cigarettes as you can before treatment.#38 | 12 Jan 2003 | barb Silver
Have you ever walked to the curb in front of your house and found a decent size butt and smoked it? I have, because I'm an addict...#39 | 12 Jan 2003 | valeriescleanGOLD
Have you ever "snuck" cigarettes while you were pregnant but thought yourself clever enough to make sure you left enough time gap between your cigarette and your OBGYN visit so when your Dr checked your blood pressure your blood pressure had already dropped to normal and not "racing" from just having a cigarette? I have because I'm an addict!#40 | 13 Jan 2003 | Jerm (Gold)
Have you ever taken all of your butts out of the ash tray, emptied the tobacco out of them and rolled them up into papers to smoke them unfiltered... I have because I'm an addict!#41 | 13 Jan 2003 | Lilycatt
Have you ever picked your old cigarette butts out of the dirt in the garden to salvage a puff? I have... because I'm an ADDICT.#42 | 13 Jan 2003 | misha (Gold )
Have you ever torn your house up knowing you have a pack somewhere??? Have you ever run up on packs in strange places and realized that your kid hid them because she was scared that you were going to smoke yourself to death? *sigh*#43 | 13 Jan 2003 | David Gold
Have you ever thrown a full pack(s) out the car window only to go back and get out of your car in the middle of a busy street to pick up the smashed pack and salvage as many as you could? I have because I'm an addict.#44 | 13 Jan 2003 | Sherry30
Have you ever risked your career to have a forbidden cigarette? After you had been caught once and reprimanded?#45 | 14 Jan 2003 | Lilycatt
I dried them in the oven! Why, because I'm an addict#46 | 11 Feb 2003 | BestieUK (Bronze)
This is brilliant!#47 | 11 Feb 2003 | Sharie (Bronze)
#48 | 11 Feb 2003 | L z l
Talk about brutal honesty. But it's necessary and healthy I guess.#49 | 11 Feb 2003 | LornaMc5
Have you ever... gotten antzy sitting at your mother's side in the hospital because she is on oxygen after having a severe asthma attack due to her smoking. And then you make up a stupid lie/excuse to be able to run outside and stand in the freezing cold to get your fix, and then you go back to her room reeking of smoke - and hear her say, "oh that smells so good, I wish I could have one"...#50 | 22 Sept 200 | smokefreeJD Gold
Have you ever seriously considered pawning something valuable in order to have enough money to buy cigarettes? I have... that was about as rock bottom as I hope I ever get in my life. Luckily I still have the diamond ring I got when I turned 16, it's a family heirloom, but it was almost history. Only a drug addiction can make us do something absurd like that.Next Page First Page Top of Page
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