115 reasons to stop vaping

Do hundreds and hundreds of daily Elf Bar hits leave you feeling drained, horrible and buddy-less? Is your NJOY robbing you of joy, your VooPoo tasting like poopoo, your Vuse in use from dawn to dusk, or are you at last beginning to realize that your Puff Bar has forged the bars to your prison cell?
Do you want to quit vaping e-cigarettes but so far have been unable to muster and sustain the motivation needed to succeed in reaching Easy Street?
Still under construction, the following list of reasons to stop vaping e-cigs is being built at Reddit's Quit Vaping support group, home to more than 22,000 dreamers and doers:
- To reclaim my time
- To arrest my addiction and end my mind's neuro-chemical slavery
- To regain my original mental clarity and improve my headspace
- To increase how long I can maintain focus
- To end "it" being my plus-one, to stop being ashamed of it
- To be able to go places and enjoy things without the monkey on my back
- To end the headaches
- To improve the quality of my sleep
- To end the weird pain in the center of my chest (or chest tightness)
- To take back emotional and dopamine control from a USB stick
- To increase my libido
- To avoid erectile dysfunction
- To be less irritable and short-tempered with the people I love
- To eliminate the risk of accidental nicotine poisoning
- To stop wasting money
- To end premature wrinkling
- To stop propylene glycol from damaging lung airway cells
- To prevent glycerol from damaging my liver
- To diminish my risk of heart disease
- To take better care of myself
- To feel better
- To start exercising again
- To be a better parent to my children
- To diminish anxiety
- To no longer rely on a battery to survive
- To help heal my chronically upset tummy
- A former smoker, to eliminate additional harm
- To lower my blood pressure
- To have warmer hands and feet
- To improve my lung capacity
- Because 638 juice flavoring chemicals pose respiratory health hazards
- To have more time with my children
- To experience greater mood stability
- To NEED nothing but food and water
- To save fuel by not having to drive home because I forgot my vape
- To improve my workout endurance, running and fitness
- To again be in tune with my body
- To stop thinking about vaping all the time
- To stop worrying about the long-term unknown consequences
- To reduce the risk of developing kinetic tremors
- To succeed and never need to quit again
- To improve my circulation
- To improve the health of my skin
- To diminish risk of gum disease and tooth loss
- To stop waking up in the middle of the night to vape
- To end the mini panic attacks when I couldn't find it
- To stop being a slave to it
- To regain control of my behavior
- To allow my body to heal
- To reduce my risk of developing inflammatory arthritis
- To vastly improve my acne
- To make my sense of smell scarily better
- To end the metallic taste in my mouth
- To reduce the number of "bathroom breaks" when eating out or at work
- To end the brain fog
- To end the constant need for water and increase the moisture in my mouth and throat
- To reframe my personal identity
- To be happier
- To diminish impulsivity, to hopefully restore impulse control
- To have more room in my pockets or purse
- To diminish premature hair graying
- To keep more hair longer
- To get rid of the residue on the inside of my windshield
- To stop feeling like a social outcast
- To eliminate the risk of battery fires or explosions
- To end my mouth being chronically dry
- To reduce risks of mouth lesions or hairy tongue
- To diminish my risk of developing chronic rhinosinusitis and allergic rhinitis
- To allow my body to feel strong again
- To allow me to become more social and less reclusive
- To stop getting winded so easily
- To stop working against dental treatment, facials and sunscreen
- To stop pretending that vaping isn't hurting me
- To substantially increase the dating pool
- And get through a date without vaping
- To stop messing up my throat and vocal cords
- To end my use of a proven cancer promoter, nicotine
- Including the development of breast cancer
- My overall cancer risk is 2.2 times higher. That's unacceptable.
- To not be the last among my friends to stop vaping
- To stop inhaling dihydroxyacetone, the active ingredient in sunless tanners
- To get pregnant without damaging the fetus'/baby's brain and lungs
- So nicotine doesn't determine the shape of my unborn child's face
- Or cause them to be born with a congenital heart defect
- To create a healthy environment for my newborn
- To become a father whose child is more important than that next fix
- To stay healthy and alive for my children
- To reduce the e-cig carcinogen acrolein in my body up to 9-fold
- To improve bone fracture healing and diminish bone disease progression
- To improve my appetite
- To stop vaping in places I shouldn't
- To reduce my risk of visual impairment
- To end nausea and dizziness
- To hopefully end or at least improve my worsening depression
- To diminish my risk of suicidal thoughts and attempts
- To end or improve my acid reflux
- To stop overdosing on nicotine
- To leave the house without a mad scramble to find the vape pen
- To stop living and being on edge
- To, at last, relax
- To concentrate again because I can't concentrate if I can't vape
- To breathe deeper and fuller
- To stop feeling like crap, to have energy again
- To restore my immune system and my body's ability to fight infections
- To reduce risk of wheezing by up to 41%
- To reduce risk of shortness of breath by up to 48%
- To reduce risk of bronchitis symptoms up to 55%
- To diminish my risk of early onset of stroke (median age: 48)
- To diminish my risk of heart attack
- To arrest my addiction to inhaling nature's most potent insecticide
- Because there is no legitimate reason to vape
- To be me again 😎
- And to hopefully live longer
- While 61-62% of vapers dream of quitting, I'm about to make it happen
- To prove to myself that I can!
John R. Polito received his JD from the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1985, where he graduated Wig & Robe. He is a former 3-pack-a-day thirty-year smoker and the 1999 founder of WhyQuit. A nicotine cessation educator since 2000, John mentored under Joel Spitzer for two decades, presenting more than 100 live nicotine dependency recovery programs modeled after Joel's programs. He is the author of "Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home," "Smart Turkey," and 6 peer-reviewed journal articles. John is the founder and director of Turkeyville, a 15,000-member Facebook support group exclusively for cold turkey quitters. Email: johnpolito54@gmail.com
Knowledge is a Quitting Method