WhyQuit's nicotine dependency news articles
- 115 reasons to stop vaping - 03/20/23
- Brains of 20-year ex-smokers primed for smoking relapse - John R. Polito, 03/14/23
- Nicotine-free 2023 guarantee - John R. Polito, 09/29/22
- SRNT surrenders to nicotine - John R. Polito, 08/15/21
- "Big Nic" profits from non-cessation transfer studies - John R. Polito, 03/31/21
- Parent to parent e-cigarette, Juul and nicotine addiction warnings - John R. Polito, 02/16/19
- Teens, are you listening? Big Tobacco admits smoking is "highly addictive." - John R. Polito, 11/29/17
- Marlboro maker's report ignores youth addiction - John R. Polito, 10/22/13
- A letter to Obama: one nicotine addict to another - John R. Pollito, 09/26/13
- Student Warning: nicotine addiction can be quick and permanent - John R. Polito, 09/17/13
- Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home, 2nd Edition - John R. Polito, 08/08/13
- Addiction to Smoking Nicotine a Mental Illness - John R. Polito, 04/12/10
- Admitting physical addiction key to quitting smoking - John R. Polito, 10/03/07
- Ignorance Killing Millions of Smokers - John R. Polito, 05/18/12
- For smokers only: understanding and silencing the wanting within - John R. Polito, 05/02/12
- Why 12 of 13 New Year's quit smoking resolutions needlessly fail - John R. Polito, 12/27/11
- Test your quit smoking IQ - John R. Polito, 01/02/11
- How to quit smoking - John R. Polito, 12/18/10
- Addiction to Smoking Nicotine a Mental Illness - John R. Polito, 04/12/10
- "How do I help a smoker quit smoking?" - John R. Polilto, 09/14/09
- The Law of Addiction: quitting's only rule - John R. Pollito, 07/29/07
- Confessions of a teenage nicotine addict - John R. Polito, 07/17/07
- Ten million English smokers plunge deeper into denial - John R. Polito, 06/23/07
- Why do you smoke? - by K.H.Ginzel, M.D. 02/06/07
- The Law of Addiction - Joel Spitzer, 07/24/06
- Surveys suggest nicotine smoking EXTREMELY addictive - John R. Polito, 05/13/05