Tell a newbie how many seconds a day do you still want a cigarette:
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Remember the first few days? Remember worrying that the urges, wanting and craves would never end? If a cold turkey quitter, here's your chance to tell both smokers and new quitters what it's like now.
#201 | 16 Nov 2002 | clactwicegold
In the hope of inspiring any lurkers or newbies happening to be reading, I'd like to share my story here.I quit smoking half a year ago and whilst I haven't had a crave for a good few months, neither have I had a full day when I haven't thought about smoking in some shape or form. I blame this entirely on seeing other people smoking who remind me of my quit. (How annoying!!)
Anyway, on Thusday morning this week, a car knocked me off my bicycle on my way to work. It wasn't a serious accident but enough to warrant some crying and shaking oh, and some pretty spectcular bruising too I'll have you know. My point is that at the end of a particularly awful day, as I was lying in a hot bath trying to forget about it all, I suddenly realised I hadn't once thought about smoking. Feelings which would have been huge triggers before (shock, anger, pain, upset, relief etc. etc.) have now no relation to nicotine whatsoever. And rightly so!
#202 | 16 Nov 2002 | FruityPatti
I kept very good records today. I had a crave at the funeral for around 2 minutes, then one tonight when my brother came over with some disturbing news for about 1 minute. So today (yesterday now) was around 3 minutes or 180 seconds! By the way, 180 seconds is how long I went without thinking of a cigarette the first couple of days and never thought it would get DOES AND HAS!Patti
One month, three days, 2 hours, 22 minutes and 48 seconds. 2045 cigarettes not smoked, saving $358.47. Life saved: 1 week, 2 hours, 25 minutes.
#203 | 19 Nov 2002 | Lissabet (Green)
At one month, I have stopped craving. I still think about ciggs when I transition from one activity to another (work to home etc.). All in all, I think about ciggs for about 300 seconds a day.I am, dancing down the path,
#204 | 19 Nov 2002 | Jinksy (Gold)
Hello Freedom, I have been nicotine free now for 1 year and just about 9 months. I never think about cigarettes, and quite frankly I can't remember the last time I did. Not smoking is as natural to me now as breathing.Happy to be free, Julia
#205 | 19 Nov 2002 | MissQ Gold
I am amazed at how little now I think about smoking. At first I missed smoking something awful but as the days turned to weeks (6), I can wake up, do my thing, drive to work, go to lunch, etc.etc and not think about smoking. I never thought I would feel this way and it's wonderful.Suzi

Time passed 6 weeks, 2 days, 7 hours, 5 minutes, 11 seconds
#206 | 05 Dec 2002 | OBob Gold
It's been a while since I've had any seconds where I've actually "wanted" a cigarette.
#207 | 06 Dec 2002 | JustLee Gold
I keep meaning to post to this thread, but then forget. Thanks for bringing it up at the perfect time OBob...I don't spend any time wanting a cigarette. I do get a crave maybe two or three times a week. These craves last as long as it takes me to correctly interpret what it is my body really needs. I still am having problems confusing the difference between hunger, thirst, etc and cigarette cravings. The old I need something syndrome.
Anyhow, I do know that now I spend way less time thinking that I need a cigarette than when I let myself have one anytime I wanted one.
Three months, three weeks, one day, 21 hours, 17 minutes and 48 seconds. 3446 cigarettes not smoked, saving $482.70. Life saved: 1 week, 4 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes.
#208 | 06 Dec 2002 | freefromit GOLD
Hello 10 days I will be Bronze! (I'm getting very excited about that...) I literally never "want" a cigarette now. Sometimes I catch myself feeling restless or edgy, and realize that is what's left of my "cravings", or I find myself surprised at how long I've gone without even thinking about a cigarette (hours at a time), So, there are reminders that I used to be a smoker, but by golly, I NEVER want to actually light one up and smoke it...WOW, I can't believe I'm actually writing this~~~Marie 2 months 2 weeks 6 days

#209 | 06 Dec 2002 | IrinaGold2
Hello! I have wanted to post in this thread before, but never got around to it. As it is Friday afternoon and I have more time on my hands than usual , here it is:I DO NOT WANT a cigarette at all, so I guess the answer is 0 secs a day

From time to time (maybe once in a couple of weeks) I have a craving, but very faint and brief (JustLee above has described it quite well) - it usually is because I want something else, like I am thirsty or hungry or tired, but I interpret it wrongly.
I think about cigarettes quite often, maybe several times a day, but always along the lines of "I am so glad I do not smoke" when I see a group of smokers shivering in the cold outside the university building.
The really marvellous thing

15 weeks 3 days 12 hours 2,713 cigarettes
#210 | 07 Dec 2002 | GoldenPeachyPie
I have been quit for just over 2 months, and I actually don't want a cigarette at all, and if someone had told me that two months ago I would have said they were mad !! I THINK about smoking, or rather, NOT smoking., for about 20 - 30 seconds a day, max. So its doable.Peach XX

#211 | 07 Dec 2002 | Rickgoldx5

I proud to be an ex smoker for Seven months, two days, 11 hours, 52 minutes and 3 seconds. 17319 cigarettes not smoked, saving $2,589.77. Life saved: 8 weeks, 4 days, 3 hours, 15 minutes.
#212 | 15 Dec 2002 | Toast (GOLD)
I've been thinking about this post from earlier and just had to come back delete and clarify ...I've just spent the better part of two days driving alone ...
... to and from another state to visit my brother - about 250 miles each way. In my smoking past, these trips were punctuated quite regularly with cigarettes - smoking more to pass the time beyond keeping my nicotine levels, well, level. I was suprised once on the way over and once on the way back to have brief thoughts of smoking - not craves, but thoughts. Frankly, I've grown accustomed to not having smoking thoughts. These were just passing thoughts of, "Oh, I'd have lit a cigarette about now." They came and were gone in about 3 seconds - just long enough for the inevitible, "Huh, glad I don't do that anymore!" And I am!
Two years ago on the same trip, if you'd asked me to make the trip without smoking, I would have imagined it to be torture. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

1 Year 6 Months 3 Weeks Free 11411 Less
#213 | 30 Dec 2002 | Joel
See Angela's post 1 year and 7 months.#214 | 31 Dec 2002 | SammymnGOLD
To our newest members, lurkers, and most especially anyone who thinks they'll never find peace:I "wanted" a cigarette about a week and a half ago for about 20 seconds on two ocassions. It was the first time I "wanted" one in over a month. No kidding, barely ever think about it anymore except to say THANK GOD I DON'T SMOKE ANYMORE! Now, my smoking journal said I was actually crying like a baby at a very early date in my quit because I wanted a cigarette so badly. Actually had a friend talk me off the wall. WHOOPPEE! Those days are so gone.
This is so, so, so doable. You will shock yourself with how doable it really is.

#215 | 31 Dec 2002 | Diana (Silver)
Ok - great question. How many seconds a day do I still want a cigarette? I can honestly say a big fat ZERO. I never want another puff.Oh, sometimes I get tricked by a "flash" where I see myself smoking after dinner, or while driving, but that is the nicodemon trying to put one over on me. However, I am wise (and getting wiser) to the tricks and the lies that addiction creates. Just can never let my guard down, and think that I am different, and that 1 puff can not just doesn't work that way.
So, while other situations may make me think I want to smoke, I know I never want nicotine to enter my body again, therefore, I can honestly say, I never ever spend any seconds thinking I would still like a cigarette.
QD 11/26/02 5 weeks, 14 hours and counting
#216 | 31 Dec 2002 | michaela Bronze
I am not sure if I should get too excited, but since about 3 days I never even thought about smoking. This is such a wonderful feeling:) I will NEVER take another puff!I am a non-smoker for: 1 Week 6 Days 1 Hour 18 Minutes 11 Seconds
Cigarettes not smoked: 169
Money saved: C$61.52
Life saved: 1 Day 4 Hrs 17 Mins 3 Secs
wohoo almost half green ;)
Michaela : )
#217 | 31 Dec 2002 | Andy (Silver)
I would say that there may be 20 seconds a day on average that I think about or want to have a cigarette. The urges, flashes and feelings just drop off so dramatically as the days go by. But the biggest threat to a quit is overconfidence or complacency. You can truly never take another puff because as an addict you are one puff away from being right back where you started.Andy
I can't figure out this quit meter thing yet but I know this:
On December 2nd 2002 at 5:45 p.m. I shook that nicotine monkey off my back!!!
~28 days 18 hours and 22 minutes. In two days it will be a whole month! Yea for me!!!
#218 | 02 Jan 2003 | Tolteca GOLD
Zero!I never ever want a cigarettte.
3 years almost 2 months (Quit Date: November 9, 1999).
Rose ;-)
#219 | 10 Jan 2003 | John (Gold)
From: bestmorris[Bronze] Sent: 1/9/2003 4:01 PMHi there! Although I am proud of my stats,
I have been Quit for: 3 Months 2 Weeks 6 Days 6 Hours 24 Minutes 5 Seconds. I have NOT smoked 2020 cigarettes, for a savings of €517.32. Life Saved: 1 Week 20 Minutes
I get the highest satisfaction from the fact that I nearly haven't got any more a second during which I wish to have a puff.
To all my friends here Never take another puff is the law, and will set you free.
#220 | 15 Jan 2003 | OBob Gold
Maybe once a month now.... For about 5 or 10 seconds....
#221 | 21 Jan 2003 | HarpoJohn
I can honestly say with just almost 9 wks of not putting nicotine into my system, which I did for 35 years and my addiction called me about every 15 minutes to do so. I'm only spending 2 or 3 seconds on the thought maybe 2 times a day. So thats about 6 seconds. Not bad in such a short period of time.Freedom really works.
Never Take Another Puff doing it One Day At A Time.
John 8 wks
#222 | 22 Jan 2003 | Rashid (Gold)
Actually I have zero seconds of craving cigarettes per day. I am living in 100% comfort.Rashid - Gold Club
Completely free for 1 year 6 days 5 minutes and 27 seconds. Didn't spend $941.34. Didn't smoke 4,827. Life saved 2 weeks 2 days 18 hours and 5 minutes.
#223 | 22 Jan 2003 | Lilycatt
5 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 21 hours free from addiction!
#224 | 22 Jan 2003 | David Gold
ZERO,ZILCH,NADA. I never want a cigarette. David6 months +
#225 | 26 Jan 2003 | John (Gold)

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