Tell a newbie how many seconds a day do you still want a cigarette:
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"I quit smoking." "How long before I start feeling normal again?"
Remember the first few days? Remember worrying that the urges, wanting and craves would never end? If a cold turkey quitter, here's your chance to tell both smokers and new quitters what it's like now.
Cold turkey quitter invitation
#900 | 06 June 2019 | Michael
Zero. They stink.#901 | 06 June 2019 | Thomas
I've been off of them for about 5 years. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a slight craving for them every now and again, but they are so rare at this point. But the craving passes within seconds. Really, it's hard to even remember life as a smoker.#902 | 06 June 2019 | Sabrina
Zero. Coming up on 3 years without nicotine.#903 | 06 June 2019 | Melanie
None :)#904 | 06 June 2019 | Lottie
Zero :)
#905 | 06 June 2019 | Johan
None. First few weeks were a bit tough but so worth it.#906 | 06 June 2019 | Matty
Every now and then I think back to how I liked to smoke and where I’d smoke etc , then I smell a smoker and nearly vomit , think about how I used to smell , how I must’ve looked gasping away on my burning stick and how I must’ve sound right hacking and coughing ..... yeh NAHHHHHH#907 | 06 June 2019 | Deborah
None#908 | 06 June 2019 | Jeffrey
I am only 3 weeks in but I always get the thought that I could get away with a couple puffs. I know I can't though. Last time I quit for a month I had just a couple puffs. That was over 2 years ago. Back to your question. Maybe a couple minutes a day is all.#909 | 06 June 2019 | Terri
Two months in, crosses my mind every now and then but inly lasts a couple of seconds 👏👍#910 | 06 June 2019 | Janice
In the beginning many times a day but you have to fight through those. Now that I am over 7 months smoke free I hardly ever have the urge anymore. I started smoking at 17 and had my last cigarette at 64. Stick with it because if I can do it so can you! 👍#911 | 06 June 2019 | Jamie
5 years in and zero cravings.#912 | 06 June 2019 | Claire
None....generally. hard to believe in early days. Less you feed nicotine beast,the cravings die off. Good luck with your quit.#913 | 06 June 2019 | Charlene
None absolutely none💃💃#914 | 06 June 2019 | Pamela
None. I've been off them a year and a half.#915 | 06 June 2019 | John
Extremely rare. August will be 4 years. It is a mental thing. Stay strong.#916 | 06 June 2019 | Vishnu
Never!!#917 | 06 June 2019 | Clare
I live with a smoker, I hate the smell and if he wants to give me a kiss I hold my breath.... To answer the question I never even think about it sometimes a fleeting thought.#918 | 06 June 2019 | Aurelie
Zero!!!#919 | 06 June 2019 | Sara
0#920 | 06 June 2019 | Shirley
Very rarely and than only for a second or so. If I have smoking dreams, I wake up so pleased it was only a dream and will be 2 years smoke free in August. I really never thought I would do it but hang on in and remember one smoke will never be enough so don't even try. I don't miss trying to breathe due to the poison smoking puts in your lungs. Best of luck.#921 | 06 June 2019 | Kelly
3 years this pass Jan and I am only bother once in a while if beside a smoker but it a split second. Hang in there it's the best thing you can ever do for yourself.#922 | 06 June 2019 | Hazel
I'm on 86 days. I'd be lying to say I don't think about smoking every day. Indeed that's why I'm still on this site. But thinking about smoking is very different from craving a cigarette and most of the time I don't crave. I just get occasional triggers now, like when I leave a meeting for example. But it's easier to get through now, and I can just breathe deeply, be glad I don't have to light up and move on.#923 | 06 June 2019 | Linda
Day 33 here, I think about it a few times a day... BUT I tell my self although I "want" one, I don't want what goes with ONE- which is a zillion more, the monkey on my back every 20 minutes to get one, the expense, the stench, the HEALTH complications. Instead, I breathe and think gee it feels good to breath and not wheeze, gee it good to not have to stop and buy them, the $ is nice in my pocket, I smell great, and I am free from nicotine. So NO Thank you! Dont need that drug! Life is good!#924 | 06 June 2019 | Emilie
2 months in and I do think about them but honestly don't ever want one.#925 | 06 June 2019 | Eric
Wow - based on "in a day" it would have to be fractions of a second. Quit 4+ years ago. Once in a while - like every 4-6 months, I might get the nostalgic "It would be nice to have a cigarette right about now..." right after a trying day, a fancy meal, or just to contemplate things - and that occupies less than 5 seconds of thought before all the BAD things about smoking that I left behind start burbling up. And it's gone for the next many months LOL. Those of you that have just given up - it DOES get better.#926 | 06 June 2019 | Sue
Zero#927 | 06 June 2019 | Lori
73 days smoke free here. To be honest, I do think about smoking a minute or two several days a week. I also think about how seriously it would wreck my health to have even one puff and how I don’t want to have to quit again, and I would (have to quit again). I’m done with the cigarettes.#928 | 06 June 2019 | Christi
I'm almost 2½ years and I usually don't ever think about it.#929 | 06 June 2019 | Paula
Rarely#930 | 06 June 2019 | Kathy
Most days 0#931 | 06 June 2019 | Kerri
Never anymore#932 | 06 June 2019 | Geraldine
Once in a great while#933 | 06 June 2019 | David
Zero. No nicotine today!#934 | 06 June 2019 | Bernie
Zero#935 | 06 June 2019 | Laurie
Day 671 here. Freedom is so SWEET, self respect is a beautiful thing. When I think about smoking I think how grateful I am that I never have to do that anymore. Zero#936 | 06 June 2019 | Ed
It's rare I think about a cigarette. Most days I don't.#937 | 06 June 2019 | Patti
I think about a smoke about twice a year.#938 | 06 June 2019 | Michael
Not as much as I used to but depends on situation I'm in and my state of mind, it usually passes tho.#939 | 06 June 2019 | Jo
Will be 2 years in August and honestly? It's not even on my radar anymore ... I mean, I will occasionally come up against a trigger I haven't faced yet, so I always remember how hard I worked in the beginning but generally speaking, I barely ever think about it anymore. It's weird to imagine myself as a smoker now.#940 | 06 June 2019 | Paula
To be honest, all the time. Almost 8 months however smoke-free.#941 | 06 June 2019 | Walsh
It's been six months for me and i still get occassional triggers but i completely talk myself out of them and within seconds it passes.#942 | 06 June 2019 | Sarah
9 years for me and I just don't think about them anymore.#943 | 06 June 2019 | Jennifer
This was always my favorite motivation thread to go to when I first quit!!! 😊 and NOW I am SO happy to say, barely ever a thought! It’s only a thought of something I used to do.. and it goes away. I never "want" one EVER! 2 years, 3 months going strong.#944 | 06 June 2019 | Alice
I think about it every so often, but nicotine is no longer a part of my life. 4 months 7 days. NTAP#945 | 06 June 2019 | Amanda
Never#946 | 06 June 2019 | Róisín
0#947 | 06 June 2019 | Rachel
Almost never! And when I do, it's in gratitude I no longer smoke. It took awhile for that to happen, probably 6 months? But it goes away!#948 | 06 June 2019 | Lori
None#947 | 06 June 2019 | Jennifer
Never. And that surprises me! It’ll be 5 years 6/10!#950 | 06 June 2019 | Tammy
I quit 19 days ago and I do not want one and when I think about it, it makes me gag!#951 | 06 June 2019 | Bridget
I quit 1.5 years ago and occasionally when I pass someone smoking I think "I could do that, but i don't really want to," and move on with my life. Usually I think wow, I've gone through all this stress and not once did I break down and smoke. Go me.#952 | 06 June 2019 | Lorie
I'm going on 7 weeks ... I honestly never really "want" one - but I do have a couple thoughts per day typically - that I think, "I should have a smoke now" and then I remember that I don't smoke. It's always a similar moment, that would have been a time that I used to light up (getting in car, phone call, after dinner, stressful moment and/or after finishing chore or task). It's always a relief or comfort when I realize I don't smoke anymore and the thought passes in a snap.😊#953 | 06 June 2019 | Krissylynne
I finally reached my 3 weeks and I can honestly say not many seconds. I don't even think about in the morn when I get up and I'm making my coffee. No smoking is becoming my normal. It really is good right now.#954 | 06 June 2019 | Jim
It's amazing how quickly we move past those triggers. I smoked for over 30 years but the last 16 I only smoked because I was afraid to face morning coffee, driving and after meals without a cigarette. In less than a week all of those triggers were overcome and completely forgotten.#955 | 06 June 2019 | Noelle
It's been 5 years now and I don't even think about smoking or cigarettes ever which I honestly never thought would happen because it used to consume my every thought.#956 | 06 June 2019 | Joan
It’s been almost 5 years and I just don’t think about anymore. After the first year it was a fleeting thought but not a craving. The proceeding years it just doesn’t cross my mind. Good luck to you!!!#957 | 06 June 2019 | Mirko
0#958 | 06 June 2019 | Carmen
431 day in recovery and my answer is a big fat 0.#959 | 06 June 2019 | Denise
Every once in a great while. When something upsets me but I know it will pass. Four months 2 weeks today!#960 | 06 June 2019 | Harvey
Not at all anymore.#961 | 06 June 2019 | Christine
0!😊#962 | 06 June 2019 | Gina
Getting better after 18 months lol 😂#963 | 06 June 2019 | Klára
Hadn't even thought about cigs until I read your post but not at all... you will get there!#964 | 06 June 2019 | Shelly
First week - all the itme. Second week is a little better. Then it just gets better and better.#965 | 06 June 2019 | Stephanie
I don't think about cigarettes anymore. I will always be an addict, but I don't desire them at all anymore. It gets better and it's a wonderful feeling.#966 | 06 June 2019 | Laura
O seconds... And it's been that way since about 1 year in. I'm 4.5 years quit and have no regrets whatsoever!#967 | 06 June 2019 | Wendy
Zero now cigarette free for 15 years and counting#968 | 06 June 2019 | Jim
5 months cold turkey. I think about smoking occasonally, sometimes twice a day, sometimes once a week, but I never crave a cigarette. Haven't had a real intense craving in about 4 months. Cravings quickly diminish after the first few weeks.#969 | 06 June 2019 | Laurie
Zero it’s been 10 years. As a newby I stayed close to the why quit site for the first 2 weeks. I drew my strength from others and with in. You have to fight and you are tough enough to do it.#970 | 06 June 2019 | Kate
I have given up thinking about smoking. Day 38. Even when I am stressed nothing, not a thought there. I can't understand it, all I can put it down to is that I'm totally done with them and i won't be fooled into it anymore. My eyes are wide open , and hopefully they'll remain open ODAAT NTAP#971 | 06 June 2019 | Robynee
0 times a day most days although sometimes I get a whiff of skmekne smoking and I think about it for a second. 1 year 2 months smoke free.#972 | 06 June 2019 | Sarah
None#973 | 06 June 2019 | Michael
It's the opposite for me. I always want one, I just don't need one anymore.#974 | 06 June 2019 | Brian
Zero seconds#975 | 06 June 2019 | David
Zero 🦃🦃#976 | 06 June 2019 | Mitch
Zero seconds unless I am around smokers then maybe 5 seconds. (7 months nicotine free)#977 | 06 June 2019 | Christy
Zero#978 | 06 June 2019 | Chrissy
Zero#979 | 06 June 2019 | Andy
Never#980 | 06 June 2019 | Rose
None#981 | 06 June 2019 | Luann
None for me - 7#982 | 06 June 2019 | Lauren
Never and its been 2 years#983 | 06 June 2019 | Katie
Mostly zero but if I do then about 5 seconds.#984 | 06 June 2019 | Donald
None#985 | 06 June 2019 | Jill only thought about nicotine is my relief that I'm not using any more #5years#986 | 06 June 2019 | Laura
Zero today. To be totally truthful, there are some hard days, after two years quit, maybe a day or two every month or two, when I fall prey to the delusion that I’d feel better if I smoked a cigarette. That fantasy lasts about a nano second, until I remember the stress of having a giant addiction monkey on my back telling me where to go, what to buy, and what to do. Plus plus plus stress. The best thing tobacco addiction ever gave me was the strength to overcome tobacco addiction. NTAP#987 | 06 June 2019 | Wendy
What is zero times 11 years? Oh right, ZERO! NTAP!#988 | 06 June 2019 | João
Zero#989 | 06 June 2019 | Pat
0, no lie!#990 | 06 June 2019 | Daniel
After 9 days and 12 hours into my quit I may think of a cigarette literally for a single minute or two at most during the whole day.#991 | 06 June 2019 | Arlena
0#992 | 06 June 2019 | Melissa
0#993 | 06 June 2019 | Chastity
I never even think of it#994 | 06 June 2019 | Jen
I do not want a cigarette today or anyday!#995 | 06 June 2019 | James
I last stopped craving the dip can around the Bronze Turkey mark. By the time I made Silver, it was easy. Your mileage may vary, however.#996 | 06 June 2019 | Johanna
Maybe once a month...I'll think....boy I'd like a smoke...and after about 4 seconds it goes away. I rarely think of it any more...and that's FANTASTIC! Not to mention... I have more $$$, I don't stink, I have more time and it's going to be 103 degrees here today....and I don't have to go stand in that whilst getting dirty looks from all those passing by.#997 | 06 June 2019 | Cristina
Last time was 2 weeks ago - was very angry about something that happened/ told my daughter "in situations like this I would go for a smoke, two, five, whatever it took to “calm” myself" - the desire lasted that sentence. Then I sat down and reflected on my anger and had a new insight about myself. It was enlightening.#998 | 06 June 2019 | Pam
Did not measure in seconds but prob 4-5 x a day#999 | 06 June 2019 | Patrick
7 months since I quit. Every two days or so, the thought of a cig will come to mind. It will only be for a brief second. Then I'll immediately think about the fact that I just thought of a cigarette, and this new thought (thinking about having had a thought about smoking) will last another 10 seconds. But these thoughts aren't physical cravings, like I used to have when I pined for a smoke at the beginning of my quit. Actually feeling that I want a cigarette is now very rare.#1,000 | 06 June 2019 | Marilyn
Almost 18 months. I might think about it a couple of times a week. Deep breath & thought is gone. Easy peasy! Just NTAP!#1,001 | 06 June 2019 | Jennifer
Zero! 14 months nicotine free#1,002 | 06 June 2019 | Katie
A big fat ZERO!!#1,003 | 14 July 2019 | Pedro Meunier
After smoking a pack a day for over 2 decades and 2 serious attempts failed, I'm on my 3rd quit. Now equipped with the knowledge of past mistakes I feel this is the one! ;) So yeah... here's my stats:I have now stopped smoking for 1 month, 5 days, 9 hours, 57 minutes, 9 seconds. That translates into 668 cigarettes NOT smoked, for a savings of $140.34! At 5 minutes per cigarette I have increased my life expectancy by 2 days, 7 hours, 41 minutes, 28 seconds.
Now spending like 2-3 secs (maybe!) per day thinking of a cigarette! And that's usually after breakfast. Exercising every day (running 3-6 miles and swimming ~30m) helped a lot too! ;) So... hang in there guys! Being smoke free is well worth it! ;)
#1,004 | 23 July 2019 | Eileen Rose
Since 19. May 2018: 430 days 9 hours and 23 seconds Nicotine free, 2151 cigarettes non-smoked, $753.15 savedI don't think about smoking, I think about how good it feels to take a deep breath, to walk without getting exhausted, to smile knowing my teeth are white.
I help people in a stop smoking online forum and even talking half the day to new people doesn't trigger thoughts of smoking, it used to piss me off when people would ask how I was doing because it made me think about not smoking but over time I came to realize it was good to NOT forget lest I become complacent.
*Not today* gobble gobble
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