Tell a newbie how many seconds a day do you still want a cigarette:
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Remember the first few days? Remember worrying that the urges, wanting and craves would never end? If a cold turkey quitter, here's your chance to tell both smokers and new quitters what it's like now.
#676 | 01 Aug 2009 | hwc
For many months, I hadn't had any thoughts or memories of smoking. For the last two months, I actually did have a few fleeting memories. Probably about six different moments when my memory flashed back to smoking. It was an atypical two months, during which my father was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, so the two months were filled with visits, planning for his surgery, conversations with him, a roller coaster during the 12 days he lived after surgery, notifying friends and family, writing obituaries, going through the memorial service, and so forth. This stirred up the dust of a lifetime of memories and it's hardly surprising that it stirred up the dust of some smoking memories. So six moments, over two months, figure 20 seconds per memory, maybe 2 seconds a day on average I thought about smoking during a two month stretch that some would use as the perfect excuse to relapse.I need to be clear. I never once thought about smoking now. Never had any urge to buy cigarettes. Never had any urge to bum a cigarette from the one remaining smoker during the memorial service visit. Zero. No desire at all. Not even a flinch. Just a fleeting memory of smoking, like a fleeting memory of that car I had after college or that girlfriend I had in high school who dumped me.
After smoking for 35+ years, I quit cold turkey One Year, Five Months, Nineteen Days, 11 Hours and 14 Minutes ago. By breaking my active nicotine addiction, I've not purchased and smoked 10749 cigarettes that would have cost me $3,297.10. They tell me I've extended my life expectancy by 37 Days and 7 Hours.
#677 | 17 Aug 2009 | jergriffin
my stats6 days 12 hours 45 mins of freedom did not smoke 130 cigs and saved 35.93 added 1 day to my life
I have wanted to smoke about 5 seconds today. No physical cravings, just discomfort from not getting my blood sugar and caffeine right today, and one brief crave this morning in the wee smalls when I couldn't sleep. I faced that trigger down with a grin, coz that nicodemon can't get me again. I am free and loving it!
#678 | 17 Aug 2009 | Joe J free
That's great Jer! Only 5 seconds today dealing with an urge thought instead of 5 seconds every other minute wanting to intake some more nicotine ASAP when the nicotine tank ran a bit too low. Sounds like you are making good progress moving away from the day to day demands that nicotine imposes on the life of an active addict and moving towards the comfort that comes from successfully recovering our rightful and natural life free of the chemical dependncy.One quick note about a term you inserted in your post - there is no Nicodemon only pure chemical dependency. Don't give nicotine any more credit than it's due. It's a chemical with an IQ of zero. As long as you decide to keep it out of you you'll continue to grow your freedom from nicotine.
As for me - how many seconds have I still Wanted to **** in hot gaseous poison from a cigarette today? Funny question really - Hahahaha - still ZERO.
Joe J Free - GOLD - Free and Healing for Four Years, Seven Months, Seven Days, 6 Hours and 57 Minutes, while recapturing 315 Days and 1 Hour of my life choosing to not use 45368 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $11,675.99. Last edited by Joe J free on 17 Aug 2009 22:57, edited 3 times in total.
#679 | 23 Nov 2009 | angellea
After 4 weeks, I only think about it when I am around someone else who lights up. But I will have to say that every time I have to laugh when I see how they squirm because they are a slave to a chemical. How they want so badly to stop but they don't think there's an option. How they will continue to play Russian Roulette with their life while I, I will be living and breathing, not gasping for air or on my death bed with lung cancer. How many seconds? Only a few until I realize that I have control over how long I think about it....Today, I have a choice!NTAP For Life!
#680 | 24 Nov 2009 | Mortician607
I've been quit for a little more than 2 months now. I'll say that I will want a cigarette for about 10 seconds or so per day. Usually it's a real craving, but sometimes it's just that fantasy cigarette that I think I would enjoy, but really wouldn't be worth it in real life. The nice thing is that I have a choice now and I can decide to not smoke whenever I get the urge. I know that I don't want all the other cigarettes that will come with that first one.#681 | 29 Nov 2009 | JRachel
zero, zip, noneAm very thankful that it now even smells really bad to me (thank the allergist who finally after 50-odd years put together the right combination for me to have unclogged sinuses). After a prolonged illness NOT related to smoking and having to struggle to breathe because of it I treasure each deep breath that I am able to take and won't ever give that up!!!!
It's all about understanding that one puff does really equal the whole carton - we cannot be social smokers. Getting over each and every urge makes you stronger and gets you closer to the freedom that you crave & deserve!!!! Hold your quit close!
J Rachel - Free and Healing for Ten Months, Twenty Eight Days, 21 Hours and 8 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 23 Days and 2 Hours, by avoiding the use of 6658 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $2,362.34.
#682 | 30 Nov 2009 | onetwo
Up until last week it seemed as if I would spend every day thinking about a smoke at least a few times a day, over the past few days (I have just hit the one month mark) I have realized I only thought about smoking once or twice a day. I may not get to be like all the others having days and months where they don't think about smoking but I do know even if that were to happen I will still never return to the awful habit. 10 or 20 uncomfrotable seconds a day beats a lifetime of addiction and the increased potential of physical harm.#683 | 02 Dec 2009 | kayakesva
I could never say that i don't ever think about smoking again. it crosses my mind. sometimes more than once or twice per day, sometimes i go days and never think about it. i would love to be one of those people who goes months and years and never thinks about smoking, but i fear that will never be me. mine was an 18 year pack a day addiction. i can smell a whiff of smoke from a car 100 feet away in traffic and it triggers me. i can feel my heart begin to beat faster, and i think of all the wonderful times and places i would smoke... on a summer's night with a glass of wine on the patio, camping, on a walk through the woods with my dogs... i never think about the horrible times- in the cold, the rain, the heat... it's hard. very hard. but i realize that every single day for the rest of my life i will struggle with my addiction. some days will be harder than others.but i am an addict. and i know ONE PUFF will send me down that road to certain doom. i haven't been here on in months, but the seasons are changing (which also seems to be a trigger for me), and i'm thinking about smoking more and more again. i came back and read the "one puff files". it helped. i'm not alone. it's a tough struggle, but it SURE BEATS THE ALTERNATIVE- ADDICTION.
i will never be the person who "never thinks about smoking again". but that's ok. because i know that i will, and i'm confident that i'll get through it.
#684 | 03 Dec 2009 | elmagno
Today, for about five minutes I was parked near the front of the local "Discount Tobacco" ($$$$$$$$). They have a steady trade, on foot, by car, by truck. Those unfortunate addicts are thinking about wanting to smoke much much more than I. After six months, I never want one, ever.I remember too clearly how I had to count my packs and make sure I didn't run dry. After all, my addiction would really raise some dust if I did.
These days I intentionally think about nicotine so I will not forget the law of addiction and to NTAP. These are the best thoughts about nicotine I have ever had. I like them--

They keep me straight and focused. These moments cause me no jitters, they don't stink, and they are super easy to withdraw from. I never want a cigarette anymore, ever. And when I think about them, I'm happy I am free.
#685 | 15 Dec 2009 | Hope977Gold
3 yrs., 3 mos., 3 wks. Money saved, $7,256.86. Cigarettes not smoked, 36,284. Daily craves, none.Doesn't mean that I'm not one cigarette away from a full blown relapse. We all are. I just don't desire nicotine anymore, and spend zero time pining for it. I do spend time being grateful for my freedom. Still. I see smokers standing out in the cold, shivering, getting their fix, & I remember how that was. I'm happy I don't have to do that anymore. When smokers walk by me, apparently oblivious of the horrid stench that they emit, I am happy I can smell clean. I am just grateful.
After all of this time, the only thing I feel when I think about cigarettes, smoking, or nicotine, is relief that I finally stopped smoking.
#686 | 16 Jan 2010 | Sarah52
I'm 58 yo; smoked cigs since 16 yo, a pack a day; been nicotine free for 71 glorious days and I don't want them, don't need them, don't miss them and rarely think of them.Don't even remember smoking. And I'm doing it OD@AT]OD@AT!!
Newbies. . . . Freedom if Fabulous!!

#687 | 16 Jan 2010 | FreedomNicotine
I noticed we have a lot of new members joining in over the past few days. Might be because of last week's Great American SmokeOut or from some other unknown factor. With so many people coming in at once I think it is a pretty good idea to bring up some of our basic posts that describe how we operate at Freedom.This string I am kicking up now because I want the new members to be reading through it. It is an important string showing how over time the thoughts for cigarettes do really become infrequent. I also want to note that the purpose of this string is for new members to read the experiences from a lot of people what it is like for them not to over time, not for new members to write what it is like for them the first few days or weeks of quitting. The post above was deleted a few days ago precisely for that reason.
#688 | 02 Feb 2010 | Oreo
Wow Sarah52 - you sure are an inspiration. This is day 12 and it was a bit of a struggle - well honestly a real struggle. I'd been smoking for 12 years. So if after 42 years you kicked it - I feel like I can as well. Thanks a bunch!#689 | 12 Feb 2010 | goldrickx7
I don't think about smoking anymore because of Joel and John and Freedom. I won't give it any wasted time in my life anymore. I love the freedom and healthy life I live now without that anchor around my leg!If your new just start reading and watching all of the videos here @ Freedom. It took along time and a lot of love to put it here for you. You can be free also its not easy but this site makes it manageable!
Seven years, seven months, five days, 17 hours, 56 minutes and 0 seconds. 222219 cigarettes not smoked, saving $38,777.93. Life saved: 2 years, 5 weeks, 1 day, 14 hours, 15 minutes.
#690 | 15 Feb 2010 | DANZA
"Gee i never thought I would hear myself say this at the beginning of my journey to ....FREEDOM but it's a big fat....
"Comfort does come to those that stay on the path to Freedom.... keep at it and comfort is yours if... "YOU" really want it! All you have to do is, do yourself a favor .... "Never Take Another Puff" and believe in yourself that you can do it!I have been quit for 9 Months, 1 Week, 6 Days, 21 hours, 31 minutes and 53 seconds (289 days). I have saved $3,968.68 by not smoking 8,696 cigarettes. I have saved 4 Weeks, 2 Days, 4 hours and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 1/05/2009 5:00 PM I'M A PROUD "SIX YEARS FREE" FREEDOM WHYQUIT QUITTER!
"QUIT NICOTINE USE ON THE 1st of MAY 2009 " Best Wishes Dan .

#691 | 19 Feb 2010 | Ah0304
I crave a cigarette maybe once a day. It lasts about 45 seconds. I feel sooooo much better since I quit!!! The craves I can handle...Amy - Free and Healing for Twenty One Days, 18 Hours and 30 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 1 Day and 15 Hours, by avoiding the use of 479 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $131.83.
#692 | 28 Feb 2010 | Neecy4X
I am angry at cigarettes. I have no thoughts to smoke. I refuse to poison myself any longer. I feel like a fool, and hopefully, this fool quit in time.Thank you, Joel and Kim (may she rest in peace) for saving my life.
#693 | 28 Feb 2010 | hwc
Good for you. I can't say that I didn't think about smoking at all on my day 3, but I did share your anger at cigarettes. Specifically, I was angry at my nicotine addiction and in a mood to punch the addiction in the nose.I guess we are all different, but I personally think that anger at nicotine addiction is a useful ingrediant in the recipe for reversing years or decades of junkie brainwashing. Show me a quitter who still has fond thoughts of smoking and I'll show you somebody who will probably be smoking again. Anger can be motivation to get through the early days, but there's also a long-term process by which we change the way we view smoking and nicotine addiction -- no more rainbows and unicorns and puppies, but seeing the addiction for what it really is and what it really does to us. At least for me, that change in my thinking, which came about from many nights reading here, was a key to becoming a truly comfortable ex-smoker.
#694 | 13 Mar 2010 | Jill
I smoked for 40 years ,,at least a pack a day. my motivation to quit was based largely on Health issues. Since Dec. I have had colds and sinus infections off and on. I would feel better for a week or two them I'd be sick again, I was sick of being sick. Finally went to Doc got an antibotic and started feeling better. I got to thinking about what it might feel like to feel normal and decided to Quit so I could experience normalicy. It has been a very interesting trip. Did I have withdraws? Yes! were they easier or harder than I thought they were? Easier! Am I having Craves? Yes! are they easier or harder than I thought they would be? Easier. Do they become less and less in duration as time goes by? Yes they do!What have I learned from this site that had helped me the most to Quit . I read here some where that your not being ask to never take another puff but to try to remain nicotine free for two weeks so at lease you would have a CHOICE of whether you would continue to smoke of not. Never was too long for me but two weeks was doable, then after two weeks to ask yourself if you want to go back , It is really hard to lose the two weeks you have worked so hard for ,Plus after the two weeks it definitely is my CHOICE,because I am Free of Nicotine in my system, and its spell it have over me.I have craves about 4 to 5 times a day lasting seconds . QUIT 2Wk ,5 D, 10Hr, 3Min
#695 | 30 Apr 2010 | Gary
I've quit since January 31 of this year. I still want them, most every day. I especially want the magic "ahhhh" cigarette...but, like Joel says, it comes with a pack, then another, then ful-fledged addiction again. I want one --- I don't crave that one now! Never another puff!#696 | 30 Apr 2010 | Gary
Hang in there all you newbies! Hang in there. Make for just one minute; then just one more; then just one more. Usually by then, that urgency becomes defeatable! Hang in there!I think of smoking for maybe two full minutes a day, if I combined all the seconds together. That's better then planning my life around times and locations I could smoke freely, or "storing it up" by smoking a bunch in a row when I knew I couldn't have one for a long time.
#697 | 01 May 2010 | Sarah52
Free since 11/6/09I never crave anymore.
I don't even think about them anymore.
#698 | 01 May 2010 | dakotafunk
How many minutes a day do I still want a cigarette!?!?!?!None... periodic thoughts occupy a few minutes a day.
mike - Free and Healing for Four Months, Five Days, 22 Hours and 44 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 17 Days and 11 Hours, by avoiding the use of 5038 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $822.91.
#699 | 02 May 2010 | suez
After 23 days nicotine free, some days i don't crave at all, and the most is just once and it last for few seconds
#700 | 07 May 2010 | ExSmokerSue
Hello everyone. It has been a long time since I posted here but I'm doing so today, hoping it will encourage someone to start or stay with their quit. I've just passed the 100 day mark in my recovery from nicotine and I honestly never thought I'd get here. To all those starting out, you WILL get past the days of having your every thought involve smoking. You will get to the point when you don't think about smoking. Don't think that's possible, do you? I didn't either! But I promise it's true
Do I still crave cigarettes? No, the cravings are long gone. Do I still want to smoke? I won't lie to anyone, sure I do. But please read that again and notice I said want and not need. I no longer need to smoke. I haven't needed to in quite awhile now. It is now a decision, a choice I make everyday not to smoke, not even a puff. The only reason I want a cigarette from time to time is because the addictive mind tries to tell me that smoking "felt" good and so I long for it, for a few short minutes. But you know how easy it is to get past that longing now? All I do is remind myself that there is NOT ONE good thing about smoking, not one. So why one earth would I want to return to something that offers me no benefits whatsoever? It's a struggle sometimes but absolutely nothing like in the beginning.
I wish I could meet every one of you in person and tell you how much richer life is without cigarettes. Breathing is better. Eating is better. Being outside, smelling truly fresh air (not air filtered through smoke) is better. Being around friends and family, knowing I am no longer contributing to potentional health problems for them is wonderful! While there isn't a single positive thing about smoking, EVERYTHING about not smoking is positive!
If you wonder if its worth it? It is

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