Tell a newbie how many seconds a day do you still want a cigarette:
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Remember the first few days? Remember worrying that the urges, wanting and craves would never end? If a cold turkey quitter, here's your chance to tell both smokers and new quitters what it's like now.
#26 | 25 Jun 2001 | Debi289(Gold)
Great idea for a parade! I probably think about a cigarette total, 30-60 seconds total per day. Sixty seconds on a bad day. It gets better all the time. I have been beating nicotine for 5M 1W 5D 11h 25m 35s. I have NOT smoked 3309 life destroying cigarettes, for a savings of $463.33. I have saved 1W 4D 11h 45m of my wonderful life.
#27 | 26 Jun 2001 | Stan (Gold)
Joel, excellent question. Most days I never think of a sickerette, however on occasion a situational urge will enter my mind. But thanks to the knowledge that I have gained from this site it is easily dismissed. I really thought about the question and in all honesty I guess the answer is close to ZERO, Nada, zilch, none. I came to this conclusion because those situational urges I mentioned above are not really thoughts of having a sickerette but rather just a fleeting moment of nostalgia. Joel, John and all the managers, Thanks from the bottom of my heart for this site.
I am Stan, smokeless in Dallas for: Eight months, three weeks, six days, 15 hours, 26 minutes and 14 seconds. 10785 cigarettes not smoked, saving $1,483.04. Life saved: 5 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 45 the country folk in Texas say; "Who'd thunk it"?
#28 | 26 Jun 2001 | Ryan(Gold)
I have not smoked for One month, one week, three days, 13 hours, 41 minutes and 59 seconds. 831 cigarettes not smoked, saving $128.87. Life saved: 2 days, 21 hours, 15 minutes.
It was very tough at the beginning of my quit but let me tell you that it got a lot easier over time. I have to honestly say I really do not crave that much not that I have quit cold turkey. Probably because it was something I thought I would never do in my other quits, but I'm doing it now. The only time I crave is when I wake up from one of those d*mn smoking dreams. Those are the WORST let me tell you. So for all you newbies that thought they couldn't achieve freedom it is just 72 hours around the corner. Think of 72 hours and then think of your life...It really isn't that much time eh:-)
#29 | 26 Jun 2001 | Patsy (Gold2)
Dear Newbies & especially "Lurkers",
As a smoker, I thought about smoking a lot ... 35 YEARS!!!! For the last few years (since I started working at home) I was a chain smoker @ almost 3 PACKS A DAY! So smoking really consumed most of my day. And even though I was a HEAVY SMOKER, this last educated (because of Freedom) quit was much easier than I ever imagined. (certainly much easier than previous quits) The last "just one" crave was 15 days into my quit. NOW........@ 1 month 6 days the only time I even think about actually wanting one is after supper but that only lasts a few seconds.
I am forced to think about smoking often because my hubby is still lighting up! But what I'm thinking when he's smoking is that it looks stupid, he doesn't look like he's enjoying it, how could I let cigarettes run my life for so long. I almost can't believe it was such a BIG DEAL in my life. It's wEiRd!! I don't feel like a smoker trying not to smoke......I FEEL LIKE AN EX-SMOKER!! I just don't want to do it anymore!
Come on all you "lurkers" out there. It only takes a short time to change your your life.....FOREVER!
One month, six days, 13 hours, 22 minutes and 50 seconds. 2065 cigarettes not smoked, saving $284.02. Life saved: 1 week, 4 hours, 5 minutes.
#30 | 26 Jun 2001 | JERGOLD1
After one month I still think of cigarettes. The thoughts are in 2 forms. The first is not a crave but just thinking about a situation or activity that relates to smoking, it doesn't bother me at all. This happens about 3 to 4 times a day. The second is the crave. Sometimes its hard to know exactly what makes it fire but It's just this intense desire for a cigarette. It only lasts about 10 to 20 seconds. The craves are not as bad as they were a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago when I had a crave I thought of having a cigarette and it felt like an enjoyable thing to do. Now when the crave hits I think of smoking and it makes me sick. I only get 2, maybe 3 of these in a day.
It does get better everyone, so hang in there.
One month, 4 hours, 23 minutes and 56 seconds. 623 cigarettes not smoked, saving $145.00. Life saved: 2 days, 3 hours, 55 minutes.
#31 | 26 Jun 2001 | Sewquilts (GOLD)
I've been free for 2 months,1 week, 3 days, 16 hours and 33 minutes ... and you want to know how much time I spend thinking about smoking....well here goes it!!! I have to say that I can relate to the way Marty describes the smoking urges, so I'm gonna use his break-downs to let all know how often I think about smoking ...
CRAVINGS: (I really want to smoke and it's a struggle not to) I haven't had a feeling like this since about the first 2 weeks of my quit!!!
STRONG URGES (I would love a smoke, like it's a hot day, I'm thirsty and I need a drink) I haven't had a feeling like this for about 2weeks, and then it only lasted off and on during the first few games of the CWS...maybe the first 2 days and only lasted during the games, after the games I didn't think about smoking... one of those triggers that we talk I attended more games the triggers didn't phase me anymore.
MILD DESIRE (I would love a smoke now, like I haven't eaten for 2 hours, and I'm mildly hungry, and I can smell a Bar-B-Que) This type of urge hits about 2 times a week but only for approx.. 5 seconds ... really easy to push it out of my mind if it ever enters.
So for all you lurkers out there, thinking about quitting but afraid of the fight and determination that you only need to bite the bullet through the first week, then it's so much easier after that. It's true, just try it, I know you can do it. You just have to keep telling yourself, NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF, NEVER!!!
#32 | 26 Jun 2001 | KiimmyGOLD
I have been nicotine free for Four months, one week, four days, 17 hours, 58 minutes and 44 seconds. 2371 cigarettes not smoked, saving $533.41. Life saved: 1 week, 1 day, 5 hours, 35 minutes.
I can honestly say that I really don't want to smoke cigarettes anymore. I think about them sometimes ... but I don't want them. When I think of them the thoughts are fleeting, less than 5-10 secs each. It is really not even an issue anymore, the anxiety surrounding the whole cigarette-nicotine-quit issue is gone.
For anyone who is struggling.....Just hang on it gets sooooo much better.
#33 | 26 Jun 2001 | Triin (GOLD)
I really had to think to answer this question. I found out that I hadn't thought about smoking today. And I don't remember thinking about it yesterday either. On Saturday, we were celebrating Midsummer day, and my sister (closet smoker) asked me to come and give her company when she would secretly smoke a cigarette. So I had to think about it - because we were talking about it, and I became aware of smoking. But most of the time I have forgotten about it, and when something reminds me of smoking, then I'm aware that I have quit.
So I'm thinking about smoking often, because there are too many things out there that make me think about it - first of all watching all the people smoking etc. But I don't have any thoughts of "wanting to smoke" very often. I remember having one last week, and before that I think it was in the beginning of June. So I could say I have the thought of "wanting to smoke" once in two weeks. Every time it passes in about ten seconds. And remember, we're talking about thoughts here. I haven't had a crave for ages - I think I had the last one over 2 months ago. Freedom is great!!! I can enjoy my summer to the fullest!!!!!!!! Thank you
I have been Quit for: 4M 5D 29m 36s. I have NOT smoked 2540, for a savings of $174.65. Life Saved: 1W 1D 19h 40m.
#34 | 26 Jun 2001 | Joel
I have to say that this string has become one of the most important strings I can recall in Freedom's history. It illustrates so clearly what a person quitting smoking can really expect to happen over time. Not just from one person's perspective, but from over 30 people's experiences. It is so common for a person considering quitting or even a person off smoking for several hours or days will go up to a friend or family member who is an ex-smoker and ask the person if he or she ever thinks about cigarettes. The person asking the question wants to know what he or she can expect.
The family member or friend who may have thought about a cigarette once the day before or maybe even once weeks earlier will say that there still are times that he or she thinks about a cigarette. They are just answering the question honestly; that he or she still has thoughts, but often the person inquiring doesn't ask follow-up questions and are panicked by the answer he or she has just received.
For what the person asking the question is hearing is very different than what the longer-term ex-smoker is actually saying. The ex-smoker answering the question is saying, "Yes, there are times I think about or want a cigarette." Its like the urge people get to clean their homes on a particularly nice sunny day. It seems like a good idea for a second or two, and then they come to their senses and out they go to do something more enjoyable. Sometimes the whole thought lasts two or three seconds.
The sequence of events of the ex-smoker can be a train of thought that goes; "Boy it would be nice to have a cigarette right now-no it wouldn't" and that will be that. The thought is over with almost as quickly as it began. It was no big deal and may not happen again for hours, days and eventually weeks or months. That is what many people are saying, but what the short-term ex-smoker or person contemplating to quit is hearing is more akin to "Oh yes, I get powerful crippling thoughts all of the time, every waking moment, and if you don't give me one right now I will rip your arm off!" Again, these are very different interpretations of a simple answer that there are still thoughts for cigarettes.
So I plan to bring this string up often, or at least link over to it whenever possible. For those of you who have not posted to it yet please do so. It is a string that I think can help all our new quitters as well as all people who are lurking in just considering quitting. Your comments can be a great asset to these people. As I said, I plan to use it often for it really captures the essence of what a person can expect his or her experience to be as he or she gets more time accumulated smoke free and nicotine free. Overall it is a pretty comfortable way of life, one that will help the ex-smoker stay healthier and live longer as long he or she always remember to never take another puff!
#35 | 27 Jun 2001 | topacz
I THINK about smoking maybe ten times a day for about ten seconds each time. Think about this newbies. When you smoked, how many times a day and for how long did you think about smoking? And if you couldn't have a smoke, did you obssess about how much you craved a smoke? Well, now I go, "Gosh, I'd like a cigarette... that I think about it, I really don't" It's like being FREE!
#36 | 27 Jun 2001 | PatM62(Silver)
Now into the 6 month I can honestly say that I would never have believed it possible that I could stay away from a cigarette for this long ... and feel so good about it!!! I only think of cigs when folks smoke in front of me, which is quite often, and I'm quite aware that I no longer do that ugly thing!! Sometimes I barely notice. Very occasionally, I think I want one ... some lingering memory of peace in my head and my body. Then, I remind myself of the choking in my lungs, which doesn't happen now.
I sometimes watch smokers ... pull in the first drag, lovely, quick second and third, then the wee cough and wheeze, and by half way down the ciggie, pulling faces, choking, stubbing it out early ... then lighting another one!! Did I do that? Did I think the next one would be better? I learned better here at Freedom. I don't suppose I had what could be called a craving after the first month. By 3 moths I rarely thought of smoking with any strong desire. And now at 6 months it seldom enters my head at all ... and when it does it's fleeting and easily banished. I don't think I've just been lucky. I believe that if you use all the tools here at Freedom it will work for anyone. If it didn't get better, none of us would stay stopped!!!
Luv Pat
Six months, four weeks, one day, 14 hours, 38 minutes and 11 seconds. 6318 cigarettes not smoked, saving $1,080.21. Life saved: 3 weeks, 22 hours, 30 minutes.
#37 | 27 Jun 2001 | Heike (silver)
Even thought I think about smoking quite regularly (I live in England, where people can smoke in bars and restaurants, and I have lots of smoking friends and collegues), most of the time it is in a "neutral" sort of way, or with a sigh of relief, that I no longer have to take part in this addiction.
#38 | 03 Jul 2001 | Joel
With so many new members peeking in (since that is all they can do at the moment) I thought it would be good for them all to see where people are at in a relatively short period of time. Don't despair from the horror stories of people saying they want cigarettes years after they have quit. The "want" they are having are often few and far between and much different to the want or demand you have when you are actively smoking or first quitting. The comments throughout this string can really drive the difference home. Life will become better and thoughts less frequent and less intense as long as you always remember to never take another puff!
#39 | 03 Jul 2001 | pheonix(SILVER)
Hi all, I have been quit for four months, one week, one day, 4 hours, 55 minutes and 39 seconds. 6410 cigarettes not smoked, saving $1,473.88. Life saved: 3 weeks, 1 day, 6 hours, 10 minutes.
I love being a non-smoker, The greatest thing for me is the lack of discomfort I now experience. As a smoker I was constantly craving a cigarette. Of course there were lots of places that I wouldn't go, because I wouldn't be able to smoke, (like the show) Going to work was awful as well. only three smoke breaks a dy. Oh boy did I ever top mup when I got home. (stupid) Anyway guys I can honestly say that I may crave for about 30seconds about5 once a day. This is great and I don't even think about smoking as an option. I am now a non-smoker YIPEEEEEE
#40 | 03 Jul 2001 | Marius (Silver)
After 3 weeks of NOT smoking: I have some thoughts, a few times per day. BUT these thoughts are similar to say, "let's have a burger, or a beer" that quickly go away. Cravings, maybe twice a day for a total of 30 seconds, but very easy do deal with and without any effort or "sacrifice".
As I was a Chain smoker, living in Ontario, where smoking is almost a crime (you are not allowed to smoke almost anywhere inside), I HAD HORRIBLE CRAVINGS MAYBE 30-40 TIMES A DAY, IN ADDITION WITH 25-30 CIGARRETES SMOKED.
Please compare this: I do NOT Smoke: 30 seconds light cravings per day. When I did Smoke: a FEW HOURS OF cravings.
For those who think I exagerate, Imagine going in a three hour meeting with no break (2 hour craving), or a trans-Atlantic flight (7 hour craving).
#41 | 04 Jul 2001 | Jinksy (Gold)
Hello Everyone. After 20 years of smoking, I put out my last butt at 9:45pm on February 26, 2001. My stats are: 18 weeks, 13 hours, 17 min, and 37 seconds. Basically 4 months and almost 1 week. Cigs not smoked, 3,796. Money saved, $949.
I have truly not had a desire for a cigarette since about the 2 month mark. The only thoughts I have of smoking now, are how to avoid being around it. I love being in control of my life, and I know that to stay this way, I must never take another puff. Problem solved.
YQS, Julia
#42 | 04 Jul 2001 | Mari (GOLD)
Hello everyone! Well, I've gone over the list I made before I quit of when and why I smoked and I guess I could sum up my excuses as "because I was awake." Seriously, though, I see that I don't even think about smoking now for any of the reasons I listed anymore, and I see in my Journal that I haven't had a serious craving since the third week of my quit. I've had some triggers, though, but those have lasted as long as it takes to think "Oh, no, I'm not even going there" which is about two seconds! And, that doesn't happen often at all. I'd say that since the third week, I've had thoughts about once a week on average, and I've noticed that my Journal entries are more about being aggravated being in a room with smokers and suffering from the effects of their smoking. My eyes burn, and my chest gets tight~~I'm just miserable!
I don't intentionally avoid being around smokers, hubby smokes, and one of our daughters and her boyfriend smoke,~~~outside~~~ and I visit with them on the patio, but I've never wanted a cigarette while I'm with them. I thought this would be a big temptation, but it isn't. Last weekend when everybody was home for a visit, I got a bit miffed when I saw them trooping outside to smoke after dinner while I was left cleaning the kitchen by myself! Then I remembered how I used to scoot out there to smoke after a meal because I needed to smoke! There's nothing pretty about seeing a cloud of smoke swirling around the heads of people I love. Nor is it appealing to smell that stale tobacco on their clothes and in their hair. And, I've started noticing how a smoker's face scrunches up as they puff on that cigarette, and squint when the smoke gets in their eyes and burns. Not a pretty sight at all, not to mention that they're killing themselves a puff at a time, just as I used to do.
My husband and I used to spend hours outside on our patio smoking and talking every day, first thing in the morning, after meals, and last thing at night. When I first quit I didn't go out there very much because I was afraid that I'd weaken and relapse. Then I'd go out but not stay too long. Now I go out whenever I want to and I never think about lighting up. I do think about smoking, though, but only in the sense of how happy I am that I don't need to do it anymore. I don't have to go out there in order to feel better because I'm needing the nicotine. (And, I have to add here, did I really feel better?) Now I have a choice, then I didn't. Now I'm free of the control of the nicotine, then I wasn't. And as Marius said, I can't imagine a long flight without smoking. How miserable that would be!
We made a trip to London in May, ten hours in a plane, and I never thought about smoking, but I saw my hubby running for the door as soon as the plane landed for his "fix." We went to a wedding two weeks ago and I saw the bride going outside every half hour or so for a smoke break. Episodes like this just reinforce my resolve never to be jerked around by the addiction to nicotine ever again as long as I live. So, as for my smoking thoughts, 99% of them are gratitude that I don't smoke anymore, and constantly hoping and praying that all smokers will quit and enjoy the freedom and joys of a smoke-free life.
It can be done~~One Day At A Time! Not one puff...No matter what...Just for today!!!
Love to all,
Three months, three weeks, two days, 19 hours, 44 minutes and 51 seconds. 2316 cigarettes not smoked, saving $414.49. Life saved: 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour, 0 minutes.
#43 | 04 Jul 2001 | Dionne (gold)
Hi Joel: I smiled at your topic as the first thing I read of yours almost 9 months ago that helped keep me off cigarettes was.... "would I rather occasionally think about smoking, or constantly think about quitting ?" That's when I realized that in our brain, our thoughts are constantly changing. So the others are so right, "IT" only lasts a few seconds to minutes. Whereas a desire to quit happens with every cigarette we smoke!
It's been 9 months and while nothing would make me stick one of those cancer sticks in my mouth, I do think and remember often during a day. Except thanks to your reminding me I know the thought flies away quickly! It's an important concept that we need to remember always.
Thanks Joel, for being here for us. I was glad yesterday to find my password so I could check in from time to time. Can you believe it was almost 9 months ago since you answered my plea for help? You and the others gave me belief in myself. I am forever grateful.
Your sweet smelling never take another puff, Dionne
#44 | 04 Jul 2001 | Ter (green)
My stats are at: Two months, one day, 21 hours, 1 minute and 7 seconds. 1257 cigarettes not smoked, saving $314.38. Life saved: 4 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes.
How many seconds per day do I think about having a cigarette? Not many. I would say that on average I think about it for maybe a total of 90 seconds, and I only usually have one craving per day. That craving is usually triggered by spending time with my closest friend who continues to smoke a pack a day. With her I still want to smoke occassionally, and this is the only on-going trigger in my quit right now, but with each day it gets easier to not smoke around her. Two weeks ago I went to a cottage with her and another v. close friend who chain smokes, and cravings only hit about 3 or 4 times. Not too bad considering how many times cravings hit them - they seemed like they were trying to set a record for number of cigarettes smoked in a row!
#45 | 05 Jul 2001 | Joel
I am copying Mike's post to this string because it really addresses the issue of thoughts about smoking at different time periods after quitting. I don't think Mike will mind.
From: NOMO Sent: 7/4/2001 12:04 PM
Hello Everyone. In light of these words of wisdom, I thought I'd drop in and say hello and to tell all who are struggling to quit and stay quit, that, It DOES get easier !!!!
Tomorrow will be my 7 month anniversary. If not for the help I've received from the great people here, I would have smoked 10,572 cigarettes !!! I would have spent very close to $2000 in the process.
All of our quits may differ, but I, personally, almost never feel like I want to smoke any more. If and when I DO, It not much problem to utilize the education I received here, and to move on. I honestly never thought I'd be able to say that I'm an ex-smoker !!
If all newbies heed the wisdom that is so abundant here, you'll be able to say these things too I'm living (and breathing) proof !!!!!
#46 | 05 Jul 2001 | Gypsy1329
I am a member who has been basically in lurk mode for the past several months, now and then popping in mostly to read Joel's stuff, but felt I ought to respond to this one . . . how often do i think about smoking? At least a couple times a day it crosses my mind, only because there are many things to remind me, but that's not the same thing as wanting one, or having a genuine urge. The only time i ever have an actual crave or urge or really want one--and then only fleetingly--is when i see another person light up, and then only for those first few seconds.
Hang in there, newbies. Quitting smoking is a difficult process, but it is a process that progresses with every second/minute/hour/day that goes by. You will have your moments, sure, but with the right knowledge and motivation you will easily beat them and move on. As for me, i wouldn't trade in the sweet smell of wisteria on a hot summer night for anything in this world.
Keep fighting the good fight.
10 months, 1 week, 5 days, 13 hours, 33 seconds.
#47 | 06 Jul 2001 | brueniap(gold)
Guess I thought I'd like to put my 2 cents worth in. I don't think about smoking hardly at all. Sometimes, when I'm going to be doing something that I haven't done as a non-smoker I think "how can I do that without a cigarette?" which seems kinda silly since i haven't had a cigarette since March 31, 2001 and being without them doesn't bother me in the least. But for some reason something new comes along and I ask that question - face it - and find out it's no big deal at all. In fact, I have learned that being around cigarette smoke just makes me sick.
For the first time a couple weeks ago I went to friends house for dinner - they are heavy smokers - and I wondered how I'd be able to face the evening. I walked into a very smokey house which was most unappealing - we sat at the table and the smoke from both their cigarettes went right into my face - it was making me sick and nauseous and giving me a headache - sooooooooooooooooooo............. I had no problem at all not wanting to smoke. For that matter - I left with my lungs all junked up again - coughing and pleghming my way home and I hated that too.
I haven't craved one since i quit this time - I've been very fortunate. I feel good - and I'm very proud of me and that's just the best feeling in the whole wide world. I had 28 years worth of smoke in me - and I had quit for 7 years after smoking 10 - had one one day and blew it for another 18 years. Shows you what an addiction can do. I don't want that to ever happen again. I like this feeling it's far better then the little "I think i want a smoke" which crops up only every once in a while.
Three months, four days, 16 hours, 22 minutes and 48 seconds. 1353 cigarettes not smoked, saving $236.77. Life saved: 4 days, 16 hours, 45 minutes.
#48 | 06 Jul 2001 | Hal (Gold)
Hi Joel, and all my freedom friends. I too think this is an important thread. In my early quit I too thought when will this get better? I can tell you it does. I will be 70 in November, and I will also be a year smoke free. What a present to myself. I don't think about cigarettes as cigarettes, with the urge or yen to smoke them, but rather as repulsive in odor, and deadly in result. I also have days when I feel strange, or a little spacy. When this occurs I know it will go away, and that smoking is not a remedy or an option, but a death sentence.
I do think about other people when they smoke in front of me, but with pity rather than desire. How many seconds a day do I think about them is easy hardly at all. I go days sometimes and tobacco is the farthest thing from my mind. I am 7 and a half months smober, have saved over $1100, and most remarkable have not smoked over 8,000 nastysticks. I also was impressed with your cilia thread, Joel, I printed it off along with pictures, had my smoking wife and son read it, and mailed it to my smoking daughter nurse. Again thank you Freedom for saving or at least extending my life.
#49 | 06 Jul 2001 | Joel
I took the liberty of copying Treese's post from last night here to this string. It is one thing when a person who has quit smoking for a day or two hears people say that they hardly think of smoking at all once off for months or years. But when you hear from someone off for only a few days or maybe even just a few weeks, and he or she too is only having sporadic thoughts throughout the day--well this adds a ray of hope that times will be better soon for the recently quit smoker. It is not even important that a person feels it is going to get better. All that is important is that the person hangs in there and sees it happen for him or herself.
From: Treese Sent: 7/5/2001 10:29 PM
Hi Everyone! Thought I'd check in again tonight to let you all know it's been a great day today!! I have been announcing to everyone I know that I am a nonsmoker and have vowed to NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!!! I have given this website address to everyone, even ones who don't smoke but have loved ones that do. They ask me how I quit and I tell them how highly educational and supportive this site is. I find myself quoting things I've read and re-read. Im not proud of the fact of being addicted to nicotine (I totally admit it though) and explained to many why this quit is successful and my other quits failed.
Today I did think about cigs but not as much as yesterday. Today, I thought about them for a few seconds, maybe 6 times but then the thought went away. It's definately thoughts today and NOT a feeling like I GOTTA HAVE A CIG CRAVE. I've had a few thoughts that just popped into my head and I stopped to think a minute, that HEY, I DON'T SMOKE ANYMORE - and then the thought would pop right back out of my head. Even tho I still think of those nasty cigs daily, whenever I see someone smoking, I can only feel sorry for them and don't envy them like I had done in previous quits. So, today was much better than yesterday. I look forward to having fewer thoughts about cigs as each day goes by. I know it is getting better because when I have my thoughts, I immediately say to myself that a cig is not going to make me feel better and I definately am not going thru week one again!!
I have been smoke free for 1W,3D,37M,14S. 150 cigs not smoked and $25.25saved. I am so thankful to have found FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#50 | 11 Jul 2001 | farmer ( gold)
WANTING A SICKERETTE ? I really dont any more, maybe 1/2 second when my beer drinking buddy who smokes my old brand is around, but that is the only time I even get the urge . I am surrounded by smokes all day but not my brand. I looked backed at my 1st post and I remember I really had a hard time those 1st couple weeks. Worst was 1st thing in morning and after I eat but now That is not even a problem and has not been for a while. I love my smoke free life and will never ever smoke again. My 20 year old Daughter ask me how I could be smoke FREE with her and my wife lighting up at same time and before I could answer my wife told her I was stronger than them. I think over time they will both see the way but I will never smoke again. It is a constant battle but it does get better as you go , just hang on and feel the power as you NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF !!!
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Knowledge is a Quitting Method