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Available Resources – Joel Spitzer

WhyQuit is a site developed by John Polito, who later incorporated much of Joel Spitzer’s quit smoking materials and philosophies in smoking cessation techniques. The WhyQuit site is designed to encourage smokers to quit and to help motivate kids to recognize the importance of never starting to smoke.

Joel's Library
Established in 2000, Joel's Library is the WhyQuit home for Joel's entire body of work including 500 video lessons

How to best utilize my resources to quit smoking explains use of online videos in conjunction with the articles hosted at WhyQuit.com.

YouTube Channel
Video lessons covering the materials taught in Joel’s Stop Smoking Clinics.

With more than 13,000 members, anyone with Internet access can visit Turkeyville on Facebook and watch educated cold turkey in action.

Quit Smoking Tip Sheet
Videos related to my basic “How to quit smoking tip sheet” include "Can you spare an hour and a half to help to save your life."

Video explaining: Why my resources are free

Joel's YouTube video explaining why his resources are free.

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© Joel Spitzer 2020
Page reformatted 10/24/20 and updated 01/08/21 by John R. Polito