Nicotine is nicotine is nicotine
Video discusses how nicotine delivered by any source via any route of administration has the full potential of causing relapse to any former smoker or user of any nicotine product.
Related resources:
- "I am afraid I might get addicted to my nicotine replacement therapy"
- My first encounter with NRT
- Keeping NRT in case of emergency
- The President and nicotine gum
- "Miracle" aids for quitting smoking
- Prolonging nicotine withdrawal
- 30 years of nicotine gum
- NRT and Quitmeters
- Hey, I am talking to you
Since many people think of electronic cigarettes as just another form of NRT, the following videos address electronic cigarette issues:
- First television ads for e-cigarettes with the theme "Reclaim your freedom"
- Electronic cigarette users having a harder time when quitting smoking
- Electronic cigarettes as effective as nicotine patches
- Dual use of cigarettes and electronic cigarettes
- Is your nicotine free electronic cigarette actually nicotine free?
- Our views on the need for harm reduction
- Gallup Poll: Most quitters credit cold turkey
- Electronic cigarettes and harm reduction
Other related resources:
- Pharmacological aids to smoking cessation
- Pharmacological aids, Part II
- 40 years of progress?
- Who should you believe?
- "Whatever you do don't quit smoking cold turkey!"
- How did the former smokers you know quit smoking?
- Is cold turkey the only way to quit?
- Hooked on the Cure
- Wall Street Journal article explores pharmaceutical industry "Nicotine Fix"
- The Global Research Neglect of Unassisted Smoking Cessation
- Former smokers say best way to quit is just to stop "cold turkey"
- Is it time to stop subsidising nicotine replacement therapies?
- Most expert say "Don't quit cold turkey"
- The law of addiction