NRT addiction
- "I am afraid I might get addicted to my nicotine replacement therapy"
- My first encounter with NRT
- Nicotine is nicotine is nicotine
- Keeping NRT in case of emergency
- The President and nicotine gum
- "Miracle" aids for quitting smoking
- Prolonging nicotine withdrawal
- 30 years of nicotine gum
- NRT and Quitmeters
- Hey, I am talking to you
Since many people think of electronic cigarettes as just another form of NRT, the following videos address electronic cigarette issues:
- First television ads for e-cigarettes with the theme "Reclaim your freedom"
- Electronic cigarette users having a harder time when quitting smoking
- Electronic cigarettes as effective as nicotine patches
- Dual use of cigarettes and electronic cigarettes
- Is your nicotine free electronic cigarette actually nicotine free?
- Our views on the need for harm reduction
- Gallup Poll: Most quitters credit cold turkey
- Electronic cigarettes and harm reduction
Other related resources:
- Pharmacological aids to smoking cessation
- Pharmacological aids, Part II
- 40 years of progress?
- Who should you believe?
- "Whatever you do don't quit smoking cold turkey!"
- How did the former smokers you know quit smoking?
- Is cold turkey the only way to quit?
- Hooked on the Cure
- Wall Street Journal article explores pharmaceutical industry "Nicotine Fix"
- The Global Research Neglect of Unassisted Smoking CessationFormer smokers say best way to quit is just to stop "cold turkey"
- Is it time to stop subsidising nicotine replacement therapies?
- Drugs, gums or patches won't increase your chances of quitting
- Most experts say "Don't quit cold turkey"
- The law of addiction