3 years vs. 3 days
Bob (Gold)
4 decades of lies Neal (Silver)
A journey beyond comfort Roger (Gold)
Are "aaah" memories calling your name? John (Gold)
Baby steps John (Gold)
Be prepared: alcohol and your quit John (Gold)
Becoming an ex-smoker Dave (Gold)
Breaking links to our crave generator John (Gold)
Caring for our recovery John (Gold)
Cigarette smoke smell good? It's not by accident John (Gold)
Days I just wanted to die Melissa (Gold)
Denial vs. dreams John (Gold)
Desperate addict's parade: Have you ever ... Bob (Gold)
Eating healthy: blood sugar John (Gold)
Embracing crave episodes John (Gold)
Freedom's fabulous forty-year plus fighters Linda (Gold)
Free relapse insurance John (Gold)
Freedom: your journey to comfort John (Gold)
Hermit quitting vs happy quitting Alex (Gold)
How do you handle being around smokers? Group
I am an ADDICT! HooRAY! Bob (Gold)
I choose life Joseph (Gold)
"I don't want to die" - The bottom line? Joanne (Gold)
"I quit smoking thousands of times and then..." Jim (Gold)
"I used to be like that" Angmoon (Green)
I want "something" Dave (Gold)
If you're "giving up" smoking Eric (Gold)
Introducing my new friend Comfort Emma (Bronze)
Junkie thinking John (Gold)
Last line of defense (or trump card) OBob (Gold)
My computer saved my life Linda (Gold)
Neal's journal: 4 decades of lies Neal (Silver)
Nicodemon's lies
John (Gold)
No magic here Dave (Gold)
Not much of a smoker Kay (Gold)
Our best crave coping tips Group
Patience Roger (Gold)
Reading and growth Roger (Gold)
Recognizing needs
Bob (Gold)
Recognizing needs: appendix Erica (Gold)
Riding robust dreams to freedom John (Gold)
Romancing the drug, recognizing the junkie Erica (Gold)
Sisters Kim & Kelly (Gold)
Tearing down the wall
John (Gold)
Tell a newbie how many seconds a day you still want a cigarette Joel
The cost of my first relapse Joel
The joy of smoking
John (Gold)
The one puff files
Bob (Gold)
The monster under the bed Bob (Gold)
Thinking of quitting? .. But ... Marty (Gold)
Thinking vs. wanting John (Gold)
Triggers: reminders from your executive assistant Kay (Gold)
Try replacing the word "cigarette" with "nicotine" John (Gold)
Turning the corner ... acceptance Bob (Gold)
Using attitude to reduce anxieties John (Gold)
Yes you can Lorraine (Gold)