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WhyQuit's Smoking Initiation Survey Responses

The below ten question online poll was conducted at WhyQuit from May 7 to June 3, 2005

1. When you first started smoking, how many cigarettes did you smoke before you sensed your brain issue an urge or crave command to smoke again?

I don't remember (296)

pollpollpoll 58 %

1 to 3 cigarettes (60)

pollpollpoll 11%

4 to 6 cigarettes (18)

pollpollpoll 3%

7 to 9 cigarettes (16)

pollpollpoll 3%

10 to 14 cigarettes (19)

pollpollpoll 3%

15 to 20 cigarettes (25)

pollpollpoll 4%

2 to 3 packs (31)

pollpollpoll 6%

4 to 5 packs (14)

pollpollpoll 2%

6 to 10 packs (8)

pollpollpoll 1%

More than 10 packs (16)

pollpollpoll 3%

Total Votes: 503

2. When you first started smoking, how long did you smoke before you sensed your brain issue an urge or crave command to smoke again?

I don't remember (178)

pollpollpoll 52%

1 to 2 days (31)

pollpollpoll 9%

3 to 4 days (18)

pollpollpoll 5%

5 to 7 days (12)

pollpollpoll 3%

2 to 3 weeks (25)

pollpollpoll 7%

4 to 5 weeks (9)

pollpollpoll 2%

1 to 3 months (22)

pollpollpoll 6%

4 to 6 months (8)

pollpollpoll 2%

6 months to 1 year (21)

pollpollpoll 6%

More than 1 year (14)

pollpollpoll 4%

Total Votes: 338

3. How long after you started smoking did you smoke your first cigarette alone, without anyone present?

I don't remember (105)

pollpollpoll 30%

I was alone when I first started smoking (76)

pollpollpoll 21%

1 day (30)

pollpollpoll 8%

2 days (8)

pollpollpoll 2%

3 days (9)

pollpollpoll 2%

4 days (2)

pollpollpoll 0%

5 to 7 days (26)

pollpollpoll 7%

1 to 2 weeks (20)

pollpollpoll 5%

2 to 4 weeks (11)

pollpollpoll 3%

More than 1 month (59)

pollpollpoll 17%

Total Votes: 346

4. How old were you when you started smoking?

Age 11 or less (37)

pollpollpoll 8%

12-13 (79)

pollpollpoll 18%

14-15 (141)

pollpollpoll 32%

16-17 (87)

pollpollpoll 20%

18-19 (49)

pollpollpoll 11%

20-22 (28)

pollpollpoll 6%

23-25 (3)

pollpollpoll 0%

26-30 (2)

pollpollpoll 0%

31 to 40 (3)

pollpollpoll 0%

Older than 40 (nil)

pollpollpoll 0%

Total Votes: 429

5. What was your primary motivation for smoking that first cigarette?

I don't remember my primary motivation (14)

pollpollpoll 3%

To experience the tastes and flavors (34)

pollpollpoll 8%

I was seeking to gain acceptance by a peer or peers (135)

pollpollpoll 34%

One of my key role models smoked (33)

pollpollpoll 8%

To look more adult (43)

pollpollpoll 10%

To experience a new adventure (60)

pollpollpoll 15%

To rebel against authority (25)

pollpollpoll 6%

I was given a free pack (3)

pollpollpoll 0%

I had too much to drink (11)

pollpollpoll 2%

My primary motivation isn't listed (35)

pollpollpoll 8%

Total Votes: 393

6. How long after starting to smoke before you made your first attempt to quit smoking?

I don't remember (14)

pollpollpoll 3%

Within a few days (6)

pollpollpoll 1%

Within a few weeks (7)

pollpollpoll 1%

Within a few months (8)

pollpollpoll 2%

Within the first year (23)

pollpollpoll 6%

Between years 1 to 5 (126)

pollpollpoll 33%

Between years 6 to 10 (72)

pollpollpoll 19%

Between years 11 to 20 (73)

pollpollpoll 19%

After 20 years (37)

pollpollpoll 9%

I've never tried to quit (6)

pollpollpoll 1%

Total Votes: 372

7. If you could go back in time and have a second chance, would you again take that first puff of nicotine?

Absolutely not (353)

pollpollpoll 88%

Yes, I'd smoke it (15)

pollpollpoll 3%

I don't know (29)

pollpollpoll 7%

Total Votes: 397

8. How long did you smoke?

Less than 1 year (4)

pollpollpoll 1%

2 to 4 years (9)

pollpollpoll 2%

5 to 6 years (10)

pollpollpoll 2%

7 to 8 years (16)

pollpollpoll 4%

9 to 10 years (27)

pollpollpoll 7%

11 to 15 years (55)

pollpollpoll 14%

16 to 20 years (64)

pollpollpoll 17%

21 to 25 years (59)

pollpollpoll 16%

26 to 30 years (53)

pollpollpoll 14%

More than 30 years (70)

pollpollpoll 19%

Total Votes: 367

9. How many cigarettes did you smoke each day?

Less than 1 (8)

pollpollpoll 2%

1 to 4 (1)

pollpollpoll 0%

5 to 9 (24)

pollpollpoll 6%

10 to 15 (51)

pollpollpoll 13%

16 to 19 (66)

pollpollpoll 17%

20 to 29 (156)

pollpollpoll 42%

30 to 39 (36)

pollpollpoll 9%

40 to 49 (16)

pollpollpoll 4%

50 to 59 (6)

pollpollpoll 1%

60 or more (5)

pollpollpoll 1%

Total Votes: 369

10. Which continent do you live upon?

Africa (4)

pollpollpoll 1%

Asia (8)

pollpollpoll 2%

Australia (25)

pollpollpoll 6%

Europe (44)

pollpollpoll 11%

North America (286)

pollpollpoll 77%

South America (3)

pollpollpoll 0%

Total Votes: 370

We have just two options, lasting freedom or smoke until it cripples or kills us. Why not choose life!

Smart Turkey

  • WhyQuit.com   Founded in July 1999, WhyQuit is the Internet's oldest forum devoted to the art, science and psychology of cold turkey quitting, the nicotine dependency recovery method that each year produces more successful ex-users than all other methods combined.

  • Why?   Why quit? Here we collect and share WhyQuit's motivational articles. It's our hope that these materials will contribute toward fueling your dreams and resolve long enough to allow you to arrive here on Easy Street with us.

  • Joel's Library   Joel Spitzer devoted nearly 50 years toward teaching why smokers should quit, how to quit, and how to stay free. Joel's Library is home to Joel's "Daily Quitting Lesson Guide," Joel's 100 Reinforcement Articles, to his free ebook Never Take Another Puff, and his collection of nearly 500 video stop smoking lessons.

  • Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home Written by John R. Polito, a former 30-year heavy smoker, WhyQuit's founder and Turkeyville's director. While there are hundreds of quitting books, only one was cited by the Surgeon General's 2020 Quit Smoking Report, Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home.

  • Smart Turkey   Smart Turkey is home to recovery articles written by students of Joel Spitzer, which includes "Memorable Freedom Threads"

  • Turkeyville If quitting cold turkey and looking for a deadly serious and highly focused support group, visit Turkeyville. Home to more than 13,000 like-minded quitters, we have two requests before posting. First, carefully read Turkeyville's Rules as membership and posting are conditioned upon them. Last, do not post if still using nicotine as posting is reserved for those who have stopped.

  • Nicotine Cessation Topic Index An alphabetical subject matter index to hundreds of nicotine cessation support group discussions, article and videos.

  • 50 Quitting Tips Key cold turkey nicotine cessation insights into how to stop smoking, vaping, chewing or sucking nicotine into your body and bloodstream.

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Survey opened 05/07/05 and closed 06/03/05 and page reformatted 02/01/21 by John R. Polito