"Why am I still experiencing nicotine withdrawals?"
I often get questions posed on the comments section of my videos from individuals wanting to know why they are still experiencing physical withdrawals even though they have not “smoked a cigarette” in over three days. This video explains why I need to know if the person asking has stopped delivering all nicotine as opposed to just having stopped smoking before I can answer this question.
Related resources:
- Prolonging nicotine withdrawal
- The importance of the first three days of your quit
- Comparing quitting smoking experiences with others on YouTube blogs
- NRT and Quitmeters
- Is your nicotine free electronic cigarette actually nicotine free?
- Nicotine is nicotine is nicotine
Resources related to urges that can happen for people who are indeed nicotine free
- Difference between physical and psychological urges
- Craves or thoughts that occur over time
- Going back to normal after quitting
- Life goes on without smoking