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Why Quit?

Because nicotine addicts can and do die young

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Deborah 39 Debbie 43 Neal 53 Johnny 40 Bryan 34 Susan 43 Swayze 57 Sean 19 My Daddy 42 Noni 33 Kim 46 Char 33 David 41 Terry 53 Fred 43 Quentin 23 Joseph 45 Carrie 33 Barb 42 Melinda 39 Helen 50 Chris 41 Guren 38

What happens when a 32 year-old smoker's artery is squeezed?

Because smoking destroys in so many ways

Circulatory disease Artery hardening Heart disease Stroke Buerger's disease Emphysema 81 Carcinogens Lung cancer Pancreatic cancer Stomach cancer Colon cancer Bladder cancer Blindness Diabetes Brain damage Depression Secondhand Smoke Fetal harm Self mutilation

Read Dr. Werner-Wasik's message

Because doctors are begging us to stop killing ourselves

Cardiologist Radiologist Toxicologist

The nicotine dependency feeding cycle

Because we are REAL drug addicts in every sense

Why people smoke Nicotine Addiction 101

Barb Tarbox age 43 smoking one of her final cigarettes

Because tobacco toxins don't discriminate in who they kill

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Mountain with a flag reading freedom

Life Extending Links

Joel's Library Freedom Turkeyville Motivation Video Clips First 72 Hours Addiction 101 Relapse Prevention Craves & Stress Quit Meters Glory Week Quitting Aids Weight Control Pregnancy Youth

How to Quit

Link to Joel Spitzer's basic quit smoking video page

500 additional stop smoking videos

Our free e-books

Click to learn more about Joel's free e-book before downloading it Click to learn more about John's free e-book before downloading it.

Knowledge destroys anxieties!

Ready to end your self-destruction?

Visit WhyQuit and learn more about smart turkey quitting

Smart Turkey

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Created 07/15/99 and reformatted 01/31/21 by John R. Polito