Nicotine Addiction Industry Advertising
Big Tobacco's November 23, 1988 Promise to Kids
(a) Prohibition on Youth Targeting
No Participating Manufacturer may take any action, directly or indirectly, to target Youth within any Settling State in the advertising, promotion or marketing of Tobacco Products, or take any action the primary purpose of which is to initiate, maintain or increase the incidence of Youth smoking within any Settling State.
Master Settlement Agreement (MSA), November 1998, Agreement Page 15, PDF Page 22
Industry Youth Targeting
- OhioMagazine now selling cigarettes - John R. Polito, 12/04/20
- Parent to parent e-cigarette, Juul and nicotine addiction warnings - John R. Polito, 02/16/19
- Kids and vaping: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - Joel Spitzer, 02/14/19
- STUDENT ALERT: e-cigarettes & juuling are dangerous - John R. Polito, 02/09/19
- How you can help prevent kids from vaping - Joel Spitzer, 01/23/19
- 01/03/19 - Vaping: What you can’t see can still hurt you - Joel Spitzer, 01/03/19
- Thank goodness it's only cigarette smoking, Joel Spitzer, 07/06/18
- Youth smoking, vaping & nicotine dependency prevention - Joel Spitzer, 06/04/18
- Teens, are you listening? Big Tobacco admits smoking is "highly addictive." - John R. Polito, 11/29/17
- ESPN helping addict teens to smoking nicotine - John R. Polito, 03/31/15
- India's ITC, the most reckless cigarette company on earth - John R. Polito, 04/21/14
- Marlboro "Maybe" ads banned by Germany for tareting youth - John R. Polito, 09/29/13
- Student Warning: nicotine addiction can be quick and is permanent - John R. Polito, 09/17/13
- Gallup Poll: cold turkey 48 times smarter than Nicorette - John R. Polito, 08/26/13
- Lung cancer killing twice as many women as breast cancer - John R. Polito, 10/31/12
- 100 reasons why CVS should stop selling cigarettes - John R. Polito, 05/20/11
- Addiction to Smoking Nicotine a Mental Illness - John R. Polito 04/12/10
- Enslaved college smokers pay hefty price - John R. Polito, 10/18/09
- ALA's Not-On-Tobacco school quit smoking program not effective - John R. Polito, 09/07/09
- Why Obama and smokers fear quitting - John R. Polito, 07/06/09
- The President Needs Your Help to Quit - John R. Polito, 06/29/09
- Obama Smoking Assertions Fail Fact Checks - John R. Polito, 06/24/09
- Obama Can't Quit Smoking for Kinsley or America's Youth - John R. Polito, 11/23/08
- Inconsistent Flavor of Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids - John R. Polito, 10/13/08
- Young dying smokers share nightmares online - John R. Polito, 04/30/08
- Obama Youth Nicotine Dependency Lessons Unacceptable - John R. Polito, 03/06/08
- Nicotine Damages First Trimester Embryo - John R. Polito, 02/06/08
- Admitting physical addiction key to quitting smoking - John R. Polito, 10/03/07
- "I'm Deborah, 38, and smoking has smoked this body" - Deborah Scott, 09/13/07
- Confessions of a teenage nicotine addict - John R. Polito, 07/17/07
- Critical Review: Nicotine for the Fetus, the Infant and the Adolescent? - K.H. Ginzel MD et al, 02/06/07
- School smoking & nicotine dependency: students helping students - John R. Polito, 11/28/06
- The Law of Addiction - John R. Polito, 07/24/06
- Nicotine Not Medicine, Its Use Not Therapy - John R. Polito, 04/18/06
- Convenience Stores - Nicotine Addiction Central - John R. Polito, 03/18/06
- Survey finds dramatic decline in College of Charleston student smoking - John R. Polito, 12/18/05
- Philip Morris revises "Raising kids who don't smoke" - John R. Polito,12/05/05
- College smokers teach teens tobacco truths - John R. Polito, 11/22/05
- TIME Magazine's Health Hypocrisy - John R. Polito, 10/19/05
- Kids just don't get it! - Joel Spitzer, 10/05/05
- Study takes preschoolers cigarette shopping - John R. Polito, 09/19/05
- Latina Magazine - enslaving & killing hispanic females - John R. Polito, 09/03/05
- Philip Morris USA's "Could your kid be smoking?" - John R. Polito, 08/30/05
- The New Jazz Philosophy Tour 2005 - John R. Polito, 06/15/05
- What tobacco issue is important to Philip Morris? - John R. Polito, 06/03/05
- Time Inc. tobacco ads trap and harvest teens in school - John R. Polito, 02/27/05
- Time, Inc. - A Heritage of Harvests - John R. Polito. 02/27/05
- Time to boycott Time magazine? - John R. Polito, 11/28/04
- Boycott Vanity Fair Magazine - John R. Polito, 11/28/04
- R.J. Reynolds' Summer 2004 Marketing Objectives, John R. Polito, 09/27/04
- Are teens getting hooked on NRT? - John R. Polito, 06/11/03
- WhyQuit on Youth 1999-2020
How to Quit Smoking

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Learn More About Smart Turkey Quitting
WhyQuit.com - WhyQuit is the Internet's oldest forum devoted to the art, science and psychology of cold turkey quitting, the stop smoking method used by the vast majority of all successful long-term ex-smokers. Left to right, WhyQuit is organized under three headings: (1) Motivation, (2) Education and (3) Support.
- Joel's Library - Joel's Library is home to Joel Spitzer's "Daily Quitting Lesson Guide." The Guide walks new quitters through the first two weeks of smoking cessation, recommending daily videos to watch and articles to read. Joel's Library is also home to more than 100 original short stop smoking articles, to his free ebook Never Take Another Puff, and to his collection of more than 200 video stop smoking lessons.
- "Never Take Another Puff" - Imagine a free 149 page stop smoking ebook that's registered more than 4 million downloads and was written by a man who has devoted 40 years, full-time to helping smokers quit. Never Take Another Puff (NTAP) was authored by Joel Spitzer, the Internet's leading authority on how to stop smoking cold turkey. It is an insightful collection of almost 100 articles on every cessation topic imaginable.
"Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home" - Written by John R. Polito, a former 30-year heavy smoker and WhyQuit's 1999 founder, Freedom from Nicotine (FFN) is a free nicotine dependency recovery book that documents the science underlying nicotine dependency and successful cessation.
Whether hooked on cigarettes, e-cigarettes (e-cigs), bidis, kreteks, a pipe, hookah or cigars, on dip, chew, snuff or snus, or on the nicotine gum, lozenge, spray, inhaler or patch, FFN provides a comprehensive yet easy to follow road-map to freedom from nicotine.
- Turkeyville - Visit Turkeyville, Facebook's most popular quit smoking support group. The group's primary focus is the first few days and helping new quitters get started. Yes you can!
- Nicotine Addiction 101 - WhyQuit's guide to understanding nicotine dependency.
- Nicotine Cessation Topic Index - An alphabetical subject matter index to hundreds of nicotine cessation support group discussions, article and videos.
- 50 Quitting Tips - Key cold turkey nicotine cessation tips on how to stop smoking, vaping, chewing or sucking nicotine into your body and bloodstream.
Knowledge is a Quitting Method

Page created 12/15/20 by John R. Polito