WhyQuit's cold turkey news articles
- 2024 cold turkey nicotine cessation: a year in review - 12/26/24
- Nicotine-free in 2023, it's not too late! - 11/05/23
- Is Truth Initiative truthful about how smokers quit? - 11/01/23
- Vaping cessation interventions: a cold turkey perspective - 05/18/23
- Cold turkey still America’s pregnancy quit smoking champ - 05/05/23
- French researchers declare nicotine addiction the winner - 12/27/22
- Nicotine-free 2023 guarantee - 09/29/22
- More real-world evidence that NRT doesn't work - 08/07/22
- How do most smokers quit? - 07/25/22
- Review: "Quit smoking weapons of mass distraction" - 07/15/22
- Google search algorithms feature health misinformation - 11/12/21
- SRNT surrenders to nicotine - 08/15/21
- How smokers quit in a lower-middle-income country - 07/20/21
- "Big Nic" profits from non-cessation transfer studies - 03/31/21
- Cold turkey prevails over counseling plus pharmacotherapy, 01/18/21
- FDA quit smoking products again lose to cold turkey, 09/05/20
- Surgeon General: most smokers succeed cold turkey, 02/13/20
- Pfizer, are you listening? Cold turkey remains king., 12/20/19
- Fact check of FDA cold turkey fact check, 04/04/19
- Pfizer Chantix commercial steals cold turkey, 02/06/19
- 2018 findings: cold turkey trounces Nicoderm CQ, Chantix, Nicorette and e-cigs, 12/27/18
- Cold turkey clobbers e-cigs, NRT and Chantix, 07/18/18
- Nicotine cessation: lost in the deserts of Abu Dhabi, 03/16/15
- Australia's half-baked quit smoking campaign, 11/3013
- Gallup Poll: cold turkey 48 times smarter than Nicorette, 08/26/13
- Cold turkey quitting still king, 07/15/13
- Turkeyville celebrates 2,000th member, 06/25/13
- Replacement nicotine's killing fields, 02/11/12
- Dying truths about quitting smoking methods, 11/14/11
- Bias against cold turkey quitting apparent in literature, Dr. Michael Siegel, 11/03/11
- Study finds cold turkey quitting more effective but concludes opposite, Dr. Michael Siegel, 11/01/11
- Tar wars over smoking cessation, Professor Simon Chapman, 08/08/11
- American Association of Public Health Physicians Calls for End to Cold Turkey Discrimination, Nitzkin, JL, 03/21/10
- CDC ignores cold turkey quitters 03/11/10
- The Global Research Neglect of Unassisted Smoking Cessation: Causes and Consequences, Chapman & MacKenzie, 02/09/10
- Cold turkey trounces pharmacology in GlaxoSmithKline quitting study - 07/09/09
- Flawed research equates placebo to cold turkey - 03/12/07
- Nicotine Fix - Behind antismoking policy, influence of drug industry - Kevin Helliker, 02/08/07
- Nixing the patch: smokers quit cold turkey - Ken Millstone, 03/07/07
- Cold turkey twice as effective as NRT or Zyban - 05/19/06
- Nicotine not medicine, its use not therapy - 04/18/06
- GlaxoSmithKline attacks cold turkey quitting - 12/13/05