Fears regarding smoking and quitting

Video introduces the resource page exploring the many fears people have regarding smoking or quitting. Most people greatly underestimate the dangers of smoking and vastly overestimate the problems of quitting.
Related resources:
How people underestimate the dangers of smoking:
How people overestimate the problems with quitting:
- The fear of success
- The fear of failure
- The fear of relapsing
- Quitting smoking: A fate worse than death
- Quitting smoking can make you calmer, happier and healthier
- Are you questioning your New Year's resolution to quit smoking?
Unwarranted fears faced by smokers considering quitting:
- Can second hand smoke cause relapse
- Everything you did as a smoker you can do as an ex-smoker
- "I'll be a nervous wreck forever if I quit smoking"
- "I'll never be as productive again if I quit smoking"
- I am afraid I might get addicted to my nicotine replacement therapy (To avoid any confusion, all nicotine addicted smoke are already addicted to nicotine replacement products)
Limitations of quitting smoking simply out of fear:
How many people fear that there is nothing that can be done to help young people from taking up smoking:
Quitting smoking is more doable than most people think: