WhyQuit's cessation product news articles
- Is Truth Initiative truthful about how smokers quit? - 11/01/23
- Pivot’s 1-year quit smoking rate is not 44% - 09/14/23
- Cytisinicline stop smoking rate quintuples placebo? - 08/19/23
- Why NRT should not be provided free of charge - 07/05/23
- French researchers declare nicotine addiction the winner - 12/27/22
- More real-world evidence that NRT doesn't work - 08/07/22
- "Dear Abby's" gobbledygook stop smoking advice - 07/31/22
- How do most smokers quit? - 07/25/22
- Review: "Quit smoking weapons of mass distraction" - 07/15/22
- Nearly all pregnant smokers still smoking in e-cig vs. patch study - 06/03/22
- Single and combo NRT ineffective among 5,589 screened Veterans - 07/25/21
- How smokers quit in a lower-middle-income country - 07/20/21
- "Big Nic" profits from non-cessation transfer studies - 03/31/21
- Cold turkey prevails over counseling plus pharmacotherapy - 01/18/21
- FDA quit smoking products again lose to cold turkey - 09/05/20
- Pfizer, are you listening? Cold turkey remains king. - 12/20/19
- Pfizer Chantix commercial steals cold turkey - 02/06/19
- 2018 findings: cold turkey trounces Nicoderm CQ, Chantix, Nicorette and e-cigs - 12/27/18
- Did Ray Liotta really quit smoking with Chantix? - 12/11/18
- Cold turkey clobbers e-cigs, NRT and Chantix - 07/18/18
- JNCI study finds pharmaceutical stop smoking aids ineffective - 12/22/17
- Is it time to stop subsidising nicotine replacement therapies? Professor Simon Chapman, 01/26/15
- 10 studies screaming "leave replacement nicotine alone!" John R. Polito, 01/01/15
- BMJ's non-publication policy should extend to pharma's nicotine - 10/19/13
- Gallup Poll: cold turkey 48 times smarter than Nicorette - 08/26/13
- Pharma bias destroys ITC quit smoking medication study - 08/20/12
- Replacement nicotine's killing fields - 02/11/12
- Chantix study joins negative findings omissions club - 12/22/11
- Dying truths about quitting smoking methods - 11/14/11
- Suicidal behavior and depression in smoking cessation treatments, Moore TJ et al, 11/03/11
- Tar wars over smoking cessation, Professor Simon Chapman, 08/08/11
- Is a 14% Chantix success rate worth risking death? - 06/14/11
- Chantix serious injuries exceed 8,500 - 01/28/11
- "Smoke Remedy" infomercial: a fraud, hoax and scam? - 01/10/11
- Champix - Chantix worth questioned - 01/06/11
- GlaxoSmithKline continues defrauding smokers - 11/02/10
- New Study Shows That Even Extended Nicotine Replacement Therapy is Extremely Ineffective; Unaided Quitting Rates are Far Better, Michael Siegel, 03/04/10
- The Global Research Neglect of Unassisted Smoking Cessation: Causes and Consequences, Simon Chapman and Ross MacKenzie, PLOS Medicine, 02/09/10
- Smoking Racket, ABC.net, Chapman S, 02/10/10
- Five facts Chantix ads keep hidden - 12/29/09
- UW-CTRI's Holiday Health Media Manipulation - 12/16/09
- Petition for Honest Quit Smoking Studies - 12/02/09
- University of Wisconsin: World's Pharm Nicotine Sales Center - 11/12/09
- Cold turkey trounces pharmacology in GlaxoSmithKline quitting study - 07/09/09
- Nicotine patch inventor fudges patch study findings - 07/12/09
- Have smokers been hoodwinked and bamboozled by placebos? John R. Polito, 11/14/08
- Pfizer's Chantix continues killing quitters - 10/22/08
- Chantix and Champix mental health safety assurances contrary to evidence - 06/12/08
- Chantix blamed for 3,063 serious injuries and 78 deaths - 05/13/08
- Strong safety signal seen for new varenicline risks - ISMP, 05/21/08
- U.S. quit smoking policy integrity drowns in pharmaceutical influence - 05/13/08
- Does updated tobacco treatment "Guideline" reflect sham science? - 05/05/08
- FDA pulls video clip admitting Chantix suicide link - 04/03/08
- New FDA Chantix suicide risk video clip raises concerns - 04/02/08
- FDA Chantix handling betrayed public health - 02/29/08
- Smoking cessation trials, Canadian Medical Association Journal - 02/29/08
- Windows media clip of WhyQuit's candid views on Chantix & Champix: 18mb video for dial-up users | and 7mb audio only format, length 48 minutes, recorded 10/19/07 by Joel Spitzer
- Can Chantix cause depression? - The People's Pharmacy, 09/19/07
- Flawed research equates placebo to cold turkey - 03/07
- Nicotine Fix - Behind antismoking policy, influence of drug industry - Kevin Helliker, 02/07
- WSJ highlights financial conflicts of chair of federal guidelines panel - Michael Siegel, MD 02/07
- Nixing the patch: smokers quit cold turkey - Ken Millstone, 02/07
- New study challenges thinking on use of NRT during pregnancy - Michael Siegel, MD, 02/07
- Nicotine for the fetus, the infant and adolescent - H.K. Ginzel, MD, 02/07
- The secret to quitting smoking - 01/07
- Financial ties between Guideline panels and big pharma run deep - Michael Siegel, MD, 01/07
- Chantix - an 8 in 10 failure rate or worse? - 12/06
- Do physician's have a legal duty to ignore Guideline recommendation 7? - 12/06
- Is the U.S. government's quitting policy killing smokers? - 10/06
- Will Chantix really help me quit smoking? - 08/06
- Conference sponsorship by pharma precludes objective symposium - Michael Siegel, MD 07/06
- 13th World Conference on Tobacco or Health drenched in nicotine - 07/06
- Cold turkey twice as effective as NRT or Zyban - 05/06
- Nicotine not medicine, its use not therapy - 04/06
- GlaxoSmithKline attacks cold turkey quitting - 12/05
- UK Guidance for NRT use in pregnancy and by children - ASH London, 12/05
- June 2000 Guideline chairman Michael Fiore's testimony - see PDF pages 14 & 15, 05/05
- The nicotine patch, gum and lozenge - mounting evidence of a sham - 04/05
- 40 years of progress? - Joel Spitzer, 10/04
- Widespread blinding failures put NRT studies in serious question - 06/04
- Nicotine gum maker's concern raises concerns - 05/04
- A quitter's dilemma: hooked on the cure - New York Times, 05/04
- Quebec CT quitters disprove "double your chances" NRT assertion - 04/04
- Are nicotine weaning products a bad joke? - 10/03
- Is CT Quitting More Productive & Effective than NRT? - 07/03
- Are teens getting hooked on NRT? - 06/03
- March 2003 OTC NRT meta-analysis finds 93% midyear relapse rate - 03/03
- Quitting methods - who to believe? - Joel Spitzer, 2003
- JAMA study concludes NRT is ineffective - 09/02
- Real-world nicotine patch and gum rates - 06/02
- Does the OTC nicotine patch really double your chances of quitting? - 04/02
- Is nicotine replacement therapy the smoker's last best hope? - 11/00
- Financial disclosures for June 2000 Guideline panel - U.S. Public Health Service, 06/00
- June 2000 Guideline Recommendation 7 - pharmacotherapy use by all quitters - 06/00
- Glaxo Wellcome's objectives in creating UW Foundation million dollar endowed chair for Michael Fiore - Glaxo Wellcome, 10/15/97