Letter "B" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- Baby steps: F | FFN | JL | JV
- Bad days: Predestined bad days: JV | Long term quitter bad days: JV
- Bad days & disturbing dreams: FFN
- Because now it really hurts! JL | JV
- Be prepared for holiday triggers: JV
- Be prepared: alcohol and your quit: F
- Be prepared: those we love are destined to die: WQ-S
- Be prepared to hear some confusing info during national quitting day or New Years: JV
- Be proud that you quit smoking: JV
- Becoming an ex-smoker: F
- Being locked-up to quit smoking: JV, also see Quitting smoking while being in lockdown: JV
- Being tempted watching others smoke: JV
- Benefits of quitting timetable: WQ-M
- Benefits of smoking? JV
- "Big Nic" profits from non-cessation transfer studies: WQ-E
- Big pharma smoking cessation secrets: FFN
- Bio: Joel Spitzer: WQ-E
- Bio: John R. Polito: WQ-E
- Bleeding gums: FFN
- Blood sugar changes when quitting: JL | JV
- Blood sugar: avoiding nicotine cessation blood sugar swing symptoms: FFN
- Blood sugar: only use cranberry juice when first quitting: JV
- Blood sugar: disorientation that may occur when first quitting smoking: JV
- Blood sugar - eating healthy: WQ-E
- Body: The smoker's body: WQ-M
- Boredom: "I use to relieve boredom" FFN
- "Boy, do I deserve a cigarette for that!" JV
- "Boy, do I miss smoking!" JV
- Breaks (smoke breaks): JV
- Breaking free from nicotine's grip is more doable than most people think: JV
- Breaking links to our crave generator: F
- Breastfeeding and nicotine: WQ-M
- Breathing: Joel's resources related to breathing issues: JV
- Breathing - smoking's impact on the lungs: JL | JV
- Breathing - vaping causing asthma-like breathing
- Breathing: Using deep breathing as a safe and effective quitting aid: JV
- Breathing/inhaling second hand smoke will not cause smoking relapse: JV | FFN
- Bryan Lee Curtis- 34 year-old victim: WQ-M
- Buddy systems: "Should I?"JV | Support group buddies: JV
- Buddy systems: why we discourage "buddy systems" at Freedom and Turkeyville: JV
- Buddy systems: the pitfalls of forming a buddy system: JV
- "But smoking is the only vice I have left...": JV
- Buying cigarettes: "I'm not going to buy any" JV

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 04/29/23
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021