Letter "M" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- Make a list of why you want to quit smoking: JV
- Make sure your quit is not contingent on others: JV
- Making quitting your #1 priority - the Fan Letter: JV
- Mantras: What is your quit smoking mantra? JV
- "Maybe a puff isn't that big of a deal" JV
- "Maybe I am different" JL
- Medical advice: giving and giving medical advice online: WQ-S
- Medication adjustments that may be necessary after quitting smoking: JV
- Medical implications of smoking: JL | Premature deaths: JV - Update to video "Premature deaths caused by smoking" JV
- Meet Bryan Lee Curtis - age 34: WQ-M
- Meet Deborah Scott - age 38: WQ-M
- Meet Helen Bradford, Turkeyville's first caretaker - age 50: WQ-M
- Meet Kim Genovy, a member of Freedom - age 44: WQ-M
- Meet Neal Curtis, a member of Freedom - age 53: F
- Meet Noni Glykos - age 33: WQ-M
- Meet Quentin Delgado - age 23: WQ-M
- Meet Sean Marsee message - age 19: WQ-M
- "Members of your site seem too happy" JV
- Memorial to our family and friends: WQ-M
- Menstrual cycle considerations: FFN
- Mental health when quitting: JV
- Mindfulness crave coping: FFN
- Minimizing the weight gained: JL
- "Miracle" aids for quitting smoking: JV
- Misery loves company: JV
- Monday: the first Monday morning: JV
- Money wasted on cigarettes: JV
- Monster under the bed: F
- Monsters: "I'm fighting monsters and demons" FFN
- Motivational video clips: WQ-M
- Motivations - Document your core motivations: FFN
- Motivating others - Helping others quit: JV
- Motivating the reluctant quitter: JL
- Motives: Pack durable motives: FFN
- Murder, suicide, accident or stupidity? WQ-M
- "My coffee won't taste the same" FFN
- My computer saved my life: WQ-S
- "My Cigarette, My Friend" JL | JV | Audio | FFN
- My first encouter with NRT: JV
- My goals for the resources I produce to help people to quit smoking: JV
- My new and exciting QCT program to stop smoking
- "My smoking helps me to breathe better" JV
- "My support group is responsible!" JV | JL

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 03/08/21
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021