Letter "I" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- "I am a smoker!" JL
- "I am afraid I might get addicted to my nicotine replacement therapy" JV
- I am an addict! Hooray! WQ-E
- "I am climbing the walls because I quit smoking" JV
- "I am doing okay, I am not buying cigarettes" JV
- "I am going back to smoking when I am eighty" JV
- "I am not going to smoke today!" JL | One day at a time: JV
- "I am the only smoker I know" JV
- "I can't afford to quit smoking" JV
- "I can't drink alcohol without using nicotine" FFN
- "I can't quit" ... or ... "I won't quit"? JL | JV | FFN
- "I can't quit because..." JV
- "I can't quit because I'm addicted" JV
- I choose life: F
- "I couldn't have done it without you" JV
- "I do it for flavor and taste" FFN
- "I do it for pleasure" FFN
- "I don't feel any better since I quit smoking" JV
- "I don't have a choice, I have to quit smoking" JV
- "I don't know if I have another quit in me"? JV | "If I relapse I'll smoke until it kills me" JV | "I know I will quit again" JV
- "I don't need to smoke" JV
- "I don't want to die!" - the bottom line? F
- "I don't want to quit smoking!" JV
- "I feel 100% better since I quit smoking!" JV | JL | Unexpected benefits: JV
- "I got through a month without smoking! Boy, I deserve a cigarette for that! JV
- "I guess I am doing ok, I just smoked one yesterday" F
- "I hate smoking so much that there is no way I could ever go back"? JV
- "I have to smoke because of all my stress" JL | JV
- "I have to smoke when I talk on the phone" JV
- "I have smoked more than 40 years, quitting now is impossible!" F
- "I have smoked so long and so much, what is the use in quitting now" JL
- "I know I am going to gain weight if I quit smoking!" JV
- "I know I will quit smoking" JV
- "I know I will quit again" JL | JV
- "I know too much about smoking to ever be able to relapse" JV
- "I like using." "I love it." FFN
- "I liked my other support group more": JL | JV
- "I love being nicotine free!" WQ-M
- "I made a conscious decision to smoke": JL
- "I quit the wrong way" JV
- I quit thousands of times then... F
- "I smoke because I like smoking!" JV | JL |FFN
- "I smoke because I like the flavor" JV | FFN
- "I smoke because I'm self-destructive" JV
- "I smoke to relieve stress" JV | FFN
- "I think I have decided to go back to smoking" JL | JV
- "I tried your resources once, why should I bother trying them again?" JV
- "I use to relieve boredom" FFN
- "I used to be like that?" F
- "I vape e-cigs and they're vastly safer" FFN
- "I want one" JV | JV |FFN
- "I want "something" F
- "I went back to smoking when I was in the hospital with pneumonia" JV | JL
- "I will control my smoking now" JV
- "I will not smoke today!" JV
- "I will quit when ..." JV | JL
- "I will quit when I finish this pack" JV
- I wish it was just a nasty little habit: F
- "I'd gain weight and that's just as dangerous" FFN
- "I'd rather be a little overweight & not smoking than underweight and dead!" JL | JV
- "I'll be a nervous wreck forever if I quit smoking" JV
- "I'll come for reinforcement if I need it" JV
- "I'll have to use willpower for the rest of my life not to smoke" JV
- "I'll lose my friends" FFN
- "I'll never be as productive again if I quit smoking" JV
- "I'll smoke anywhere I want" JV
- "I'm a serial quitter and I want to help people quit smoking" JV
- "I'm fighting monsters and demons" FFN
- "I'm just a little bit addicted" FFN
- "I'm mad that I can't smoke anymore!" JV
- "I'm not joining this clinic" (or Turkeyville, WhyQuit's support group) JV
- "I'm safe from smoking related problems by my genetic makeup" JV
- "I'm still healthy" FFN
- "It's my choice and I choose to use" FFN
- "It's just a nasty little habit" FFN
- "I've read so much about the dangers of smoking I've come to the only logical conclusion..." JV
- "I've relapsed and I hate it" JV
- "I've tried everything to lose weight but nothing works!" JL
- "I've tried everything to quit and nothing works" JV
- If cigarettes were as deadly as you say they are... JL
- "If I go back to smoking, I'll just quit again" JV
- "If I relapse I'll smoke until it kills me" JV
- "If they ever cure lung cancer, I would go back to smoking": JL
- If this is your first time quitting: JV
- If you fall down just pick yourself up and dust yourself off: JV | "Get right back in the saddle?" JV | "Don't let a slip put you back to using" JV
- If you're "giving up" smoking: WQ-S
- Impulsivity: Does nicotine use increase impulsivity? WQ-E
- Individual approaches used to motivate smokers to quit: JL | Helping others quit: JV
- Index of Joel's stop smoking video discussion pages: JV
- Intentional relapses: JV
- "Is anyone else experiencing the symptom of...?" JV
- Is cold turkey the only way to quit? JV | JL
- "Is Joel a smoking cessation expert?" JV
- Is withdrawal prolonged with more addictive nicotine products? JV
- Is quitting smoking harder than quitting other drugs? JV
- Is it true that everything smells and tastes better when you quit smoking? JV
- "Is this a symptom of quitting smoking? JV | Part 2: JV
- "Is this an unlucky day to quit smoking?" JV
- Is relapse a natural part of the addiction process? JV
- Is relapsing on nicotine a good learning experience? JV
- Is your New Year's resolution to quit smoking? JV
- "Isn't quitting cold turkey too dangerous?" JV
- Isolation of a widowed smoker: JL | JV
- "It helps me concentrate" FFN
- "It's cold outside, boy do I need a cigarette" JV
- It's still cold outside--why this is a bigger problem for smokers than non-smokers: JV
- "It's inevitable, some smokers are going to relapse" JV
- It's only cigarette smoking not a crime punishable by death: JV | JL

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 10/13/23
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2022 © WhyQuit 1999-2023 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2023
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2022 © WhyQuit 1999-2023 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2023