Letter "H" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- Habit: I wish it was just a nasty little habit: FFN
- Habit: "What bad habit should I replace it with?" JV
- Harm reduction: JV | E-cig: JV
- Have you ever embraced a crave? WQ-E
- Have you ever gone through an ashtray in search of the longest butt? WQ-E
- Have you hugged a relapser today? JV
- Have you noticed some of these "lost" long-term quits? F
- Hazards & pitfalls - FFN | Pitfall: JV
- Headaches: "Does smoking cause my headaches?" JV
- Health recovery benefits timetable: WQ-E
- Healthy: There's still time to quit, "I'm still healthy" FFN
- Heart attacks: how smoking causes them: heart & circulatory diseases: JV
- "Hell week": The use of the term "Hell Week" when quitting smoking: JV
- "Hell week": Real "Hell Weeks" in regards to smoking
- "Hell week" - an unacceptable term: JV
- "Help me, I've relapsed!" A plea for help or a cry for attention? JV | JL
- Can you help a person who doesn't really want to quit smoking? JV | Helping others quit: JV
- Helping others see that thoughts for cigarettes do diminish over time: JV
- Herbal tobacco - JV
- Hermit quitting vs happy quitting: F
- Hey, I'm talking to you: JV
- Holidays: JV
- Holidays that result in 3 day weekends, how they affect recent ex-smokers: JV
- Homecoming: a silent celebration: FFN
- "How can I be addicted? I can go hours without?: JV
- "How can I get my family and friends to quit smoking?" JL | JV
- "How can I quit if I live with a smoker?" JV
- How did the former smokers you know quit smoking? JV
- "How did we survive back then?" (secondhand smoke): JL
- How did most ex-smokers quit? JL | 2013 Gallup Poll: WQ-E | 07/25/22 WQ News article
- "How do I deal with ... " F
- How do you handle being with smokers? F
- How does your program compare to... JV | JL | Are you ready for Freedom? JV
- How holidays that result in three day weekends affect recent ex-smokers: JV
- "How in the world did I actually quit smoking?" JV
- "How long before I don't want a cigarette?" JV
- How long does it take to become re-addicted to nicotine? JV 03/15/18
- How many ways have you tried to quit smoking? JV
- How quitting smoking is like learning to ride a bicycle: JV
- How to best utilize my resources to quit smoking: JV
- How to deal with people offering you cigarettes after you have quit: JV
- How to do nothing without a cigarette: JV
- How to help kids stop vaping: JV
- How to lose weight while quitting smoking or vaping: WQ-E
- How to Quit: JL (35 articles)
- How to quit smoking: JV
- How would you deal with the following situations? JL | JV
- How you can help prevent kids from vaping: JV
- Hypnosis: Does hypnosis really generate some of the best success rates for quitting smoking? JV | WQ-E

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 07/25/22
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021