Letter "W" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- Waiting to bottom out: JV | JL
- Wanting: Tell a newbie how many seconds a day you still want a cigarette: WQ-S
- Watching others quit smoking: JV
- Watching others smoke: JV
- Watching people smoke: another slant: JV
- "Was I addicted?" JL
- We understand why you relapsed: JL
- Weight: How to lose weight while quitting smoking or vaping: WQ-E
- Weight: "I'd gain weight if I quit and that's just as dangerous" FFN
- Weight: "I've tried everything to lose weight but nothing works!" JL
- Weight control: JL | FFNWQ-E
- Weight gain - minimizing the amount of change after quitting: JL | FFN
- Weight gain concerns after smoking cessation: JV
- Weight related resources: JV
- Welbutrin - (see Zyban below)
- Well, at least I attempted to quit: JL
- Well meaning offers for cigarettes: JV
- Were you addicted? JV
- "What a relief, I think I have cancer!" JL | JV
- What about using herbal cigarettes to quit smoking? JV
- What bad habit should I replace it with? JV
- "What did they do to you to make you quit smoking?" JV
- What does NTAP mean? JV
- What is nicotine? FFN
- What is nicotine withdrawal really like? JV
- "What is the harm of smoking a few more years if I am young and healthy? JV"
- What is the use in quitting now? JV | JL
- What is your quit smoking mantra? JV
- What lessons are smokers teaching their children? JV
- What programs does Joel recommend? JV
- What quit smoking support sites do I recommend? JV
- What should I call myself? JV | JL | FFN
- "What should I do with my leftover cigarettes?" JV
- "What withdrawals should I expect when quitting smoking?" JV
- "What's the use in quitting now?" JV
- "Whatever you do, don't quit cold turkey!" JV
- "When did I actually quit smoking?" JV
- When smoking was a choice addiction: JL
- When to quit, now or later? FFN
- When you may really need to talk to your doctor about quitting smoking: JV
- Where can I get information on how to quit smoking cold turkey? JV
- Who should you believe? JV | JL | 2013 Gallup Poll: WQ-E
- Who wants to go back to smoking? JV
- Why am I still having "urges?" JV | FFN
- "Why am I still experiencing withdrawal?" JV
- "Why can’t I convince my loved one to quit smoking? I’ve tried everything." WQ-E
- Why did I ever start smoking? JV | JL
- Why do I smoke? JL | JV | FFN-TJH
- Why do people smoke - index to 16 Joel's Library articles: JL
- Why do smokers smoke? JV
- Why do you smoke? WQ-E
- "Why do you even try to help THOSE people quit smoking?" JV
- Why Joel no longer conduct stop smoking clinics: JV
- Why Joel recommends cranberry juice when first quitting smoking: JV
- Why Joel's resources are free: JV
- WhyQuit: About Us:WQ-E
- WhyQuit: Contact Us: WQ-E
- WhyQuit: Disclosure of Financial or Competing Interests: WQ-E
- WhyQuit News: link to 220+ WhyQuit press releases: WQ-E
- WhyQuit: Privacy Statement: WQ-E
- WhyQuit: Welcome video: WQ-E
- WhyQuit: What's New: WQ-E
- "Why should I quit smoking, I could just get run over by a truck?" JV
- Will this get better? JV
- "Will I eventually dislike the smell of cigarette smoke?" JV
- "Will my lungs ever look better?" JV
- "Will I ever stop thinking about cigarettes?" JV
- "Wish me luck in quitting smoking" JV
- Withdrawal: what is it really like? JV
- Withdrawal: does nicotine withdrawal really last for months or years? JV
- Withdrawal symptoms, when do they end? FFN | WQ-E
- Women: "I have heard that women don't have much of a chance at successfully quitting smoking" JV | Menstrual Cycle Considerations: FFN | PMS and quitting: JV
- Words that translate to "R E L A P S E" JV
- Work: "Things were just so bad at work that I took a cigarette!" JL
- World No Tobacco Day 2019: WQ-M

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 12/17/23
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2024 © WhyQuit 1999-2024 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2022
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2024 © WhyQuit 1999-2024 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2022