Letter "C" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- Cabin fever and smoking
- Caffeine tolerance quitting changes (possible): JV
- Caffeine: Your blood caffeine level will double: FFN
- Can secondhand smoke cause relapse? JV
- Can we help a person quit when they are pretty sure they don't want to quit? JV
- Can you spare about an hour and a half to help to save your life? JV
- Can't quit" ... or ... "won't quit"? JL | JV
- Cancer causing cig smoke chemicals: list of all 81 carcinogens: WQ-M
- Cancer: lung cancer: JV
- Cancer: "Nicotine does not cause cancer." "Yes, it does." WQ-E | Test your cancer IQ: WQ-E
- Cancer: What a relief, I think I have cancer! JL
- Careers in smoking cessation: Joel's standard response: JV
- Caring for our recovery: F | Caring for your recovery: FFN
- Carrying cigarettes: JV | JL
- Carrying mock cigarettes: a straw, stick or nicotine-free e-cigarette: JV
- Carrying or keeping NRT in case of emergency: JV
- Change of season triggers: the Spring: JV
- Change of season triggers: the Summer: JV
- Change of season triggers: the Fall: JV
- Chantix or Champix (varenicline):
- Pfizer, are you listening? Cold turkey remains king, 12/20/19
- Pfizer Chantix commercial steals cold turkey, 02/06/19
- FDA knew stop smoking product clinical trials not science-based, 02/02/19
- 2018 findings: cold turkey trounces Nicoderm CQ, Chantix, Nicorette and e-cigs, 12/27/18
- Did Ray Liotta really quit smoking with Chantix?, 12/11/18
- Cold turkey clobbers e-cigs, NRT and Chantix, 07/18/18
- My personal views on Chantix or Champix, 06/212/13
- Chantix study joins negative findings omissions club, 12/22/11
- Is a 14% Chantix success rate worth risking death?, 06/14/11
- Chantix serious injuries exceed 8,500, 01/28/11
- Champix - Chantix worth questioned, 01/06/11
- Smokefree.gov really Buymeds.now 03/24/10
- Five facts Chantix ads keep hidden, 12/29/09
- Pfizer's Chantix continues killing quitters, 10/22/08
- Chantix and Champix mental health safety assurances contrary to evidence 06/12/08
- Chantix blamed for 3,063 serious injuries and 78 deaths, 05/13/08
- U.S. quit smoking policy integrity drowns in pharmaceutical influence, 05/13/08
- Does updated tobacco treatment "Guideline" reflect sham science?, 05/05/08
- FDA pulls video clip admitting Chantix suicide link, 04/03/08
- New FDA Chantix suicide risk video clip raises concerns, 04/02/08
- FDA Chantix handling betrayed public health, 02/08
- Windows media clip of WhyQuit's candid views on Chantix & Champix: 18mb video for dial-up users | and 7mb audio only format, length 48 minutes, recorded 10/19/07 by Joel Spitzer
- "Will Chantix really help me quit smoking", 08/25/06
- Cheating: why so hard on the concept - JL | "Slip": JV
- Chemical slavery's onset: FFN
- Choice: "I don't have a choice, I have to quit smoking" JV
- Choice: "It's my choice and I choose to use" FFN
- Cigars and relapsing: JV
- Cigarette butts:WQ-M
- Cigarette smoke smell good? It's not by accident: F
- Cilia: JV
- Circulation: how smoking causes heart attacks & strokes: JV
- Classical conditioning: FFN
- Closet smokers (secret smokers): JV
- "Coffee won't taste the same" FFN
- Cold or flu after quitting - a general warning: JV | Is there such a thing as the "quitters flu?" JV
- Cold turkey quitting: JV | Why our sites are all cold turkey: JV
- Cold turkey defined: JV
- Cold turkey quitting redefined again: JV
- Cold turkey studies, research, and policy
- Cold turkey prevails over counseling plus pharmacotherapy, 01/18/21
- FDA quit smoking products again lose to cold turkey, 09/05/20
- Surgeon General: most smokers succeed cold turkey, 02/13/20
- Pfizer, are you listening? Cold turkey remains king., 12/20/19
- Fact check of FDA cold turkey fact check, 04/04/19
- Pfizer Chantix commercial steals cold turkey, 02/06/19
- 2018 findings: cold turkey trounces Nicoderm CQ, Chantix, Nicorette and e-cigs, 12/27/18
- Cold turkey clobbers e-cigs, NRT and Chantix, 07/18/18
- Gallup Poll: cold turkey 48 times smarter than Nicorette, 08/26/13
- Cold turkey quitting still king, 07/15/13
- Replacement nicotine's killing fields, 02/11/12
- Dying truths about quitting smoking methods, 11/14/11
- CDC ignores cold turkey quitters, 03/11/10
- Flawed research equates placebo to cold turkey, 03/12/07
- Nicotine Fix - Behind antismoking policy, influence of drug industry 02/08/07
- Nixing the patch: smokers quit cold turkey, 03/07/07
- Cold turkey twice as effective as NRT or Zyban, 05/19/06
- GlaxoSmithKline attacks cold turkey quitting, 12/13/05
- 40 years of progress? 10/04
- Quebec CT quitters disprove "double your chances" NRT assertion - John R. Polito, 04/27/04
- Cold turkey supportive organizations and sites
- Cold turkey - how most ex-smokers succeed: JV
- "Come share your strength, come recognize your vulnerabilities?" JV | JL
- Come to where the knowledge is: F
- Comfort: introducing my new found friend: F
- Common symptoms: JV
- Common use cues: FFN
- Common use rationalizations: JV | FFN | WQ-E
- Complacency: JV | FFN
- Concentration, focus or mind fog concerns: JL | JV | FFN
- Concentration: nicotine "helps me concentrate" FFN
- Conscious fixation: FFN
- Conscious recovery: FFN
- Cost rationalizations: FFN
- Dependency rationalizations: FFN
- Contrary to what you may have heard – vaping is not safe: JV
- Control: "I've got my smoking under control": JV
- Controlling crave episode expectations: FFN
- Conventional quitting wisdom is discouraged at Freedom or Turkeyville: JV (examples: set a quit date, avoid use cues, make lifestyle changes, nicotine is medicine, it takes a specific number of days to break a habit, don't let a slip put you back to using, it takes a certain number of failures before the average quitter succeeds).
- Coronavirus: JV
- Cost of my first relapse (have a calculator handy): F
- Costs (economic) of smoking: Money wasted: JV
- JL (18 articles) |Costs index: JV
- Coughing: Why many people cough more after quitting: JV
- Counters and meters for tracking your recovery statistics: WQ-S | WhyQuit's online statistics calculator: WQ-S | "Should I reset my meter?" JV
- Crave coping techniques: FFN
- Crave episode duration: FFN
- Crave episode frequency: FFN
- Crave episode intensity: FFN
- Crave episode, thought fixation and anxiety management: WQ-E
- Crave episodes: the bigger the better: FFN
- Craves: the urge hits: JV
- Crave trigger cue extinguishment: JV | FFN
- Craves: less than 5 minutes: FFN
- Craves and thoughts that occur over time: JV
- Craves: Using deep breathing as a safe and effective quitting aid: JV
- Criteria of addiction: JV
- Crutches to Quit Smoking: JV | JL
- Crutches: avoid them: FFN
- Crutches: the danger of using Internet quit sites as a crutch to quit smoking: JV
- Cue exposure therapy: FFN
- Cue extinguishment: JV | FFN
- Curiosity killed the quit: JV
- Cutting down before quitting: more smoke and mirrors? JV | Study
- Cytisinicline stop smoking rate quintuples placebo? WQ-E

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 08/19/23
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021