Letter "A" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- A 100% guaranteed way to successfully quit smoking: JV
- A message to prospective Freedom members - How to join: WQ-S [note: Freedom is no longer accepting members]
- "A safer way to smoke?" JV | JL | Genetics: JV | Harm Reduction: JV | E-cigs: JV)
- Acknowledge the negative but dwell on the positive: JV
- Actions speak louder than words or thought: JV
- Addiction / Dependency: JV | FFN
- Addiction: the Surgeon General says ...: JV
- Addiction: criteria: JV | FFN
- Addiction not news to tobacco industry: FFN
- Additives in cigarettes - list of 600+: WQ:M
- Advertising: JL | Classic Ads: JL | E-cigs: JV | FFN | Youth Targeting: WQ-M
- After I lose weight I will quit smoking: JL | JV
- After quitting smoking is there such a thing as the "quitters flu?" JV
- Alcohol and quitting smoking: JV
- Alcohol: Be prepared: alcohol and your quit: F
- Alcohol: Can people quit smoking and still drink alcohol? JL | JV
- Alcohol: Co-dependency: nicotine and alcohol: FFN
- Alcohol: Early alcohol use risky: FFN
- Alcohol: "I can't drink alcohol without a cigarette" JV
- All quits are not equal
- Allen Carr: Joel's standard reply: JV
- Allergies: Your first allergy season after quitting smoking: JV
- "Am I safe smoking 2 to 3 cigarettes a day?" WQ-E
- Amount smoked: JV
- An important choice must be made today: JV
- An infected life: FFN
- Anger - new reactions to anger as an ex-smoker: JV | JL
- Anger - emotional loss experienced when quitting: JV | FFN
- Another slant on how to watch people smoke: JV
- Anti-smoking ads from the past: Joel
- Anxiety & irritability: FFN
- Are "aaah" memories calling your name? WQ-S
- Are additive free cigarettes less addictive? JV
- Are cigars or pipes safer than cigarettes?
- Are crave episodes "really" less than 5 minutes? FFN
- Are doctors taught about nicotine recovery? JV
- Are people doomed to fail if they don't get professional help to quit smoking? JV
- Are sunflower seeds or toothpicks a good substitute when quitting smoking?: JV
- Are there "social smokers?" JV
- Are you a nicotine junkie? JL | JV |Criteria of addiction: JV
- Are you smart enough for an IQ pin? JV
- Are you smoking more and enjoying it less? JL
- Are you stronger than your cigarettes? JV
- Are you questioning your New Year's resolution to quit smoking? JV
- Are your odds improved next time you quit smoking? JV
- As addictive as heroin? FFN
- AskJoel: JV
- Attitude: if you quit smoking with a lousy attitude ... JV
- Attitude - Pack a positive attitude: FFN
- Attitude: Joel's "positive attitude" resources: JV
- Attitude - Using attitude to reduce anxiety: WQ-E
- Avoiding blood sugar swing symptoms: FFN
- Avoiding smoking cessation weight gain: WQ-E
- Avoiding triggers: JV | FFN

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 03/21/23
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2022 © WhyQuit 1999-2022 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2022
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2022 © WhyQuit 1999-2022 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2022