Letter "S" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- Safer way to smoke? JV | JL | Genetics: JV | Harm Reduction: JV | E-cig: JV
- Scare tactics: JV | "I don't want to see any scary pictures" JV
- Seasonal, holiday and infrequent use cues: FFN
- Secondhand smoke: WQ-M | Can't cause relapse: JV
- See how smoking destroys the lungs: JV
- Self-improvements: quitting may lead to other self-improvements: JV
- Sharing our materials at other quit sites: JV
- Setting quit dates: JV | FFN | JL
- Short funny story: JV
- "Should I let him know that I know he is smoking?" JV
- Should I really avoid smoking triggers now that I've quit? JV
- "Should I reset my quit meter?" JV
- Should I take up smoking to get off of vaping? JV
- Should smokers feel "safer" because some non-smokers get lung cancer? JV
- Showing others that there is life without smoking: JV
- Sisters WQ-S
- Skin: Quitting often results in healthier looking skin: JV
- Sleep adjustments: JL | JV | Possible caffeine adjustment: JV
- Smart Turkey: The nicotine dependency recovery guide: free ebook
- Smart turkey: FFN
- Smarter not stronger: Joel's resources related to the importance of being smarter than nicotine: JV
- Smell of cigarettes: JV
- Smell: Does everything smell & taste better? JV
- Smokers DON'T have to quit multiple times before they will succeed: JV
- Smokers need not apply: JL
- Smokers who face even higher risks from smoking: JV
- Smoker's self mutilation: WQ-M
- Smoker's Memorial: WQ-M
- Smoker's Vow: JL | YouTube audio
- Smoking: a crime punishable by death: JL | JV
- "Smoking a cigarette will help me secure my quit" JV
- Smoking and cabin fever: JV
- Smoking and circulation: JL | JV
- Smoking and pregnancy: FFN | WQ-E
- Smoking and the Coronavirus: JV
- Smoking benefits? JV
- Smoking breaks: JV
- Smoking does not help you overcome stress: JV
- Smoking dreams: JV | FFN
- Smoking's Impact on the Lungs: JL | JV
- "Smoking is easier than not smoking" JV
- "Smoking is not an option" JV
- Smoking triggers or use cues: JV | FFN
- "So I can't run marathons" JL | JV
- Social smokers or chippers: are there "social smokers?" JV
- Social toll of smoking: JL | Closet smokers: JL | Secret closet smoker: JV
- Some people won't be happy until they relapse: JV
- Starting your quit: quitting guide introduction: JV | JL Guide: JV | Introduction: JV
- Starting day 1 of your quit: JV | JL Guide | Day 1: JV
- Starting day 2 of your quit: JV | JL Guide | Day 2: JV
- Starting day 3 of your quit: JV | JL Guide | Day 3: JV
- Starting day 4 of your quit: JV | JL Guide | Day 4: JV
- Starting day 5 of your quit: JV | JL Guide | Day 5: JV
- Starting day 6 of your quit: JV | JL Guide | Day 6: JV
- Starting week two of your quit: JV | JL Guide: JV | Week 2: JV
- Starting and getting on with the rest of your life: JV | JL Guide: JV | Getting on with life: JV
- Stop smoking benefits recovery timetable: WQ-E
- Stress: JV | FFN
- Stress: Joel's resources explaining the interaction between nicotine and stress: JV
- Stressful event coming soon: "I'm not quitting now" JV
- Stronger or smarter? JV
- Strokes: how smoking causes strokes & heart attacks: F
- Subconscious recovery: FFN
- Suggestion box: WQ
- Suicide deaths twice as high among smokers: WQ-News
- Sunflower seeds and toothpics as smoking substitutes: JV
- Supercharging nicotine’s addictive potential: JV
- Symptoms: Common symptoms: JV
- Symptoms: Freedom & Turkeyville's no medical advice policy: JV
- Symptoms: Quitting and mental health: JV
- Symptoms: "Is this a symptom of quitting smoking?: JV | Part 2: JV
- Symptoms: Medication adjustments may be necessary: JV
- Symptoms: Common symptoms: JV
- Symptoms: Minimizing low blood sugar symptoms: JL | JV | FFN | WQ-E
- Symptoms: Physical recovery: WQ-E | JV | FFN
- Symptoms: Why many people cough more after quitting: JV
- Symptoms: "Will this get better?" JV

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 05/19/21
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021