Videos to watch as you prepare to stop smoking

I'm John R. Polito, WhyQuit's founder and a former 30-year heavy smoker. Welcome to Joel's Daily Quitting Lesson Guide. Having presented two-week stop smoking clinics modeled after Joel's, I've lived and breathed his insights in action.
Imagine having your very own quitting coach, America's premier nicotine cessation educator with nearly 50 years experience. More than 400 video lessons, it's hard to imagine any stop smoking issue that Joel Spitzer hasn't seen and addressed.
Below, Joel has selected 2 hours and 27 minutes of videos (147 minutes total) to aid in helping prepare you to stop smoking. They reflect lessons shared by Joel as part of more than 350 live, two-week, six-session quit smoking clinics and follow-up. The numbers following each lesson are the video's length in minutes and seconds.
Below the quitting prep videos you'll find "Supplemental Reading." Beneath daily reading you'll find Joel's Daily Quitting Lesson Guide," with a link to quitting Day One.
It may seem like a lot to watch and learn. Baby steps, just one short, empowering lesson at a time, as you ever so gradually become smarter and wiser than your addiction is strong. Yes you can!
Pre-quitting Preparation Videos
Introduction to Joel's stop smoking video library: 10:04
Gallup Poll: Most quitters credit cold turkey: 06:34
How to best utilize these videos: 06:17
Make a list of why you want to quit smoking: 06:10
Quitting is more doable than most people think: 01:42
What is nicotine withdrawal really like? 06:47
The fear of failure: 03:50
The fear of success: 03:04
Tell a newbie how many seconds a day you want a cigarette: 02:57
Should I find a quit smoking buddy? 07:45
"I will quit when ..." 05:44
Everything you did as a smoker you can do as an ex-smoker: 02:56
Being locked up to quit smoking: 06:30
"I can't quit because I am addicted" 09:04
Quitting for others: 05:45
One day at a time: 03:45
Amount smoked: 08:50
"I don't want to see any scary pictures" 09:43
Cold turkey quitting: 05:04
Medication adjustments that may be necessary after smoking cessation: 03:13
"My support group is responsible" 03:37
Are you a nicotine junkie? 06:44
Every quit is different: 02:31
Supplemental Quitting Prep Reading
Daily Quitting Lesson Guide
Joel Spitzer has provided smoking cessation and prevention services since 1972, first as a volunteer speaker and then a member of the professional staff of the American Cancer Society. Later he served as smoking programs coordinator for the Rush North Shore Medical Center's Good Health Program, and then as a consultant for the Skokie Illinois Health Department and the Evanston Department of Health and Human Services, providing state funded smoking cessation clinics and seminars for the two Chicago suburban communities. After nearly 50 years of service, 20 as education director and consultant to WhyQuit, Joel retired on December 26, 2020.