Letter "T" of WhyQuit's nicotine cessation topic index
- Take it one day at a time: JV
- Taking a 21 day challenge to quit smoking
- Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking: JV
- Talking to others about not smoking: JV
- Teaching conventional wisdom at Freedom or Turkeyville: JV
- Tearing down the wall: WQ-E | FFN
- Teenage smoking - frightening trends: JL | Can we stop the rise? JL | Convenience stores: WQ-E
- Tell a newbie how many seconds a day you still want a cigarette: WQ-E | JV | FFN
- Telling others you've quit smoking: JV
- Testimonials: How testimonials regarding quitting can help others to quit: JV
- "Thank goodness it's only cigarette smoking!" JV
- That first subtle "aaah" FFN
- "That's amazing that you didn't smoke" JV
- The advantage of having a difficult time when quitting smoking: JV
- The closet smoker: JV | JL
- The costs of waiting for an easy way to quit: JV
- The fallacy of "good cigarettes" JV
- The fan letter: JL | JV
- The final truth: FFN
- The first cigarette of the day: JV
- The forgotten "You" FFN
- The importance of quitting for yourself: JV
- The importance of the first three days of your quit: JV
- The importance of the day-one playlist: JV
- The isolation of a widowed smoker: JV | JL
- The joy of smoking: FFN
- The Law of Addiction: WQ-E | JV | JV on origin of the Law | FFN
- The lucky ones get hooked: JL | JV
- The monster under the bed: WQ-E
- The one puff files: F
- The power of nicotine addiction: JV
- The real cigarette induced roller coaster ride: JL | JV
- The smell of relapse: JV
- The smoker's vow: JL | YouTube Audio
- The smoking dream: JV
- The teaching of conventional wisdom: JV
- The Surgeon General says: JV
- The terrible threes: JV
- The time for isolation from nicotine is now: WQ-E
- The unconscious mind: FFN
- The urge hits: JV
- The use of scare tactics: JV
- The ways a smoker may trick him or herself back to smoking: JV
- There IS more than one way to quit smoking: JV
- There is no legitimate reason to relapse: JV
- Thinking of quitting? ... But ... WQ-E
- Thinking vs. Wanting: WQ-E
- Thirty year success story: JV
- Thirty (30) years of nicotine gum: JV
- Thoughts that seem worse than the first day's urges: JL |JV
- Three years vs. three days: F
- Timetable of stop smoking benefits: WQ-E
- Tips: JL | JV | WQ-E | FFN
- Tolerance: Can taking a break from smoking help you "get rid of" nicotine tolerance? JV
- Tolerance: nicotine tolerance: JV | FFN
- Tomatoes and nicotine: JV
- Treat quitting smoking as if you are fighting for your life: JV
- Triggers: avoid or attack them? JV | FFN
- Triggers: going to places where you can't smoke when first quitting smoking: JV
- Triggers: holiday triggers: JV
- Triggers: Should I really avoid smoking triggers now that I've quit? JV | Resources related to facing or avoiding triggers: JV
- Triggers - reminders from your executive assistant: F
- Triggers - "Should I avoid or confront them?" JV | FFN
- Triggers: Summer seasonal: JV
- Truth Initiative: Is Truth Initiative truthful about how smokers quit? WQ-E
- Try replacing the word "cigarette" with "nicotine: WQ-E
- Trying: "I'm trying to quit" JV | "I gave up smoking" JV
- Turning the corner ... acceptance: WQ-S
- Turkey's Triumphs - victory messages of hundreds of 1 year quitters: WQ-M
- Turkeyville: WhyQuit's Facebook cold turkey support group: WQ-S | Rules | Contact Staff | Welcome Message: WQ-S | WhyQuit's Gateway: WQ-S
- Turkeyville: the group's rules: WQ-S
- "Thank goodness, it's only cigarette smoking!" F

Letter page created 03/08/21 and last updated 11/01/23
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021
© Joel Spitzer 1982-2021 © WhyQuit 1999-2021 © Freedom from Nicotine 2009-2021