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Cold turkey nicotine cessation motivation, education & support

Firewords going off above row of houses with the caption 2025 Nicotine-Free and Thrivingly Alive.

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Deborah 38 Bryan 33 Noni 32 Brandon 19 Kim 44 Quentin 23 Carrie 33 Sean 18


We Died Young
Why We Died Young
Our Living Nightmare
How Tobacco Destroys the Body
More Truth About Tobacco

Why Quit Smokeless Tobacco?

Youth Nicotine Dependency Prevention


How to Stop Smoking
Successful Quitting's Only Rule

New Quitter Starting Points
Key Recovery Insights
Relapse Prevention
Joel Spitzer: Cessation Educator
On Quitting
Relapse Prevention


Recovery Insights & Support
A Journey from Frantic to Calm
Why Fear Feeling Your Healing?

Cold Turkey Online Support
Unique, education oriented and hyper-focused, Turkeyville is exclusively for cold turkey quitters. Moderated by WhyQuit, the group is 100% nicotine-free. Please do not post any message at Turkeyville if currently using any form of nicotine.

Cold turkey is defined as abruptly ending all use of nicotine without resort to any quitting product, procedure, or crutch substitute.

Additionally, any nicotine relapse - even one puff - instantly revokes Turkeyville posting privileges.
Key Turkeyville & Support Links

Other Free Support Groups
Despite cold turkey being the path taken by the vast majority who successfully arrest their addiction to nicotine, some support groups discourage it, as do nearly all quitlines and government quitting sites. The following groups are supportive of cold turkey:
· Quit Vaping (Reddit)
· Quitting Zyn (Reddit)
· Freedom (Reddit)
· Stop Smoking (Reddit)
· Quit Smoking Support (FB)
· Quit Smoking Cold Turkey (FB)


Short Surveys

Our Free E-books

Smart Turkey by John R. Polito Never Take Another Puff by Joel Spitzer Freedom from Nicotine by John R. Polito.

Link to Joel Spitzer's basic quit smoking video page
500 additional stop smoking videos

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Frequently Asked Questions

Founded in July 1999, WhyQuit is home to cold turkey quitting. While most visitors are trying to stop smoking, millions vaping e-cigs are increasingly discovering that dreams of gradual weaning off nicotine haven't worked. Whether a slave to inhaled or juiced nicotine, WhyQuit's mission remains the same. We're here to share key abrupt nicotine cessation insights, together with as much support and motivation as desired, in assisting you in remaining loyal to your commitment to never take another puff, vape, dip or chew.

So, whether addicted to nicotine from cigarettes, e-cigs, pouches, dip, snus, chewing tobacco, cigars, beedies, a pipe, hookah, or nicotine replacement products such as the gum, lozenge, inhaler, spray or patch, you're in the right place!

Because it works. As the U.S. Surgeon General acknowledged in January 2020, most who successfully quit do so cold turkey "without medications or any type of formal assistance" and at rates "as well or better than those who use over-the-counter NRTs."

Cold turkey is fast, free, safe, effective and highly productive. But don't take our word for it or the Attorney General's. Ask all ex-smoking friends who have not allowed any nicotine into their bloodstream for at least one year how they quit. You'll discover a giant turkey in the room.

Cold turkey is the abrupt and complete cessation of nicotine use, without resort to any quitting product or procedure, including but not limited to: replacement nicotine (the nicotine patch, gum, lozenge, spray or inhaler), any smoking cessation medication (Chantix, Champix or Zyban), any shots, herbs or other pills, any smokeless or other tobacco product, any type of e-cigarette (including reliance upon nicotine-free juices), or any form of hypnosis, acupuncture, or other procedure.

Imagine becoming smarter and wiser than nicotine's grip upon us. Real drug addicts in every sense, we'll never be stronger than nicotine. But then we don't need to be. Nicotine is simply a chemical with an I.Q. of zero. It cannot think, plan, plot or conspire and is not some monster or demon that dwells within. Our greatest weapon has always been our intelligence but only if put to work.

Thousands of WhyQuit links, millions of words, and hundreds of videos, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Don't. In a nutshell, "motivation" is simply about keeping your quitting reasons and dreams robust and fueled, "education" is about understanding exactly what it takes to both succeed and fail (The Law of Addiction), and "support" is about having a place to turn if challenged.

If a newbie, start with the basics: Joel's "How to Quit" video, his Daily Quitting Lesson's Guide, Joel's "Never Take Another Puff" ebook, or John's "Smart Turkey" ebook that will take less than an hour to read. If wishing to go deeper, read John's "Freedom from Nicotine - The Journey Home." ebook. If looking for info on a particular topic, turn to our Topics Index (which also allows search of the entire site) or to our Video Index.

DISCLAIMER: WhyQuit is staffed and its materials authored by professional cessation counselors who are not medically trained physicians. WhyQuit's information is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a site visitor and his/her physician. Do not rely upon any information at this site to replace individual consultations with your doctor or other qualified health care provider.

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©1999-2024 WhyQuit.com - All Rights Reserved
Page created 07/15/1999 & last updated 12/26/24 by John R. Polito