What's New 2015 to 2018
November 2018
- How to help kids stop vaping
October 2018
- Please hold me accountable so I can quit smoking 10/12/18
September 2018
July 2018
Joel's new video:
- "Thank goodness it's only cigarette smoking" 07/06/18
June 2018
- Are your odds improved next time you quit smoking? 06/11/18
Thanks to Nima we now have Persian translations of most of Joel's Reinforcement Articles (06/11/18):
PDF of Chapter 1: PDF of Chapter 2: PDF of Chapter 3: PDF of Chapter 4: PDF of two weight control and two youth prevention articles
May 2018
Joel's new videos:
- "I hate smoking so much that there is no way I could ever go back" 05/22/18
- "You're wasting our money on cigarettes" 05/12/18
- Are additive free cigarettes less addictive? 05/06/18
April 2018
- "I tried your resources once, why should I bother trying them again?" 04/22/18
- Help! It's an emergency. I relapsed! 04/21/18
- You have relapsed--now what? 04/16/18
March 2018
- Using deep breathing as a safe and effective quitting aid 03/20/18
- How long does it take to become re-addicted to nicotine? 03/15/18
- Nicotine tolerance 03/05/18
February 2018
- "If I go back to smoking, I'll just quit again" 02/27/18
- "Why should I quit smoking, I could just get run over by a truck" 02/20/18
- The smell of relapse 02/19/18
- How many ways have you tried to quit smoking? 02/16/18
- Possible voice improvements after quitting smoking 02/15/2018
- Quitting smoking should cost you nothing 02/05/18
- Comparing quitting smoking experiences with others on YouTube blogs 02/04/18
- A 99.9% commitment to quit smoking will fail 02/03/18
January 2018

Freedom's Law of Addiction thread: As explained immediately below, the second Freedom thread to be reformatted and receive a new WhyQuit home is The Law of Addiction.
Tell a newbie how many seconds a day do you still want a cigarette: This year will be devoted to salvaging and restoring as many key Freedom threads as time permits. "Tell a newbie" -- 33 pages in all -- is the first. As you may know, Freedom, WhyQuit's original support group, is no longer accepting members and is winding down. Cold turkey quitters seeking support are encouraged to visit Turkeyville, which, under Joy and Sallie's loving care now has more than 10,000 members.
Freedom's demise is a product of Facebook and Turkeyville's popularity, Freedom's new hosting company demanding substantially more money to keep the site ad free, and electronic migration from MSN to Yuku and now to Tapatalk destroying the formatting of most posts, leaving many in shambles. Restoration and rebuilding of key threads at WhyQuit will be time consuming but worth it.
Joel's January videos:
- "Why do you even try to help THOSE people quit smoking?" 01/27/2018
- My YouTube outreach efforts 01/20/18
- "What withdrawals should I expect when quitting smoking?" 01/14/18
- AskJoel 01/08/18
- "You should retitle that video" 01/06/2018
- Helping others see that thoughts for cigarettes do diminish over time 01/05/18
- New Years 2018 YouTube channel update 01/04/18
- Feeling like you are getting sick after quitting smoking 01/03/18
- It's still cold outside--why this is a bigger problem for smokers than non-smokers 01/02/18
- "It's cold outside, boy do I need a cigarette" 01/01/18
December 2017
Joel's December videos:
- Joel's 2018 New Year's message to smokers
- Is quitting smoking harder than quitting other drugs?
- Fears regarding smoking and quitting
- "You know smoking one or two cigarettes is better than having smoked two or three packs"
- "Just one little puff?"
October 2017
April 2017
- "Will I eventually dislike the smell of cigarette smoke?"
March 2017
- Learning how to comfortably smoke just after meals
- "I am going back to smoking when I'm eighty"
- "You got this"
- "I can't afford to quit smoking"
January 2017
Best way to stop smoking in 2017 - While the biggest quitting day of the year has passed - New Year's - it's never too late to allow today to become the most liberating day of your life.
Joel's New Year's video:
- Are you questioning your New Year's resolution to quit smoking?
November 2016
Chapter 8: The First 72 Hours
- Smart Turkey
- Genuine Commitment
September 2016
August 2016
May 2016
- Curiosity killed the quit - 05/26/16
- "Oops I had a false start" - 05/24/16
- "Don't be so hard on yourself, you're only human" - 05/17/16
- "I quit the wrong way" - 05/13/16
- Showing others that there is life without smoking - 05/09/16
- New video to pass along to your physicians, dentists and other allied health professionals - 05/05/16
- How to help your patients quit smoking - 05/05/16
- When you may really need to talk to your doctor about quitting smoking - 05/04/16
- Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking - 05/03/16
April 2016
- Your first allergy season after quitting smoking - 04/26/16
- Hey, I'm talking to you - 04/13/16
- The pitfalls of forming a buddy system - 04/08/16
- Have you hugged a relapser today? - 04/07/16
- Smokers DON'T have to quit multiple times before they will succeed - 04/01/16
New HTML FFN-TJH topic articles
Chapter 7: Roadmap Overview
- Starting Point
- Ending Use
- Recovery Layers
- Recovery Time Line
March 2016
- "Please don't quit using" - 03/31/16
- Smokers who face even higher risks from smoking - 03/29/16
- "I've relapsed and I hate it" - 03/23/16
- Frequency and duration of thoughts and urges - 03/22/16
- Change of season triggers--the spring - 03/21/16
- "A safer way to smoke?" - 03/20/16
- Cold turkey quitting redefined again - 03/20/16
- Extreme nicotine tolerance - 03/19/16
- "What's the use in quitting now?" - 03/13/16
- The use of scare tactics - 03/11/16
- Should smokers feel "safer" because some non-smokers get lung cancer? - 03/09/16
- "Wish me luck in quitting smoking" - 03/06/16
- For former smokers not celebrating a major milestone today - 03/04/16
- NRT and quitmeters - 03/03/16
- "I will not smoke today" - 03/01/16
New Chapter 6 HTML topic articles
Chapter 6: Common Hazards & Pitfalls
- Early Alcohol Use Risky
- Co-Dependency Concerns
- Avoiding blood sugar swing symptoms
- Your blood caffeine will double
- Avoid Crutches
- Nicotine gum, patch & lozenge a fraud, sham and hoax
- Placebo isn't a quitting method
- Big pharma smoking cessation secrets
- Varenicline: Chantix & Champix
- E-cigarettes: unsafe & unnecessary
- Negative support
- Breathing second-hand smoke
- Bad days & disturbing dreams
- Recovery weight gain
- Recovery weight control
- Menstrual cycle considerations
- "Help me, I'm pregnant and smoking!"
February 2016
- Electronic cigarette users having a harder time when quitting smoking" - 02/27/16
- Limitations with quitmeters - 02/26/16
- "I'm a serial quitter and I want to help people quit smoking" - 02/24/16
- "How can I quit if I live with a smoker?" - 02/22/16
- "I can't quit because..." - 02/20/16
- Quitting in a smoking friendly society - 02/19/16
- "That's amazing that you didn't smoke" - 02/18/16
- "I am afraid I might get addicted to my nicotine replacement therapy" - 02/01/16
Is smoking damaging your thinking and memory? This study reports how each year of smoking makes the smoker's cerebral cortex thinner, reducing their ability to remember, think and reason.
January 2016
New videos added to Joel's Library:
- Do whatever it takes to quit smoking - 01/28/16
- "You will never make it, here have a cigarette" - 01/22/16
- "It's only cigarette smoking, it's not like a crime punishable by death" - 01/20/16
- "I have heard that women don't have much of a chance at successfully quitting smoking" - 01/13/16
- Lung cancer: Isn't there a cure just around the corner? - 01/12/16
- Life goes on without smoking - 01/10/16
- "Members of your site seem too happy" - 01/07/16
- Everyone is different? - 01/06/16
- "I know too much about smoking to ever be able to relapse" - 01/04/16
November 2015
- Does nicotine withdrawal really last for months or years? - 11/18/15
July 2015
- A Pakistan video based on My cigarette, my friend? - 07/04/15
New topic articles from FFN-TJH:
Chapter 4: Use Rationalizations
- Inventing use rationalizations
- "Just one." "Just once."
- "Use relieves stress and anxiety"
- "Nicotine is my friend"
- "I like it." "I love it."
- "I'm just a little bit addicted"
- "I do it for flavor and taste"
- "My coffee won't taste the same"
- "It helps me concentrate"
- "I use to relieve boredom"
- "I do it for pleasure"
- "It's my choice and I choose to use"
- "It's just a nasty little habit"
- "I'll lose my friends"
- "I'm still healthy"
- "I can't stop"
- "I'm fighting monsters and demons"
- "I'd gain weight and that's just as dangerous"
- "I vape e-cigs and they're vastly safer"
- "I can't drink alcohol without using nicotine"
Chapter 5: Packing for the Journey Home
- When to Start Home: Now or Later?
- Pack for Recovery
- Document Your Core Motivations
- Pack Durable Motives
- Pack Patience: One Day at a Time
- One Challenge at a Time
- Journey Patience
- Pack a Positive Attitude
- The Value of Documenting Your Journey
- Using Ex-users for Refueling
- Using Users & Never-users for Refueling
- Using Marketing to Boost Resolve
- Using Society's Use Controls as Fuel
- Using "You" to Re-fuel Determination
- Using the Internet to Keep Recovery Fueled
- Destroy All Remaining Nicotine
June 2015
Chapter 1: Nicotine Addiction 101
- That first subtle "aaah"
- Chemical slavery's onset
- Tolerance
- What is nicotine?
- As addictive as heroin?
- Addiction not news to tobacco industry
- Freedom starts with admitting addiction
Chapter 2: The Law of Addiction
- The Law defined
- The Law of Addiction reflected in studies
- Missed relapse lesson
Chapter 3: Quitting "You"
- Recovery instead of quitting
- An infected life
- Forgotten breathing & endurance
- Forgotten sensitivities
- Forgotten mealtime
Portuguese "I smoke because I'm a smokeaholic": Thanks to M.Violante, another volunteer translator, the first of hopefully many HTML translations of Joel's articles has arrived.
May 2015
New videos added to Joel's Library:
- "I've read so much about the dangers of smoking I've come to the only logical conclusion..." - 05/08/15
- "I am the only smoker I know" - 05/6/15
April 2015
- Relapses are not determined by how you quit smoking - 04/21/15
- The Law of Addiction - 04/16/15
- Quitting smoking can be a very lonely experience - 04/14/15
- "I will quit when I finish this pack" - 04/12/15
- The advantage of having a difficult time when quitting smoking - 04/10/15
- The real cigarette induced "roller coaster" ride - 04/09/15
- Are people doomed to fail if they don't get professional help to quit smoking? - 04/08/15
- Quitting smoking is a simple process - 04/07/15
March 2015
Nicotine Cessation: Lost in the Deserts of Abu Dhabi: Smoking cessation hopelessly lost, it's totally appropriate that the 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) is being held in the desert.
New videos added to Joel's Library:
- Videos to watch to enhance your ability to quit smoking - 03/20/15
- My goals for the resources I produce to help people to quit smoking - 03/19/15
- Do you really need to want to quit more than you want to smoke? - 03/18/15
- Make sure your quit is not contingent on others - 03/17/15
- Going to places where you can't smoke when first quitting smoking - 03/16/15
- Why I recommend cranberry juice when first quitting smoking - 03/13/15
- How quitting smoking is like learning to ride a bicycle - 03/12/15
- Life as a smoker is a balancing act - 03/11/15
- I'd rather be a little overweight and not smoking than underweight and dead! - 03/10/15
February 2015
- A 100% guaranteed way to successfully quit smoking - 02/25/15
- Treat quitting smoking as if you are fighting for your life - 02/24/15
- Some people won't be happy until they relapse... - 02/23/15
- The danger of using Internet quit sites as a crutch to quit smoking - 02/15/15
- Update to video "Premature deaths caused by smoking" - 02/12/15
January 2015
New videos added to Joel's Library:
- "My smoking helps me to breathe better" - 01/26/15
- "I will control my smoking now" - 01/15/15
- Does it take 21 days to break the smoking "habit"? - 01/11/15